Harranian Sabeans
Recent papers in Harranian Sabeans
Static levitation is a form of marvel with metaphysical implications whose long history has not previously been charted. First, Pliny the Elder reports an architect's plan to suspend an iron statue using magnetism, and the later compiler... more
Thābit b. Qurra (d. 288/901), a Sabian of Ḥarrān, and his descendants remained in their ancestral religion for six generations. Why did they persist despite pressure to convert? This article argues that religious self-identification as a... more
This dissertation aims primarily at presenting the critical edition of two works: AlWāridāt wa’l-Taqdīsāt and Sharḥ al-Asmā’ al-Arba‘īn. The first text is for the first time published in its entirety. Some of its disparate fragments... more
The chapter, based mainly on field research conducted by the author in Iraq, Turkey, and Georgia, is devoted to the Yezidi cult of the Seven Angels and their leader, called the Peacock Angel. Following an introduction to the Yezidi... more
Özet: Hicri 554 ile 626 yılları arasında yaşayan Ya‘kûb el-Mencinîkî Harranlıdır. Kaynaklarda “el- Harrânî” nisbesiyle anılmıştır. el-Mencinîkî, mancınık yapımıyla uğraşmıştır. Bu yüzden “el- Mencinîkî” nisbesini almıştır. Silahlara ve... more
Translation of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi's commentary on Qur'an 2:30-34. The quranic narrative of Adam's presentation to the angels is the starting point of Razi's lengthy commentary, which can be considered as a complete treatise on... more
Bu denemede Hz Nuh ve Hz Adem'in mitolojik yönünü doğa unsurları üzerinden tanımlayan paganizmin spesifik bir yorumu ve özgün bir alanı olan Anadolu Paganizmi'nin kültürel antropolojik temelini oluşturan Hermetizm ve Harranilik'in batıni... more
The Ṭabaqāt al-umam opens with an account of the seven primeval nations taken from Masʿūdī’s Tanbīh. At the end of Ṣāʿid’s version, however, we are told that “these seven nations, which together constituted the whole of mankind, were all... more
"The period between 950 and 1150 C.E. is regarded as "turning point in the history of the Islamic Culture" from the Early Islamic to the Late Medieval civilization. What led to the urban decline in between and the later recovery? Ḥ̣arrān... more
This paper attempts to trace the activity and influence of the Neoplatonic philosopher Damascius and his disciples who after the closing of the Academy of Athens by Justinian I (529 AD) decided to move their intellectual establishment in... more
Harran Sabiiler Nastûrî-Süryânî kiliselerinden farklı olarak yıldız ve gezegenlere tapan Pağan bir topluluk ve gelenek mevcuttu. Kökleri M.Ö. üç bin yılındaki Asur-Babil politeizmine kadar gerilere uzanıyordu. M.Ö. IV. yüzyılda Büyük... more
This article studies the presence and role of Hermes Trismegistus, the mythical sage of Antiquity, in thirteenth-century Castilian wisdom literature and its fundamental works: Bocados de Oro, Libro de los buenos proverbios y Poridat de... more
William Cantwell Smith commented that, alone of modern world religions, Islam is conscious of the world being divided into many religions from the outset. He argues that Islam launched itself into a world that already had religious... more
The article is an attempt to answer the question why Wednesday has the status of a holy day in Yezidism. Wednesday can be seen as a commemoration of the fourth day of creation, when the life on earth began and the Peacock Angel became its... more
Volume X, Fascicolo II le monnier -Firenze 2012 DI ESTRATTO: Tommaso Braccini, Orfeo, Publio e l'erebinthos di Damascio: ancora sulla fortuna delle «teste profetiche» dusforouv ntwn d∆ auj twǹ ej pi; toi" genomev noi" kai; ej n aj poriv... more
Within the multi-volume Kitāb al-Aghānī ('Book of Songs') of Abū'l Faraj al-Iṣfahānī, there is preserved for us a curious anecdote featuring a sharp exchange of verbal barbs between the eighth-century litterateurs and satirists Baššār b.... more
Fin dal XVI secolo esisteva in Valstrona una nobile famiglia di conti, detti «Gozzano», la cui residenza dominava l'abitato di Luzzogno. La stirpe diede parroci al paese e vescovi alla cristianità. Nell'edifcio, ancora esistente, al piano... more
Proceeding from the Renaissance philosopher Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s Oration on the Dignity of Man, this paper is an attempt to survey the historical premises of the academic study of religion, both as a practice of detaching the... more