Recent papers in Foundry
The present study investigates the influence of melting furnace on power demand and CO2 emissions. Cupola and induction furnaces are widely used for melting in Indian foundries. Over past decade the use of induction furnace for melting... more
Most cast objects produced by the Ghanaian local foundries are of low quality, and it is because they utilize the wrong method of casting (mould feeding). The local foundries were looked into to find out the casting techniques they... more
Článek pojednává o sortimentu slévárny v Rožmitále pod Třemšínem, která prokazatelně produkovala litinu v letech 1714 – 1966. K zjištění sortimentu posloužily prameny, literatura, dobové fotografie, ale i výrobky dochované v terénu.... more
The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) play a vital role in the Indian economy. There are more than 5000 foundries in India and 80% of them are small-scale industries. The erratic global economic slow-down, has threatened the... more
Determinar la influencia de algunas propiedades del coque en los parámetros metalúrgicos de un horno de cubilote y los efectos sobre la calidad del metal obtenido. Metodología: Análisis inmediato, análisis químico de las cenizas, ensayos... more
Maintenance based on reliability: a rational way of managing interventions The application of the RCM methodology is essentially aimed at establishing a starting maintenance programme (what, how, when), that’s to say in the critical... more
The quality of chemically bonded sand cores used during the manufacturing process of cast components is highly dependent on the properties of the sand, which constitutes the refractory base media of the core. One of the main advantages of... more
MSME are the prime movers of employment and economic growth in India. Foundries are very vital for the infrastructure development and progression of other industries. A majority of the foundries fall under MSME category. Due to global... more
I getti derivanti dai processi fusori spesso costituiscono l’ossatura sulla quale si innesta il vestito di un prodotto di successo; basta infatti pensare ai settori automobilistico e aerospaziale per rendersi immediatamente conto che... more
Think metaphorical. Gotham is a strong and dependable American typeface, firm but not intimidating to read. Unlike the postwar Swiss type, Helvetica which is renowned for its applicability in almost every situation possible (The Design... more
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo ser un aporte para organizar, analizar, y determinar el verdadero origen de las fallas en el proceso productivo de una pieza fundida, utili-zando para ello, herramientas y metodologías de análisis... more
In the XXth century, the Palazzo Priuli Baldan in Piove di Sacco underwent at terrible period of decadence. Between the desire of the Municipality to make it a public building and the impressive efforts by the Soprintendenza of restoring... more
This paper studies thermal and mechanical sand reclamation system. It emphasizes the need of compact thermal sand reclamation process for smart foundry. This paper generates alternative ideas and conceptual design for foundry sand... more
Bimetallic casting adalah metode penggabungan dua material logam yang memiliki sifat mekanis maupun sifat fisik yang berbeda dengan metode pengecoran. Dua sifat logam yang tadinya sulit didapatkan dari satu jenis material kini dapat... more
The foundry trade developed as a separate branch of the iron industry in the first half of the 18th century. It mostly used coke pig iron, which was produced at Coalbrookdale and in a small number of other furnaces. This was rendered... more
This is the first book of its kind to investigate the ongoing significance of industrial craft in deindustrialising places such as Australia. Providing an alternative to the nostalgic trope of the redundant factory ‘craftsman’, this book... more
Una empresa que se instala o que desea aumentar su capacidad de producción debe analizar las diversas alternativas tecnológicas disponibles en el mercado actual, para la obtención de metal líquido. Esta evaluación debería hacerse con la... more
The removal of inclusions is a major challenge prior to the casting process, as they cause a discontinuity in the cast material, thereby lowering its mechanical properties and have a negative impact on the feeding capability and fluidity... more
Mechanical properties of cast irons are governed by the size, distribution and shape of the incorporated graphite particles. In a set of experiments, two groups of cast alloys, Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) and Spheroidal Graphite Iron... more
Soprattutto in quest’ultimo periodo la fonderia rappresenta nell’immaginario comune l’antitesi di qualsiasi tentativo di vivere nel rispetto dell’ambiente. Solo in poche occasioni però ci si rende conto di come sia solo grazie alle... more
The effect of foundry variables, such as mold materials and pouring temperature on the microstructure, dendrite arm spacing, percentage porosity and mechanical properties of as-cast LM25 Al alloy was investigated. The microstructure of... more
An investigation into the suitability of Lere river bank sand for use in green sand casting process was conducted. The samples of sand were tested for Refractoriness, Sieve analysis, Clay content, Moisture content, Shatter index, Dry and... more
Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) is the resistance a material offers until it ruptures. The ultimate way to examine this mechanical property is to break the specimen which incurs a subsequent cost increment. Modelling this process by an... more
The Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSME) play a vital role in Indian economy. Currently, the MSME industries contribute around 17% to the GDP and provide employment to over 60 million people. Also, MSME industries account for... more
Foundry sand is the main element of sand mixtures from which molds or sand cores are made. Due to the continuous development of coremaking technologies, the selection of the right type of base sand becomes more and more important. The... more
This is a one-page summary and social change paper.
Improved energy efficiency in supply chains can reduce both environmental impact and lifecycle costs, and thus becomes a competitive advantage in the work towards a sustainable global economy. Viewing the supply chain as a system provides... more
Национальный технический университет «Харьковский политехнический институт» Физико-технологический институт металлов и сплавов НАН Украины Национальная металлургическая академия Украины Ассоциация литейщиков Украины Одесский национальный... more
The effect of foundry variables, such as mold materials and pouring temperature on the microstructure, dendrite arm spacing, percentage porosity and mechanical properties of as-cast LM25 Al alloy was investigated. The microstructure of... more
The key to success for reducing energy cost is to have right information and take informed decision. Monitoring is the key to success for reducing energy costs in a foundry.
Linear-elastic plane-strain fracture toughness of metallic materials is a method which covers the determination of the strain fracture toughness (KIC) of metallic materials by increasing-force test of fatigue precracked specimens. This... more
Abstract: Foundry is one of the most energy intensive metallurgical industries. In Uganda, foundries are associated with large energy consumption necessitating the need to seek for ways to minimize their energy consumption. This study... more