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Jungians and Christians use the word evil in different and contradictory senses. The moral aim of the Jungian is the "integration of evil", whereas for the Christian it is "the overcoming of evil by good". This paper guides the reader... more
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      AristotleThomas AquinasCarl G. JungProblem of Evil
La revista Destellos cuyo primer número presentamos en esta ocasión es uno de los resultados del Seminario de Pensamiento en Español que un grupo de profesores fundamos en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional... more
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      Social ChangePolitical EconomyHermeneuticsSilence
Dans cet article historicobiographique de l’imaginal corbinien, il est question de l’influence d’Alexandre Koyré et de l’importance de l’univers intellectuel et spirituel du Cercle Eranos.
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      Carl G. JungHenry CorbinEranosKoyré
This paper considers Jung’s lifelong engagement with the phenomenon of religion. More specifically, it examines the development of his theories in relation to the stages of his life and how religion gradually assumed a definite place in... more
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      Psychology of ReligionJungian psychology (Religion)Carl G. JungAnalytical Psychology
This dissertation discusses the political thought of five right-wing European thinkers of the twentieth and early twenty-first century: René Guénon (1886-1951), Julius Evola (1898-1974), Mircea Eliade (1907-1986), Alain de Benoist (b.... more
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      Comparative ReligionPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryFascism
A partir de los análisis del Círculo de Eranos, aunque sin tematizarlos en sí mismos, el artículo se plantea como objetivo exponer la noción eranosiana de símbolo que, a modo de fundamento, permita pensar la experiencia intercultural.
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Academics tend to look on 'esoteric', 'occult' or 'magical' beliefs with contempt, but are usually ignorant about the religious and philosophical traditions to which these terms refer, or their relevance to intellectual history. Wouter... more
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      PsychologyRomanticismPsychotherapyPopular Culture
The annual Eranos conference in Ascona, Switzerland, contributed immensely to discourse about religion and spirituality from its inception in 1933. These gatherings, which revolved largely around the psychologist Carl Jung, investigated... more
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      History of ReligionPsychology of ReligionEmbodimentMartin Buber
ASDIWAL. Revue genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions is an international, no-fee, green access, pluri-lingual, peer-reviewed academic journal. Founded in 2006, the journal has become an important voice in the study of... more
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      AnthropologyHistory of ReligionSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAncient Mediterranean Religions
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      HermeneuticsGilbert DurandEranos
Distribution électronique pour Société d'études soréliennes. © Société d'études soréliennes. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryBiographyRomanian Literature
This chapter focuses on Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) and Adolf Portmann (1897-1982), two prominent figures in the intellectual discussion club called Eranos. I will outline how the nature of the Eranos platform broadened from the... more
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      EranosC.G. JungAesthetics - Adolf Portmann - zoology - Living forms
After the fall of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), the Classic of Changes (Yijing 易經), an ancient divinatory and cosmological text that for over two millennia was regarded as one of the main works of Chinese thought, received a new... more
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      Intellectual HistoryJungian psychologyI ChingInterculturality
El artículo pretende, en el marco del enorme trabajo del Círculo de Eranos, ofrecer un análisis sobre la noción de conciencia simbólica y el rol que ésta desempeña en el juego de las redundancias míticas y la configuración de la simbólica... more
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      German LiteraturePhilosophy Of ReligionGerman RomanticismKabbalah
Henry Corbin a rencontré Jung à de multiples reprises, avant de prendre sa succession, lors des rencontres d’Ascona, en Suisse italienne, où se sont réunis pendant des années les plus grands spécialistes mondiaux de l’expérience... more
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      Carl G. JungSergei BulgakovHenry CorbinCarl Gustav Jung
El artículo tiene como propósito analizar la estructura de la hermenéutica eranosiana de los símbolos. Luego de una breve reseña de la historia de Eranos, que por una lado familiariza al lector con el grupo y por otro lado esboza el... more
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      HermeneuticsGilbert DurandEranos
In diesem Vortrag, der während der ERANOS-Tagung 2001 in Ascona (auf dem Monte Verità) gehalten wurde, wird versucht, die Gestalt des fast vergessenen Mystikers und Propheten Ludwig Derleth der Vergessenheit zu entreißen. Es geht zunächst... more
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      Philosophical TheologyThomas MannMysticismHistory of Religions
Il presente articolo, dedicato al tema "Inerzia e Trasformazione", ospita il prezioso contributo della Prof.ssa Maria Pia Rosati, laureata in lettere classiche e in psicologia, ha insegnato lettere nei licei, Psicoterapia analitica presso... more
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      AlchemyHenry CorbinRigvedaErwin Panofsky
Note: this conference was cancelled due to COVID-19.
