Gothic Revival Architecture
Recent papers in Gothic Revival Architecture
An overview of the Gothic Revival that began England in the mid-eighteenth century and which sought to revive medieval Gothic architecture in contrast to the neoclassical styles prevalent during the Augustan period. This article covers... more
True principles vol 3 no 5 none of his houses have survived. In retrospect it seem astonishing that so much time and so much effort, not to mention so much skill and personal commitment, were spent on buildings that have vanished into... more
AWá* ;:*,e;g;1 1. Jusepe Leonardo (atribuido): El palacio del Buen Retiro en 1636-1637, detalle. A la derecha, el monasterio de San Jerónimo el Real LA RESTAURACIOI{ DE SA¡/ JEROIVIMO E,L REAL POR IVARCISO PASC(IAL Y COLOMER PoT NIEVES... more
The Concept of Gesamtkunstwerk in Architecture and Architect A. W. N. Pugin (in Russian). The concept of Gesamtkunstwerk or total work of art formulated by Richard Wagner is rarely applied to architecture, apart from 20th-century... more
A diferència de la majoria de les aportacions dels meus col•legues en aquest volum, que versen bé sobre els temps medievals, bé sobre els moderns, el meu interès per la Casa de la Ciutat barcelonina no exclou cap dels dos pols, ja que... more
Neo-Gothic emerged in Croatian architecture rather late in comparison to Great Britain and the majority of countries in mainland Europe. Crucial in spreading the use of the style were the influences from the areas of present-day Germany,... more
Английский архитектор неоготического направления Огастес Уэлби Пьюджин (1812–1852), известный в первую очередь как соавтор Зданий парламента в Лондоне, был также автором ряда публицистических сочинений, в которых отстаивал... more
Study deals with attempt to build a seat of Moravian Diet in Brno, Moravia. The project of August Prokop (and also of Josef Blitzfeld and Joseph Hudetz )were appreciated in first competition (1868), and in the second (1874) the joint... more
The Collegiate Gothic movement in America that emerged from the early 1890’s marked the last phase of the inclusive Gothic Revival movement in the country and became a part of the movement for college planning known as “College... more
Vladislav Degtyarev. Architect Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin and the Category of Historicism (in Russian). Turning to the past in order to solve the problems of the present is a very fruitful, though not the only strategy for the... more
Batty Langley (1696–1751) is one of the most familiar and generally infamous figures of Britain’s eighteenth-century Gothic Revival. Following his father, Langley trained as a gardener and was one of the early promoters of the irregular... more
Župna crkva u Granešini pripada skupini najoštećenijih građevinama u potresu od 22. 3. 2020. Ovaj članak, objavljen 2011., s priloženim ilustracijama, nastoji podsjetiti o kojem se važnom spomeniku neogotike u Hrvatskoj radi. The parish... more
A Companion to Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic in Northern Europe, Blackwell Companions in Art History, 2nd ed. (Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2019) (a collection of thirty-nine original essays from leading and upcoming scholars in the... more
Iako je utjecaj Ise Kršnjavoga na arhitekturu historicizma u Hrvatskoj podrobno istražen kroz knjige i članke Olge Maruševski, pojedini segmenti njegova upliva tek su fragmentarno analizirani. Pokazalo se, naime, detaljnim pregledom... more
Tekst govori o arhitekturi i prostornom planiranju groblja u Hrvatskoj od vremena vladanja Josipa II do danas. Obrađeni su najvažniji primjeri grobljanskih kompleksa, te važnije grobljanske kapele i mauzoleji.
