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The first female architecture student to study under Walter Gropius at the Harvard School of Design in the Post World War II era, Daphne Bugbee Jones was an accomplished architect who brought the principles of the Bauhaus and Modernist... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental PhilosophyArchitectureEnvironmental Studies
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryModern ArchitectureModernism
A look at  the great experiment that was the Bauhaus, and the ethos of its key founder, Walter Gropius.
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      BauhausGropius, WalterArtist-Teacher
The life of the german architect Walter Gropius, full of adversities (a difficult childhood, the incapacity of drawing, the first World War, its consequences, the Third Reich against his Bauhaus educational project, etc.), was led by... more
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      BauhausGropius, Walter
Unlike many other publications on Nazi culture, this book is not primarily about what has been called "the Nazification of the arts," based upon state-supported use of the arts for propaganda, a curtailment of freedom in art criticism,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryMythologyLandscape Architecture
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      ExileHistory of photographyBauhausGropius, Walter
In “Dreams of Utopia,” the penultimate chapter of The Ethical Function of Architecture, Karsten Harries quotes a familiar passage drafted by Walter Gropius in 1919 as a statement of modernity’s architectural faith. In the manner that... more
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      ReligionChristianityArchitectureNew Testament
Modernist Cultures 12.3 (2017): 331–344. This essay reconsiders Reyner Banham's classic study of early twentieth-century architecture and design, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, originally published in 1960. Banham surveyed... more
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      ArchitectureConstructivismArchitectural HistoryFilippo Tommaso Marinetti
This article argues that photographs of the Bauhaus -its architecture and design objects -taken by Lucia Moholy played a key role in establishing the school during the short period of its existence, but that they took on heightened... more
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      ExileHistory of photographyBauhausGropius, Walter
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      CubismBauhausGropius, WalterLyonel Feininger
Although Lothar Schreyer, who had some initial theatrical experience at Der Sturm in Berlin, first headed up the Bauhaus stage workshop, the ideas and concepts of the workshop have been commonly associated with the other master of the... more
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      Gropius, WalterOskar SchlemmerTheater of the Bauhaus
Utopian visions and diagrams have engaged in a multitude of relationships. For example, a utopian narrative can be conceived as a diagram, or with the aid of diagrams, and understood through diagrammatic (re) annotation. This notion is... more
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      Urban GeographySocial NetworksUrban PoliticsUrban History
Un proyecto reunió en Buenos Aires a Amancio Williams con Walter Gropius. A fines de los 60´s fueron convocados por el gobierno de la República Federal de Alemania, para proyectar en conjunto la sede de su Embajada en Buenos Aires.... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistoria de la ArquitecturaGropius, Walter
The Bauhaus show at the MoMA in 1938 was the first comprehensive exhibition of the Bauhaus. The political situation caused considerable obstacles for the organizers of the 1938 MoMA exhibition, making loans difficult and putting former... more
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      BauhausGropius, WalterMuseum of Modern Art (MOMA NY)Marcel Breuer
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      ArchitectureModern ArchitectureBauhausGropius, Walter
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      ArchitectureHousing & Residential DesignGropius, WalterMarcel Breuer
This paper discusses the 2011 energy performance initiative at the iconic modernist world heritage structure where new steel windows were manufactured to replicate the appearance and function of the original 1926 installation.
