Ferdinand I.
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Recent papers in Ferdinand I.
This study focuses on the relation between the Prague Utraquist University and towns in Bohemia between the years 1526 and 1564. The first part examines the mutual relation of the university with the political practice of Bohemian... more
The study deals with the purchase, cultivation and use of exotic fruits, particularly citruses, in the residences of King Ferdinand I in Prague and Innsbruck. It provides a number of unknown archival reports on the details of such trades,... more
in: Exhibition catalogue Wolfgang Meighörner (Ed.), Nur Gesichter? Porträts der Renaissance, Innsbruck (Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum), Innsbruck 2016, p. 157-172. The paper discusses the portait paintings of Hans Maler who worked in... more
The history of the Austrian National Library in Vienna has been associated with a great many Bohemical manuscripts since their medieval beginnings. This situation arises from the close link between Austrian and Bohemian political and... more
Pressburg council in 1548 introduced eight legal articles on religious matters. Compared with the interpretation common in the historic Protestant tradition, there is no mentioning of the tolerance of the Augsburg Confession. The basic... more
Despite fragmentation, heterogeneity and the continuous pressure of the Ottoman Empire, early modern “divided Hungary” witnessed a surprising cultural flourishing in the sixteenth century, and maintained its common cultural identity in... more
L'autore della relazione del 7 novembre 1605 qui pubblicata integralmente è Antonio Grimani, esponente dell'alto patriziato veneto. Figlio di Fulvio e nipote di Giovanni patriarca di Aquileia, Antonio Grimani, nominato vescovo di Torcello... more
To be published in: Contesting Europe. Comparative Perspectives on Early Modern Discourses on Europe (Fifteenth-Eighteenth Century). Ed. by Nicolas Detering, Clementina Marsico, Isabella Walser. Leiden: Brill (Intersections) [in print]
A Magyar Királyság 16. századi szétesése azzal a következménnyel is járt, hogy új karrier-, illetve vagyonosodási lehetőségeket nyitott meg. A középkori Magyarország területén két egymással versenyző hatalomközpont szerveződött, ami... more
Studie se zabývá problematikou úvěru jako jednoho z nástrojů vnitřní politiky Ferdinanda I. v první polovině jeho vlády (1526-1545) v zemích Koruny české. Zaobírá se praktikami, které panovník využíval při uznávání dluhů po svých... more
This contribution follows the relation of the Prague Utraquist university to the towns of Prague and, in parallel, its relation to Ferdinand I (1526-1564), Holy Roman Emperor and ruler of the Czech Lands. In the power struggle between the... more