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Understanding people’s face-to-face interactions is crucial for effective infectious disease management. Traditional contact tracing, often relying on interviews or smartphone applications, faces limitations such as incomplete recall, low... more
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      MozambiqueFace-to-Face CommunicationCall Detail Records (CDR)Contact Tracing
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      LeadershipPolitical ScienceConfidenceNational
This study examines the pragmatic role of ostensible lies-communicative acts in which falsehoods are mutually recognized but strategically presented as truth-in academic interactions within Jordanian culture. The problem addressed is the... more
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      CommunicationLinguistic PolitenessHigher EducationDeception / Lying (Deception Lying)
This study investigated the influence of physical and virtual learning spaces on students’ socialization into future professions while attending a modern university. Qualitative analysis of an undergraduate liberal arts program that... more
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      CommunicationTeaching and LearningEducationHigher Education
This study investigated the influence of physical and virtual learning spaces on interactive learning in a college and university setting. Qualitative analysis of an undergraduate liberal arts program that employs the use of roundtable... more
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      CommunicationTeaching and LearningInterpersonal CommunicationHigher Education
A microrregião Bragantina constitui uma das mais antigas áreas de colonização da Amazônia, processo ocorrido com a consolidação da estrada de ferro Belém-Bragança, em fins do século XIX. Neste trabalho, são avaliadas a dinâmica do uso da... more
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      LinguisticsSpeech Act TheoryPlayful InteractionPlayfulness
L´interdisciplinarité c´était une revendication importante à 1968, donc beaucoup d´équipes de recherche se sont crées à cette époque, après 68, et il y avait un "I" dedans.
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    • Geografia
Outrora, parte do imperio espanhol na America, o estado do Mato Grosso do Sul e integrado hoje, entre outros, pelo povo Terena. Para os desavisados, um povo que perdeu! Perdeu sua cultura, sua lingua, sua historia. Mas a epigrafe acima de... more
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Politicians' greetings are usually studied for their symbolic significance as media events rather than as interactional practices. This article uses conversation analysis to study the greetings that occur just before the start of a... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyCognitive ScienceConversation Analysis
Der Beitrag behandelt das Thema der pragmatischen Kompetenz im Fremdsprachenunterricht am Beispiel von humorigen Handlungen im unterrichtlichen Rahmen. Im Artikel werden Beispiele auf Deutsch und Russisch zum Verständnis von Humor und... more
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      PragmaticsHumor StudiesGerman as a Foreign LanguageDaF/DaZ
The paper aims to reach the perceptions thus the ideas/intentions of higher education adolescences on the effects of technological innovations over relationships/ communication among individuals. As technological advancement universally... more
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    • Face-to-Face Communication
В музыкальной теории XXI в. термины «гомофонный» и «гомофонический» используются на равных правах. Кроме того, в некоторых музыковедческих работах отмечается, что термин «гомофонный» или «гомофонно-гармонический» является устаревшим, либо... more
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Background: Facial expression recognition is a challenging field, evident by the ineffectiveness of current state-of-the-art techniques that aim to classify facial expressions. Despite showing high levels of accuracy, these methods... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceF Mri ResearchConvolutional Neural Network
Texto de apresentação para o Dossiê 22-3, Projeto Capes/PrInt.
