Recent papers in Editing
In this paper we elucidate the patterns of behavior of home movie makers through a study of 12 families and a separate focus group of 7 teenagers. Analogous to a similar study of photowork (13), the goal is to provide a deeper... more
Machine Translation (MT) has experienced remarkable improvements and consequently grown in popularity of late. It now functions not only as an end in itself but also as a valuable asset to be exploited by translators in the promising... more
Through the nightclub sequence, we analyze how, during ten minutes, the building of suspense is made, which never falls and does not lose its intensity at any time, particularly thanks to a very specific type of editing. Also, this... more
Artykuły zebrane w tym tomie dotyczą przestrzennych aspektów zjawisk i proce sów zachodzących w miastach i strefach podmiejskich. Większa część tych zagadnień była prezentowana w czasie IV Konferencji "Miasta w okresie przemian", którą... more
This final volume of a five-volume report on instructional programs for handicapped children and youth in separate day and residential facilities throughout the United States provides additional documentation on the two surrlys used in... more
Manual de FinalCut para el grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas que se imparte en la Universidad de Alicante.
Bağımsız Editörler Platformu’nun (BEP) 08 Ekim 2020’de internet üzerinden yaptığı aylık toplantıda Dr. Harun Tuncer, tarih editörlüğünü anlattı. Tarih editörlüğü nedir, bir tarih editörünün taşıması gereken özellikler nelerdir,... more
Though information architecture (IA) has been represented in Wikipedia since 2003, subject coverage remains inadequate. Without current, academically oriented information and references, the article fails to meet quality standards. A... more
Cold recycling technology with mineral-cement-emulsion mixtures (MCEM) consists of the milling of worn road asphalt layers and shuffle got crumbled material, called the RAP, with new broken aggregate, cement and asphalt emulsion in... more
This is an introduction especially for university students. It contains all you need to know in order to format a thesis in the shortest possible time. The course, including online practice, takes at most four hours. Best if you follow... more
Modern use of petroleum-derived oils as agricultural crop protectants dates back to the 1800s, but it was not until the latter half of the 20th century that advances in petroleum chemistry allowed substantial modification and... more
The goal of this study was to design and evaluate fluency-based training units to help students eliminate inconcision. Participants first completed a 1.5-hr lesson on writing concisely and then a 5-min test during which they edited... more
El libro que el lector tiene ante sí es un hito en el modesto mundo editorial venezolano, porque hemos querido que este manual vaya más allá de un mero repositorio de normas estilísticas, lingüísticas y editoriales que tanto los autores... more
The purpose of this research was to firstly develop a protocol for video recording student group oral presentations, for later viewing and self-assessment by student group members. Secondly, evaluations of students' experiences of this... more
Jeg vil i denne opgave omskrive Hanne Vibeke Holsts tekst ”Du er fucking sexistisk, Niarn!” og ændre genren fra debatindlæg til kronik med det formål at forbedre teksten og styrke Hanne Vibeke Holsts argumenter. Jeg vil ændre... more
O presente volume reúne toda a poesia e prosa de Campos, agora com ortografia actualizada, incluindo a «Ode Triunfal», a «Tabacaria» e a hagiografia laica de Caeiro. Campos escreveu ainda cartas e avisos incendiários, deu entrevistas e... more
This paper describes a new software tool that addresses the deficiencies in the conventional text-based approach towards assembly language programming. The tool presents assembly codes in the form of hierarchical flow charts, whereby each... more
seconda parte del corso di scrittura creativa centrata sul genere letterario della autobiografia
Manual de DaVinci para el grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas que se imparte en la Universidad de Alicante
Significance of proofreading If a paper is not proofread meticulously before it is submitted, it will earn poor marks due to careless mistakes including misspelled words, typo errors, misplaced commas, a problem with subject-verb... more
Fotoğrafın icadı, ilk filmleri olanaklı kılan bir dizi keşfi başlatmıştır. Nitekim sinemacılar ilk filmleri oluştururken çoğunlukla basit bir yol izlemiştir: Çekim için ilginç bir konu bulunmuş ve olayların yalın halleri kayıt altına... more
Este artigo analisa os aspectos estruturais e narrativos do fotolivro Illustrated People, de Thomas Mailaender - ganhador do prêmio de melhor fotolivro no Photobook Awards em 2015 - e o impacto destes elementos em sua recepção crítica.... more
Antonio Pigliaru (Orune 1922 - Sassari 1969), intellettuale multiforme di profonda e moderna ispirazione, è stato anche un innovativo docente universitario (negli ultimi anni della sua breve esistenza fu professore di Dottrina dello Stato... more
Tempat PKL Terbaik, Tempat PKL Di Jakarta, Tempat PKL 2018, Tempat PKL SMK Di Bekasi, Tempat PKL Terbaik Di Jakarta. Untuk Info lebih lanjut, Hubungi segera ke David Silaen Komp. Bukit Kencana 3, Blok D No:6 Jatimakmur, Pondok Gede,... more
Video self-modeling (VSM) first appeared on the psychology and education stage in the early 1970s. The practical applications of VSM were limited by lack of access to tools for editing video, which is necessary for almost all... more
Sugli ebook "aumentati" e per estensione sulle applicazioni per i magazine digitali si articola più di un dibattito che alterna grandi speranze e sconsolate profezie di fallimento. Le potenzialità dei digital media per tablet e smartphone... more
This article urges counseling psychology researchers to recognize and report how missing data are handled, because consumers of research cannot accurately interpret findings without knowing the amount and pattern of missing data or the... more
The first section of,this monograph on community newspapers desdribes the patterns and trends of *grassroots journalism" in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. Based on interviews yith 37 newspaper editors, the following topics are covered:... more
Nella vita, fortunatamente, esistono: le coincidenze, i colpi di fortuna, le illuminazioni. Nella narrativa no. Dobbiamo far scaturire un evento sempre come conseguenza di un altro, innescando un meccanismo di causa-effetto. Perché? Per... more
Writing Workshop is an interactive approach to teaching writing as students learn and practice the importance of rehearsal, drafting/revising, and editing their pieces of writing . This study implemented a mixed methodology design... more
Kiedy rozważam teraz, skąd wziął się mój zamysł lepienia fragmentów, zmuszony jestem przyznać się: z ro z p a c z liw ej n ie w y s ta rc z a ln o ś c i ję z y k a , z wiedzy o tym, że rzeczywistość opisana, namalowana jest zupełnie inna... more
Machine Translation (MT) has experienced remarkable improvements and consequently grown in popularity of late. It now functions not only as an end in itself but also as a valuable asset to be exploited by translators in the promising... more
Adendo do tutorial do software Adobe Premiere CS4 no quesito exportação e codecs. Esse passo-a-passo também funciona para os programas CS5 e CS6.
Inicio de una serie de reflexiones acerca del fotolibro a partir de la relación que el lector entabla con el objeto, tomando en cuenta sus dimensiones físicas, en un contexto en el que la dimensión digital ha provocado cambios en su... more
במה שונה תרגום מאמרים הנדסי מתרגום מאמרים ספרותי? הרי בשני המקרים מדובר במילים, לא? במאמרו המשכנע על תרגום טכני, טוען קווין הנדזל כי תרגום אינו עוסק "במילים בלבד. הוא עוסק בתפקידן של המילים." לדוגמה, מתרגם שאינו יודע למה מתייחס המונח... more