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The Indochinese clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) was recently declared extinct in Taiwan but is a potential candidate for reintroduction. We assessed the level of public support for reintroduction and the value of clouded leopards to... more
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      Human EcologyGeographyConservation BiologyRestoration Ecology
Aim: Reliable estimates of population density are fundamental to wildlife conservation and management. Although the leopard cat is the most common and widespread wild felid in China, little is known about the ecology and population... more
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      Conservation BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementBiodiversityCarnivora
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      EcologyFelidaeFelidsLeopardus wiedii
The Sunda clouded leopard Neofelis diardi is a medium sized (15–25 kg) cat, found only on the Sundaic islands of Borneo and Sumatra. In recent years intensive camera-trapping surveys in Borneo have begun to shed light on the habitat... more
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      GeographyConservation BiologyBiologyEcology
Knowledge about the current distribution of threatened and/or understudied species is a fundamental component of conservation biology. Mapping species distributions based on recent known occurrences is particularly important for those... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsPredator-Prey InteractionsCarnivoraEcological Niche Modeling
Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) and caracals (Caracal caracal) have been used for hunting in the Near and the Middle East since antiquity. In Iran and India the caracal was mainly trained for hunting birds, but in Europe this practice was... more
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      Large CarnivoresHistory of ZoologyFelidsWild Felids
1. The ecology of the jaguarundi is poorly known, so I reviewed the literature for all original data and remarks on jaguarundi observations, ecology, and behaviour, to synthesize what is known about the species. 2. Jaguarundis occupy and... more
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      Central America and MexicoNatural HistoryCarnivoraFelidae
En 2009 se inicio el PROYECTO PUMA DE LAS PAMPAS. De un desconocimiento total acerca del estatus de la especie en la ecorregion pampeana al inicio de las investigaciones, se paso a conocer la existencia de poblaciones en en unos 70... more
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      Animal ScienceAnimal BehaviorCarnivore EcologyHuman-wildlife conflicts
Livestock predation is one of the main types of conflict between felids and rural communities, resulting in negative effects on human livelihoods and the elimination of predators. It is therefore important to evaluate in the field the... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcologyHuman-Wildlife ConflictFelids
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      SystematicsPleistoceneSouth AmericaFelids
Despite the growing body of literature examining the welfare of zoo-housed animals, little standardized work has been published on the effect of construction and environmental disruption on the physiology and behavior of affected animals.... more
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Para evitar maiores perdas de biodiversidade, é necessário direcionar esforços para diversas áreas da conservação, como a reprodução em cativeiro. O maior obstáculo, porém, nessa abordagem, é a condição de estresse crônico que diversos... more
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      Environmental EducationConservation BiologyBiodiversityWildlife Conservation
Previous studies have emphasized the overlap in bone modifications by different types of carnivores. However, the documented overlap is not enough to prevent taphonomists from differentiating among carnivore types (e.g., felids, hyaenids... more
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      TaphonomyGiacomo LeopardiCrocuta crocutaCarnivores
Habitat characteristics and human activities are known to play a major role in the occupancy of jaguars Panthera onca across their range, however the key variables influencing jaguar distribution in Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica,... more
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      Population DynamicsCosta RicaPopulation DensityJaguar Ecology and Conservation
Resumen: El conflicto felinos-humanos es una de las problemáticas más importantes en la conservación de los felinos silvestres. Para el Caribe esta problemática ha venido en aumento por lo que es un aspecto fundamental del PCFC. Se... more
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      Jaguar Ecology and ConservationFelids
Cave lions (Panthera spelaea), which spread throughout Western Europe for several thousand years, disappeared approximately 14 000-14 500 years ago. They were supposedly replaced by modern lions (Panthera leo) approximately 8000 years... more
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      PalaeontologyCarnivoresPanthera LeoFelids
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      Urban Biodiversity ConservationUrban EcologyBangladeshHuman-wildlife conflicts
Actualmente las áreas urbanas se encuentran en un rápido crecimiento espacial y demográfico, impactando el funcionamiento del ecosistema natural en que estas se asientan al disminuir la cantidad y calidad de las zonas verdes (Sorensen et... more
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La tafonomía actualista constituye una poderosa herramienta para evaluar el rol de los carnívoros como formadores activos del registro fósil. Caracterizar la firma tafonómica de diferentes depredadores es clave para interpretar los... more
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      TaphonomyCarnivore EcologyLarge CarnivoresCarnivore Taphonomy
We documented the first record of jaguar (Panthera onca) in the state of Hidalgo, México. With this record, the gap in the distribution of jaguar between San Luis Potosí and northwestern Puebla is reduced. In July 2013, we found 2 tracks... more
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Previous studies have emphasized the overlap in bone modifications by different types of carnivores. However, the documented overlap is not enough to prevent taphonomists from differentiating among carnivore types (e.g., felids, hyaenids... more
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      TaphonomyGiacomo LeopardiCrocuta crocutaCarnivores
Para evitar maiores perdas de biodiversidade, é necessário direcionar esforços para diversas áreas da conservação, como a reprodução em cativeiro. O maior obstáculo, porém, nessa abordagem, é a condição de estresse crônico que diversos... more
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      Environmental EducationConservation BiologyBiodiversityWildlife Conservation
The Sunda clouded leopard Neofelis diardi is a medium sized (15-25 kg) cat, found only on the Sundaic islands of Borneo and Sumatra. In recent years intensive camera-trapping surveys in Borneo have begun to shed light on the habitat... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsSoutheast AsiaCarnivoraFelidae
The Sunda clouded leopard Neofelis diardi is a medium sized (15–25 kg) cat, found only on the Sundaic islands of Borneo and Sumatra. In recent years intensive camera-trapping surveys in Borneo have begun to shed light on the habitat... more