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    • Diadorim
Die Verhältnisse zwischen den Menschen sind sehr komplex und wichtig; menschliche Eigenschaften und Handlungen, Blicke und Geste-all diese können einen Code, ein Modell, einen zwischenmenschlichen Kommunikationsstil erschaffen. Die... more
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Communication patterns are an integral component of activity patterns and the travel induced by these activities. The present study aims to understand the determinants of the communication patterns (by the modes face-to-face, phone,... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceExtreme Value Theory
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    • Sociology
This paper recounts the process by which a severely reading-disabled adult student taught himself to read and write Ancient Greek, and in so doing, improved his ability to read and write in English. Initially, Keith's reading and writing... more
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    • Ancient Greek Language
O tempo, nos estudos de Comunicação, não é explicitamente problematizado em sua dimensão constitutiva dos fenômenos interacionais, ou, mais ainda, como variável de toda a ação e da própria existência. Nota-se, com muita frequencia, sua... more
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This article outlines the evolution and development of Victim Offender Dialogue now seen as a growing part of the Restorative Justice movement worldwide. A case study outlines the rationale given by both victims and offender for... more
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      PsychologyTransformational LeadershipRestorative JusticeForgiveness
Partial subtle mirroring of nonverbal behaviors during conversations (also known as mimicking or parallel empathy), is essential for rapport building, which in turn is essential for optimal humanhuman communication outcomes. Mirroring has... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionGestureEmbodied Cognition
A preparacao de materiais de alfabetizacao em linguas indigenas e um processo complexo que requer a sobreposicao de conhecimentos linguisticos, antropologicos e educacionais. Este trabalho reporta uma colaboracao entre linguistas e... more
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During the early modern period in England, the temporal characteristics of reality are being corrected. The idea of the gradual decline of the world and the coming end of the world is replaced by the dominance of the idea of gradual... more
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      Temporality (Time Studies)Board GamesHistorical GamesBiblical Symbolism of Numbers
As expressões idiomáticas se fazem presentes quando termos ou frases assumem um significado diferente de quando são analisados por uma perspectiva isolada, isto é, a interpretação é captada de forma global pela soma das palavras. Devido a... more
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As expressões idiomáticas se fazem presentes quando termos ou frases assumem um significado diferente de quando são analisados por uma perspectiva isolada, isto é, a interpretação é captada de forma global pela soma das palavras. Devido a... more
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Este artigo aborda três pesquisas envolvendo Linguística de Corpus e Terminologia Bilíngue Alemão/Português com uso do Programa AntConc. Na primeira, objetivou-se extrair termos de Economia em jornais eletrônicos alemães; na segunda e na... more
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      Computer ScienceHumanitiesArtLinguistics
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The earliest studies by transportation researchers focus largely on the effect of telecommuting on travel behaviour. Several of them used the geo coded activity-travel data to assess the impact of home-based telecommuting on Chapter 2... more
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      BusinessInformation and Communications Technology
This paper explores how students communicate, comparing face-to-face and digital interactions. It discusses the lively and expressive nature of in-person chats versus the quick and concise online conversations. The author shares their... more
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      Face-to-Face CommunicationDigital CommunicationPsychology of Communication
When I carry out face-to-face interpersonal communication and digital interpersonal communication. The differences between these two modes become increasingly clear. I hope to dig deeper into the unique qualities and challenges each... more
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      CommunicationInterpersonal CommunicationFace-to-Face CommunicationDigital Communication
Lecturing still remains today the most common form of teaching in Higher Education notwithstanding its critics. Giving lectures has both strengths and limitations. This paper reports on the outcomes of a study that investigates the... more
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      SociologyHigher EducationMathematics EducationFocus Group
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Acta Académica es un proyecto académico sin fines de lucro enmarcado en la iniciativa de acceso abierto. Acta Académica fue creado para facilitar a investigadores de todo el mundo el compartir su producción académica. Para crear un perfil... more
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    • Geography
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Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
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Construcción del significado de cuerpo en niños y niñas con labio fisurado y/o paladar hendido
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Goffman's analytic framework can provide tools useful for a critical theory of modern society. While commentators have remarked on Goffman's apparent technical neutrality, a sociology of humor can help reveal his critical thrust. Using a... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEpistemologyDramaturgy
Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0), sendo permitidas reprodução, adaptação e distribuição desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados.
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Este artigo trata, à luz da Teoria da Metáfora Conceptual, defendida por Lakoff e Johnson (2002), duas questões cruciais para aqueles que se dedicam à interpretação e tradução de outras línguas e culturas: a) se as metáforas realmente... more
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RESUMO: As línguas indígenas brasileiras têm recebido maior atenção da Linguística nos últimos anos, contudo, estamos longe de dar a elas um tratamento condizente com a necessidade de seu conhecimento e de sua documentação. Assim, no... more
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    • Philosophy
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      HumanitiesArtLingua FrancaOrthography
Este artigo aborda três pesquisas envolvendo Linguística de Corpus e Terminologia Bilíngue Alemão/Português com uso do Programa AntConc. Na primeira, objetivou-se extrair termos de Economia em jornais eletrônicos alemães; na segunda e na... more
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      Computer SciencePhilosophyHumanitiesArt
An increasing amount of research has been carried out on Facial Emotion Recognition in the past few decades, due to its significant impact on Human-Computer interaction. Recognition of Facial expressions are essential for a variety of... more
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      Machine LearningFacial Expressions and Emotions