Film Semiotics
Recent papers in Film Semiotics
Poter accedere a qualsiasi immagine, in qualsiasi momento, in qualsiasi luogo. I nuovi media prospettano straordinarie vie di fruizione. Ma come orientarsi in questo scenario? La nostra cultura visuale è capace di tenere il passo della... more
The semiotics of the face studies the meaning of the human face in contemporary visual cultures. There are two complementary research foci: widespread practices of face exhibition in social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and... more
Combinando enfoques filosóficos, semióticos y hermenéuticos, en el presente libro se realiza un análisis de diversas producciones audiovisuales que tienen como temática central al narcotráfico. Se trata de un escrito colectivo donde las... more
Der Begriff des Interface kategorisiert die Ausprägungsstufen einer kommunikationsstabilisierenden Schnittstelle als Interaktionsmechanismus, wobei die Interaktion von maschinellen Komponenten (Hardware, Software) sowie die vielfältigen... more
Völlig neue Bild- und Erfahrungswelten versprechen die jüngsten Produkte der Medienindustrie ihren Usern. Euphorisch investieren Google, Microsoft und Co. Unsummen in digitale Medientechnologien wie Virtual-Reality-Displays. Jeder... more
[ITA] An in-depth analysis of FF Coppola's masterpiece The Conversation, that introduces some general concepts related to a semiotics of the audible perception.
believed that the proper function of the critic was to trust the tale instead of the artist, and ultimately to save the tale from the artist who created it; the purpose of the film scholar, I would add, is to save the tale from the... more
Looking at a TV-series' poster is something that sparked interest in many of my class-mates. This paper uses theory on semiotics to go beyond what a film producer creates, and show another universe through static images. This was applied... more
co-written with Bruno Surace for Western Japaneseness
En los primeros años del siglo XXI, el documental mexicano ha incrementado sus niveles de producción, distribución y exhibición, llamando la atención de nuevos espectadores pues ha diversificado notablemente sus temas y ha aprovechado los... more
Representation, Semiotics and Symbol in Cinema: The Example of The Movie "PK" Öz İnsanlar dünyaya geldiği andan itibaren kendilerini ve diğerlerini anlamlandırmaya çalışır ve bu düşünme temsil sistemlerini oluşturur. Dünyada politik ve... more
《電影符號學:從古典到數位時代(新版)》是電影理論工作者齊隆壬長期研究的成果,詳細耙梳並剖析符號學的發展源流與變革,以及著名學者的理論,如索緒爾、李維史陀、羅蘭巴特、皮爾斯等。接著帶出電影理論的關鍵人物──克利斯蒂安.梅茲,闡釋他如何把符號學,以及相關領域如語言學、結構主義、精神分析運用至電影分析,奠定電影符號學在電影理論界的重要地位。也因電影符號學涵蓋的範圍甚廣,而讓電影分析有了更多可能性。除了回顧西方符號學與電影符號學的理論與沿革,作者也把討論拉回台灣與中國大陸,介紹電影... more
The primary hypothesis of this paper is that recent years have seen a shift from digital advertising to post-advertising: thanks to the growing role of machine learning algorithms in communicational processes, advertising has been losing... more
An International, Interdisciplinary Conference Organized by SILC, Semiotic Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Cultures, Shanghai University and University of Turin Co-Sponsored by The Department of Chinese Language and Literature,... more
Las fronteras tienen caras. No se trata solamente de atributos metafóricos, en el sentido de partes del espacio que una comunidad organizada dirige y muestra hacia lo exterior, sino de caras físicas, humanas, que contribuyen al... more
Uvod Kad se javi neka nova teorijska struja, reakcije na nju pretežno su dvojake. Poneki u novoj teorijskoj struji razabiru nov kut gledanja i nove probleme, te im to otvara plodne teorijske perspektive. Ponuđena teorijska rješenja... more
Acercamiento académico al video documental realizado en Puebla, México, a partir del estudio de los recursos que utiliza para su construcción como el material de archivo, las recreaciones y las entrevistas.
