Gustave Moreau
Most downloaded papers in Gustave Moreau
Alteridad y misoginia en la representación de la femme fatale: la danza de Salomé y la retórica del velo 1 Hans Frex. Licenciado en Filosofía. Magíster en Teoría e Historia del Arte, U. de Chile
Les tableaux présentés dans 'L’Œuvre' (1886) de Zola ont été maintes fois commentés. Cependant l’évolution artistique du personnage principal, Claude Lantier, reste peu explorée. En effet le personnage de Zola... more
The article reconsiders the genesis of Gustave Moreau’s Prométhée exposed at 1869 Paris Salon, focusing especially on its visual and literary sources from Antiquity to Renaissance Art. A"er a strong education in classics, Moreau traveled... more
Gustave Moreau was the first true symbolist painter and the idol of a successful and large circle of artists which instead of exploring nature delved into the world of mystery. It was a surprise when after 1880, at the peak of his... more
Alcune note su Vittore Carpaccio e la pittura veneta 1. L'incerto interesse storiografico che ha contrassegnato lo studio dell'opera di Gustave Moreau lungo tutto il corso del XX secolo ha registrato indubbiamente un punto di svolta... more
In 1890, Gustave Moreau received the commission to create a painting that would ultimately become his last masterpiece. Secluded in his large studio on the Rue de la Rochefoucauld, accompanied only by a few faithful assistants and living... more
Em Às avessas (1884), encontra-se o principal exemplo da tentativa de Huysmans de renovação do romance, promovendo uma ruptura com os movimentos anteriores e, especialmente, com o naturalismo. O decadentismo encontrou em des Esseintes a... more
Gustave Moreau, premier peintre symboliste à part entière, tout comme il devint l’idole des nombreux cercles artistiques qui, au lieu de s’attacher à l’observation de la nature, choisirent de se vouer à l’exploration du monde des... more
Mostre. La rassegna «Pompei e l'Europa. 1748-1943», al museo archeologico di Napoli, racconta la fascinazione che la città sepolta dalla lava esercitò sugli artisti viaggiatori, nei secoli scorsi. E nell'Anfiteatro del sito, venti calchi... more
An introduction to the work of noted artist, Gustave Moreau through the context of art history - an article review.
This text focuses on Joris-Karl Huysmans as an art critic and on his influence on the Czech environment. As during his lifetime, Huysmans’s critical work as well as his personal lifeunderwent significant transformations, his work found... more
Compte-rendu de la réouverture du musée Gustave Moreau en janvier 2015, publié sur le site des Doctoriales de la SERD (
This essay explore the figure of the Amazon warrior woman in nineteenth-century literature. African and English women, including Queen Victoria, are both represented as “Amazons.” Colonizers are represented as Amazons, as are the... more
Слика Уморни кентаур француског сликара симболисте Гистава Мороа, која се чува у Народном музеју у Београду, биће анализирана кроз визуру културних дешавања, идеја и проблема друштва западне Европе крајем 19. века. Дела Гистава Мороа која... more