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      History of ReligionTheory of ReligionJungian psychologyJungian psychology (Religion)
23 Und er stand in jener Nacht auf, nahm seine beiden Frauen, seine beiden Mägde und seine elf Söhne und zog über die Furt des Jabbok; 24 und er nahm sie und führte sie über den Fluss und führte hinüber, was er hatte. 25 Und Jakob blieb... more
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      Jungian psychologyJungian psychology (Religion)PatriarchyDream Interpretation
Se ofrece al lector un breve resumen de la hermenéutica realizada por el Círculo de Eranos durante varias décadas.
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      Hermenéutica SimbólicaEranosSimbologiaSimbología Religiosa
Luigi Pericle belongs to that group of 20th century artists and writers who entrusted their work to what could be defined as “posthumousness”. Posthumousness manifests itself when an author does not wish or is unable to have their work... more
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      Contemporary ArtSpiritualityAbstract ArtModern Art
It has long been supposed that the Gospel of Thomas originated in Edessa. Recent scholarship, however, has troubled this consensus, occasioning a reflection on the emergence and notable durability of the idea. In this article, I analyze... more
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      AsceticismEarly ChristianityEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureOrientalism
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      GnosticismHistory of ReligionsCarl G. JungReligious Studies
Dieses Buch erkundet das weite Feld der sinnbildlichen Erfahrung anhand zweier Grundfragen: Was ist es, was wir dabei erfahren? Wie kommt man zu diesem Erlebnis? In Bezug auf die erste Frage d.i. die Frage nach dem intentionalen Objekt,... more
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      Edmund HusserlFenomenologíaEranosSímbolos
Type de publication: Article de collectif Collectif: L'Histoire du concept d'imagination en France (de 1918 à nos jours) Auteur: Proulx (D.) Résumé: Henry Corbin (1903-1978) est un acteur important de la reconquête de l'imagination au XX... more
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      Carl G. JungHenry CorbinEranosKoyré
The sophistic fragment known as the Dissoi logoi typically provokes one of two types of interpretations. Traditionally, it has been read as a confused jumble of different Greek dialects and fallacious, often self-contra- dictory,... more
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      PhilosophyHistory of LogicAncient Greek PhilosophySophists
Frente a los sentidos peyorativos que históricamente se le han asignado a lo mítico, la presente reflexión pretende revaluar esta categoría, expandiendo su horizonte de comprensión, de modo que lo mítico no se reduce a narraciones acerca... more
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In diesem Beitrag wird die Vorgeschichte des Eranos-Kreises in Ascona untersucht. Einer der wesentlichen Anreger dieses für die europäische Geistesgeschichte bedeutsamen Kreises war der Münchener Kosmiker Ludwig Derleth, dessen Beziehung... more
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      History of ReligionsWestern Esotericism (History)Neo-Paganism and Western EsotericismWestern Esotericism
Luigi Pericle appartiene alla composita famiglia di artisti e letterati del Novecento che hanno affidato la loro opera a quella che potremmo definire la “spinta postuma”. La spinta postuma si presenta quando un autore non desidera o non è... more
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      Sri AurobindoTeosofíaArte ContemporaneaCarl Gustav Jung
Oltre la resilienza, la rinascita. Fabiano Corsini Si fa largo uso del termine "resilienza" perdonandogli la componente regressiva implicita nel suo signifcato. La pandemia induce oggi a pensare al futuro prossimo marcandolo con una... more
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      ZoologyPhilosophical AnthropologyMorphologyHelmuth Plessner
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      Max WeberEranosReligionsgeschichteHeidelberg
Olga Fröbe- Kapteyn founded Eranos in 1933, on the shore of Lake Maggiore. A unique meeting place for Eastern and Western ideas, aiming to reestablish connection to human kind's myths and symbols and man's eternal quest for meaning.
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      Art HistoryHistory of IdeasHistory of ReligionHistory Of Psychology
Book Review: Corbin, Henry: Acerca de Jung. El Buddhismo y la Sophia. Revista Razón y Fe, vol. 273, nº. 1407, págs. 79-78, Madrid, Enero 2016.
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      SpiritualityJungian psychologyCarl G. JungEranos
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    • Eranos
Programmaa del Convegno Eranos, Ascona (Svizzera) settembre 2021.
Titolo: Legàmi. Forma e destino delle relazioni nell'epoca dell'autoreferenzialità: la sfida della comunità da riscoprire.
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    • Eranos
"Matthias Riedl/Tilo Schabert, Hrsg. Propheten und Prophezeiungen – Prophets and Prophecies 227 Seiten. Broschur mit Fadenheftung Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2005 ISBN 3-8260-2253-X Reihe: ERANOS – Neue Folge, Band 12... more
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      Comparative ReligionPlatoEschatology and ApocalypticismIslamic Studies
"""Elisabetta Barone/Matthias Riedl/Alexandra Tischel, Hrsg. Pioniere, Poeten, Professoren Eranos und der Monte Verità in der Zivilisationsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts 260 Seiten. Broschur mit Fadenheftung Würzburg: Königshausen &... more
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      Comparative ReligionCultural HistoryThomas MannAlchemy