David Lynch’s “Lost Highway” and “Mulholland Drive”, the classic products of postmodern culture, carry multiple interpretations and senses within their plots. Unlike other works, these two films exploit absurd, one of the most prominent... more
This paper analyzes the so-called "augmented reality filters" (ARF), a technology that makes it possible to produce and spread widely on social media a particular type of video selfies that are manipulated live while filming-for example,... more
Repetition is a staple of cinematic practice. From the Russian Montage School to the French New Wave, repetition has been used for a variety of reasons, from adding a poetic touch to a scene, to highlighting certain aspects pertaining to... more
In recent years, the cartoons genre has gained considerable research interest across disciplines; for example, communication, media studies and health sciences. More so, cartoons serve as potent source of data used to study social... more
Il cinema, la televisione e gli altri media audiovisivi costituiscono uno dei grandi serbatoi di storie della nostra contemporaneità. Ma come fanno un film, una fiction, o anche uno spot pubblicitario a raccontarci le loro storie? In che... more
1. Un anomalo papa seriale Se pensiamo alle rappresentazioni televisive dei papi siamo inevitabilmente portati a ricordare le diverse miniserie agiografiche prodotte da Lux Vide e RaiFiction per le reti Rai (Giovanni XXIII, 2002; Giovanni... more
En correspondencia con la reflexión metadiscursiva del discurso cinematográfico, uno de los planteamientos creativos más recurrentes en los años de transición entre los siglos XX y XXI, la película Shrek recupera, para invertirlos,... more
Negli ultimi due decenni gli spettatori di serie televisive si sono abituati alla presenza di un nuovo genere di protagonista, certamente non tradizionale. Si tratta di personaggi spesso asociali, antipatici, cattivi e moralmente... more
Análisis textual del universo Tim Burton. Escenas Fantasmáticas. Análisis de varias escenas de la filmografía de Tim Burton acompañadas de datos clave sobre el autor y sus influencias para el análisis de éstas. Trabajo de Finde... more
Broullón-Lozano, Manuel A. “La Caza (Thomas Vinterberg, 2011). Una lectura desde la semiótica de la sospecha”. En Mancinas-Chávez, Rosalba y Nogales Bocio, Antonia Isabel (coords.) 2014. Actas del I Congreso Internacional Infoxicación:... more
Gataka predstavlja umetnički prikaz distopijske vizije budućnosti u kojoj je genetski inženjering ljudi postao deo svakodnevice. Kroz analizu načina na koji su u ovom filmu upotrebljeni motivi diskriminacije i invalidnosti, razmatraju se... more
Le sujet de ce travail est le rôle du son dans le cinéma d’animation, à partir du concept d’audio-vision. Ce concept, provenant du théoricien Michel Chion, exprime une activité ou une modalité de la perception qui s’active –est qui est... more
Declaring in an academic environment that one deals with semiotics of cinema, or with semiotics and cinema, is always a risk, often met with sceptical grimaces. The term “semiotics of cinema” evokes an era which is perceived as being... more
This paper discusses the use of reflexivity as a film making practice with a focus on the movie 'The Truman Show' (1998) as an example.
The film, especially feature film, is one of the most popular means of mass communication; it is also a medium in which all forms of communication is being represented. The main objective of this paper is to examine the representation of... more
Quello del disaster movie è un genere cinematografico oramai canonizzato, e in quanto tale soggetto a parodie, che si possono intendere come forme di spirito critico nei confronti di questa o quell’ideologia. La catastrofe come canone è... more
Collection of essays on the semiotics of money
"L' Epoca Lucas" è l' epoca che ha contraddistinto la genesi e lo sviluppo della saga Star Wars prima dell' era Disney, e nel contempo è anche l' epoca che porta, proprio grazie a Lucas, la rivoluzione digitale nel mondo del cinema. Il... more
Textual Analysis, general background as of 1978, and then Raymond Bellour's work specifically; see also my uncut interview with Bellour in the same issue, "Alternation, Segmentation, Hypnosis: Interview with Raymond Bellour"
'Eraserhead' (1977), directed by David Lynch, has intrigued and interested film critics for decades. A cinematic puzzle, David Lynch successfully creates a surreal and dystopian world through Eraserhead. With its twisted plotline and... more
Film Worlds unpacks the significance of the “worlds” that narrative films create, offering an innovative perspective on cinema as art. Drawing on aesthetics and the philosophy of art in both the continental and analytic traditions, as... more
Ari Folman’ ın yapımcı-yönetmen-yazar ve oyuncusu olduğu Waltz With Bashir (2008) filmi, ana karakter Folman’ ın Lübnan İç Savaşı’nda (1982) yaşadıklarını hatırlama çabasını konu etmektedir. Film, Folman’ ın ve arkadaşlarının yaşadığı... more
special issue: The Female Body in Western Culture: Semiotic Perspectives
"“You’ll never get away from me. Wherever you look, you’ll find one of my ads centre stage. I forbid you to be bored. I stop you thinking. The terrorist cult of the new helps me to sell empty space” (Beigbeder, 2002). Chillingly cynical... more
It is a commonplace that the mass media are populated with stereotypes. They are readily recognized on television, where their frequency has been ceaselessly documented by researchers. Why, then, return to the problem of defining... more