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      Modernism (Art History)Architectural ConservationWorld Cultural HeritageBauhaus
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      ArchitecturePhotographyArchitectural HistoryGropius, Walter
In the 1920s and 1930s several proposals for a new form of theatrical architecture were conceived. Though unrealized, these Utopian designs engendered an idealized ambition for dramatic reform and have come to represent significant... more
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      Digital HumanitiesTheatre HistoryModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)Virtual Archaeology
L'invention de la villemarchandise Zones REMERCIEMENTS Un grand merci à Grégoire Chamayou pour son impulsion décisive et sa confiance, et à Rachel pour ses relectures pugnaces à toutes les étapes de ce livre. Merci aussi à Raphaël Koster... more
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      AestheticsArchitectureUtopian StudiesSurrealism
This study investigates the roots of interdisciplinary architectural and design education and methodology in Europe and the United States during the first half of the twentieth century. In particular this thesis is concerned with the... more
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      Gropius, WalterJosef AlbersJohannes IttenBauhaus, foundation pedagogy
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      Design HistoryBauhausGropius, WalterDessau Bauhaus
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      ArchitectureTheodor AdornoWalter BenjaminMartin Heidegger
University Press, zoo4), 276 pp., $zS.qS bb), ISBN o8o+Z+3zZ+. Peter Paret, An Artist against the Third Reich: Ernst Barlaeh, ryy-ry3| (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, zoo3), I9r pp., dz5.oo (hb), ISBN o5zr8zr38X. Frederick Spotts,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryMythologyVisual propaganda
Ethics and aesthetics share a common property: they both cannot be taught. This paper argues that this was a common thesis that was individually suggested by two important figures of mid-war Germany, that most probably never met: the... more
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      EthicsArchitectural EducationWittgensteinWittgensteinian Ethics
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      Art HistoryCzech HistoryModern ArtGraphic Design
In the early 1960s, the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation began planning for an air terminal that was urgently required to accommodate the hundreds of thousands of Hajj pilgrims that arrived yearly. Approximately five hundred... more
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      ArchitecturePilgrimageVernacular ArchitectureSaudi Arabia
This paper argues that the writings of cultural-theorist Jean Baudrillard from the late 1960s and early 1970s provided an important contribution to twentieth-century Design Theory. Baudrillard’s theory of consumer society was informed by... more
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      Design TheoryFunctionalismJean BaudrillardFerdinand de Saussure
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      Basque StudiesHistory of architectureGropius, WalterModern Movement
A partir de 1927 los jóvenes arquitectos Fernando García Mercadal en Madrid, Josep Lluís Sert en Barcelona y José Manuel Aizpúrua en San Sebastián, ávidos de novedad, asumieron el papel de ángeles anunciadores de una nueva arquitectura,... more
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      ArchitectureBasque StudiesCharles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris (Le Corbusier)History of architecture
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      Abstract ArtModern ArtSculptureArt Market
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      Modern HistoryGerman StudiesArt HistoryDesign
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      Ludwig Mies van der RoheBauhausGropius, WalterMies van der Rohe
ABSTRACT: The article argues that the present dominance of the modernist design idiom, and the general aesthetic inferiority of existing non-modernist stylistic alternatives, is a consequence of the fact that design schools have for... more
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      Design educationEmotional designGropius, WalterOrnament
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      Gropius, WalterOskar SchlemmerAdolf LoosJohannes Itten
Obgleich kaum als kollektive Gruppe untersucht bilden die Architekten zweifellos eine zentrale historische (funktionale) Elitenformation der frühen, durch den Wiederaufbau geprägten Bundesrepublik. Relevant sind nicht nur die... more
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      German StudiesArchitectureGerman HistoryUrban Planning
En abril de 1919, en la ciudad de Weimar, Alemania, bajo la dirección del arquitecto Walter Gropius, inicia labores académicas la Staatliches Bauhaus (Casa Estatal de Construcción), bajo la convicción de fusionar arquitectura, bellas... more
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      DesignArchitectureIndustrial DesignGraphic Design
«Forse, si potrebbe dire che alcuni dei con­flitti ideo­lo­gici che ani­mano le pole­mi­che di oggi si svol­gono tra i devoti discen­denti del tempo e gli abi­tanti acca­niti dello spa­zio». Tale osser­va­zione di Michel Fou­cault –... more
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      Iraqi HistorySyriaSyria (Archaeology)History of architecture
Chapter Excerpt from Architectural Theory Volume 2 by Harry Francis Mallgrave.
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      ArchitectureArchitectural TheoryModern ArchitectureHistory and Theory of Modern Architecture
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      Cultural IdentityExileHistory of musicWassily Kandinsky
Discusses utopian writer and architectural theorist Paul Scheerbart, with particular focus on his writings about the utopian potential of glass as a building material.
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      ArchitectureUtopian StudiesWalter BenjaminModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
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      Medical EducationProblem Based LearningGropius, WalterGroup Psychology
Certificate of my online participation in the International Webinar organised by the Vishwaneedam Center for Asian Blossoming, Puducherry and Chennai on 3rd July 2022 from 05:00 to 6:30 p.m. IST. The topic of the International Webinar... more
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      Industrial DesignInterior DesignBauhausGropius, Walter
Modernism in New England Symposium, March 5, 2016
Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA
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      History of architectureHistory and Theory of Modern ArchitectureGropius, WalterMarcel Breuer
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      Art HistoryNarrativeModernismBauhaus