Developed across Europe in the middle and late nineteenth century, and characterized by the use of medieval architectural forms, Gothic Revival, also known as Neo-Gothic, was an architectural reaction to the Classic Revival that had taken... more
What are the architectural forms that shape and contain monastic life? Drawing on historical sources, as well as the experience of a year’s ethnographic fieldwork in a Catholic English Benedictine monastery, this article explores the... more
This Master's Thesis focuses on the relations — correspondences, analogies, mirror-images — that can be found between ekphrases of Gothic architecture in eighteenth-century Gothic novels (Horace Walpole, Ann Radcliffe and Walter Scott)... more
گوتیک، شاخه ای از هنر در قرون وسطی است که هنرمندان ایتالیایی دوران پس از آن، یعنی رنسانس، به دلیل مخالفت اساسی و بسیار با این سبک و نا متوازن و بی اصالت دانستن آن، این هنر را منسوب به قوم بربر ها و گوت ها می دانستند و به همین سبب به جهت... more
Título: La revalorización del medievo en la estética masónica: Inglaterra y Escocia
Il volume raccoglie una serie di saggi relativi alle architetture del bacino mediterraneo, rientranti in quattro aree tematiche tra loro strettamente interconnesse relative alla stereotomia, agli scambi e trasferimenti tecnologici, alle... more
Il testo, frutto dell’intervento tenuto su invito al British Museum nel 2016, passa in rassegna le principali architetture neogotiche della prima metà del XIX a Palermo proponendo una lettura originale in ragione delle questioni... more
A diferència de la majoria de les aportacions dels meus col·legues en aquest volum, que versen bé sobre els temps medievals, bé sobre els moderns, el meu interès per la Casa de la Ciutat barcelonina no exclou cap dels dos pols, ja que... more
Gli autori ringraziano per avere concesso la fruizione dei materiali consultati i proprietari degli Archivi Alliata di Pietratagliata, Basile, Licata di Baucina e Palazzotto; i responsabili e il personale delle seguenti Istituzioni: l'
Introducing the strictly cellular regime after being appointed General Inspector of Prisons in Belgium in 1830, Edouard Ducpétiaux soon initiated an extensive building campaign of cellular prisons. Until his death in 1859, Joseph-Jonas... more
Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Odsjek za povijest umjetnosti Herman Bollé i obnova građevina zagrebačkog Stolnog kaptola nakon potresa 1880. godine Izvorni znanstveni rad -Original scientific paper Predan 15. 9. 2010. -Prihvaćen 20. 10.... more
Pilley’s Island United (originally Methodist) Church was constructed in 1896 and opened in 1897 in Pilley's Island, Newfoundland, Canada. It is a wooden, vernacular Gothic Revival style church with steeple situated within a fenced... more
Correction : page 38, rayer : « l’architecture romaine comme l’architecture romane butaient leurs voûtes sans arc-boutant »
Architectural atlas of Zagreb contains overview of the history of Zagreb architecture and 900 entries on buildings from all parts of the city. The buildings are grouped according to Zagreb’s neighborhoods: Upper Town, Kaptol, Lower Town... more
This article deals with the Neo-gothic architectural projects of Josip Vancaš in Croatia, Italy and Slovenia. Among the notable achievements of this segment of his entire production are: design for the church front in Buia, Italy, the... more
Companion piece to 'The Gothic Revival' on A.W.N. Pugin, in the Routledge Encyclopaedia of the Romantic Era, edited by Chris Murray (2003): Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin (1812 – 1852) was an English architect and propagandist. Although... more
Taking as its focus Downside Abbey, a Catholic English Benedictine monastery in Somerset, England, this paper explores what kind of home a monastery is. The call to monastic stability is expressed within the architecture of the Abbey in... more
"In 1872 Charles Eastlake, the antiquarian Gothic revivalist, observed that 'Gothic architecture has had its vicissitudes in this country. There was a time when its principles were universally recognised; there was a time when they... more
Vladislav Degtyarev. Architect Augustus Welby Pugin and the antiquarian tradition (in Russian). A.W.N. Pugin’s work is frequently seen as the central phenomenon of historicist architecture of the 19th century. Nevertheless, the... more
Vladislav Degtyarev. Gothic Revival and the Possibility of “Gothic Survival” (in Russian). The notion of “Gothic survival” is still prevalent in literature on Gothic revival architecture in England. This concept implies the possibility... more
Projects, restoration works and essays dedicated to the Parco Stibbert in Florence and its fictional landscape