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      GeographyConservation BiologyBiologyEcology
Efforts in different areas of conservation, like captive breeding, are extremely important to avoid further loss of biodiversity. The biggest obstacle in this approach however, is the condition of chronic stress that several animals... more
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      Environmental EducationConservation BiologyBiodiversityWildlife Conservation
Theoretical and empirical evidence suggests that the ecological niche of species tends to be conservative over evolutionary time in many taxonomic groups, thus representing long-term stable constraints on species geographic distributions.... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyConservation BiologyConservationEvolution
Services (IPBES) could integrate these issues. It is clear there is still scope for better definition of the UNCCD's scientific needs and the gaps in existing mechanisms. An ad hoc working group on scientific advice was established. The... more
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      ZoologyEnvironmental EducationConservation BiologyConservation
The Indochinese clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) was recently declared extinct in Taiwan but is a potential candidate for reintroduction. We assessed the level of public support for reintroduction and the value of clouded leopards to... more
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      Human EcologyGeographyConservation BiologyRestoration Ecology
Knowledge about the pumaPuma concolorin the Mediterranean Andes of South America is scarce, with little information available about its distribution and ecology. The species has been hunted in the region for centuries and seems to be... more
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyConservationEcology
Protected areas play important roles for protecting many endangered species in Indonesia. However, very limited information regarding roles of protected areas and non-protected areas for supporting the habitat of less-concerned carnivores... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsForest FragmentationCarnivoraCarnivore Ecology
The small felids deal different threats to its conservation such as deforestation,use as pets, retali-ation, direct hunting and for human consumption. Nevertheless, this threat is poorly documented, in Colombia, the consumption of meat... more
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Protected areas play important roles for protecting many endangered species in Indonesia. However, very limited information exists regarding the roles of protected areas and non-protected areas in supporting the habitat of less-concerned... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsForest FragmentationCarnivoraCarnivore Ecology
El conocimiento de las especies presentes en un lugar es la información básica necesaria destinadas a planificar acciones para la conservación de la biodiversidad, principalmente en especies con problemas de conservación (Sodhi & Ehrlich,... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementEcologyChileWildlife Conservation
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      Conservation BiologyFelidsSierra Nevada de Santa Marta
complemented by 18 performance indicators on responses such as financing, science, education and capacity. These were trialled by all Parties (193 countries and the European Union) in 2010 within the Performance Review and Assessment of... more
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      ZoologyEnvironmental EducationConservation BiologyConservation
The Indochinese clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) was recently declared extinct in Taiwan but is a potential candidate for reintroduction. We assessed the level of public support for reintroduction and the value of clouded leopards to... more
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      Human EcologyConservation BiologyRestoration EcologyCarnivora
Plan de Conservación de Felinos del Caribe colombiano: Los felinos y su papel en la planificación regional integral basada en especies clave.
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      Conservation BiologyColombiaFelidsWild Felids
We have investigated the changes in the mechanical properties of the zona pellucida (ZP), a multilayer glycoprotein coat that surrounds mammalian eggs, that occur after the maturation and fertilization process of the bovine oocyte by... more
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      ReproductionGene expressionFelidsZona Pellucida
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      FelinosFelidsBosque Seco Tropical
special ocelot issue Belize Brazil mexico paraguay texas scholarships meetings and more WFA website:
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      ParaguayCarnivoraFelidaeThreatened Species Conservation
Pampas cat (Leopardus colocolo) is distributed from Ecuador, and possibly Colombia, to Argentina and Chile. Heavily hunted in the 1900s for its fur, the pampas cat is currently threatened by conflict retaliation for poultry predation,... more
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      MammalogyCarnivore EcologyFelidaeMammals
Knowledge about the current distribution of threatened and/or understudied species is a fundamental component of conservation biology. Mapping species distributions based on recent known occurrences is particularly important for those... more
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      ZoologySpecies Distribution ModelsCarnivoraEcological Niche Modeling
In order to generate a more comprehensive understanding of the accumulations produced by small-sized predators in the fossil record, a feeding experiment with captive Geoffroy's cat was carried out and the bone modifications generated on... more
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      ZoologyZooarchaeologyTaphonomyCarnivore Ecology
special ocelot issue Belize Brazil mexico paraguay texas scholarships meetings and more WFA website:
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      CarnivoraUS-Mexico BorderlandsFelidaeMammals
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      Species Distribution ModelsParaguayCarnivoraFelidae
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      Central America and MexicoCarnivoraFelidaeLatin America
ABSTRACT Livestock predation is one of the main types of conflict between felids and rural communities, resulting in negative effects on human livelihoods and the elimination of predators. It is therefore important to evaluate in the... more
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      Conservation BiologyEcologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Resumo A reprodução em cativeiro é uma das ferramentas para a conservação ex situ de felídeos selvagens que, em sua maioria, estão ameaçados de extinção. Esforços em diversas frentes estão sendo feitos para evitar o desaparecimento desses... more
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      Conservation BiologyReproductionAnimal reproductionAssisted Reproductive Technologies
Resumo A reprodução em cativeiro é uma das ferramentas para a conservação ex situ de felídeos selvagens que, em sua maioria, estão ameaçados de extinção. Esforços em diversas frentes estão sendo feitos para evitar o desaparecimento desses... more
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      ReproductionAnimal reproductionAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesFelids