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In this book chapter, Dojčinović focuses on the specific research and analytical project within the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the ICTY in the trial of Ratko Mladić, the Commander of the Bosnian Serb Army (VRS). (For more, see:... more
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      International Criminal LawSpeech actsJoint Criminal EnterpriseGenocidal Intent
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Criminal Law
This paper critically examines the Islamic State's annihilatory violence committed against the Êzîdîs in Iraq since 2014. It argues that the violence is a product of both Êzîdî marginality and the ideology of the Islamic State, which is... more
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      Genocide StudiesSexual ViolenceYezidi and Yaresan StudiesMemory Studies
Uluslararası toplum, tarihinde ilk defa Ad Hoc Mahkemeler olarak kurulan mahkemeler aracılığıyla Soykırım Sözleşmesi hükümlerinin yorumlanması ve uygulanmasına tanıklık etmektedir. Şüphesiz ki, uluslararası ceza hukuku alanında soykırım... more
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      Genocide StudiesInternational Court of JusticeState ResponsibilityICJ
I have been writing news articles about the Rohingya genocide since 2012. We have been described as genocide under State Policy, but the World media and politicians have denied that it was genocide. The UN used the term ethnic cleansing... more
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      Conflict ResolutionGenocidal IntentHistory of ArakanRakhine HIstoriography
This paper critically examines the Islamic State's annihilatory violence committed against the Êzîdîs in Iraq since 2014. It argues that the violence is a product of both Êzîdî marginality and the ideology of the Islamic State,... more
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      ReligionGenocide StudiesSexual ViolencePolitics