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evaluated in models used to assess biophysical interactions between lizards and their landscapes. Here we describe the activity patterns and foraging mode of a small population (N = 10) of S. arenicolus from New Mexico, USA, to contribute... more
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      HerpetologyNatural HistoryEcologyHerpetofauna
A post-metamorphic specimen of Pelophylax ridibundus with an anomaly of the lower jaw was discovered in the commune of Paris, France. This report provides new data into a generally poorly known malformation typology in an urban environment.
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Habitat fragmentation accompanies habitat loss, and drives additional biodiversity change; but few global biodiversity models explicitly analyse the effects of both fragmentation and loss. Here we propose and test the hypothesis that, as... more
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      Landscape EcologyHerpetologyBiogeographyHerpetofauna
A Concessionária Águas de Juturnaíba editou um livro sobre a maior estação de tratamento de esgotos, que utiliza o sistema wetland, da Amédrica Latina. Com capacidade para o tratamento de 200 litros de esgoto por segundo, a ETE Ponte dos... more
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      HerpetofaunaIctiofaunaFlora and VegetationOrnitofauna
Article describes Natural history of the Veluwe reserve in the Netherlands ,with extra attention for reptiles and endangered amphibians . Rare orthoptera and their status and regionally importance are also noted . This article is written... more
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      HerpetologyHerpetofaunaNeotropical Herpetology
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      HerpetologyNatural HistoryHerpetofaunaCaptive Breeding
The medically important Australian elapid Pseudonaja textilis was first documented for the island of New Guinea in the 1950s, when specimens from the northern coast of the Papuan Peninsula were collected and identified. It was initially... more
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      Papua New GuineaHerpetofaunaElapidaePseudonaja textilis
Nomenclatural information concerning the large, well-publicized softshell turtles in Hoan Kiem Lake, central Hanoi, Vietnam is discussed. In 2000 Ha Dinh Duc formally described these turtles as Rafetus leloii. Comparison of descriptive... more
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Captive reproduction of the Papuan taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus canni)
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      HerpetologyPapua New GuineaHerpetofaunaSnakes
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      Evolutionary BiologyHerpetologyConservationBiology
Herpetofauna adalah kelompok fauna yang terdiri dari reptil dan amfibi. Herpetofauna merupakan salah satu potensi keanekaragaman hayati hewani yang masyarakat luas masih belum begitu menyadari keberadaannya. Penelitian tentang... more
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The Neotropics harbor between 30-50% of the world's herpetofauna. However, little is known about the ecology and natural history of many species, making conservation strategies difficult to plan. After reviewing published papers on world... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyHerpetologyPublishingConservation Biology
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The population of the endemic Maltese wall lizard, Podarcis filfolensis, on the small island of Selmunett (10.9 ha), off the northeast coast of the island of Malta, has been described as a distinct subspecies P .f. kieselbachi. Selmunett... more
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      HerpetologyHerpetofaunaHerpetology and conservation
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    • Herpetofauna
The geographical position, mild climate, mountainous landscape, and habitat heterogeneity determine Bulgaria's rich diversity of herpetofauna. Currently, 17 species of amphibians (20 subspecies) and 36 species of reptiles (45 subspecies)... more
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U skladu sa procedurom i uslovima za izradu Studije zaštite zašticenog prirodnog dobra koji su propisani u clanu 56 Zakona o zaštiti prirode, zavod za zaštitu prirode je uradio Studiju zaštite zaštisenog prirodnog dobra Ratac sa... more
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      HerpetofaunaCrna GoraOrnitofaunaEntomofauna
“No es necesario realizar grandes proyectos de conservación, ni hacer uso de muchos recursos para ayudar a estas especies. Con una serie de medidas muy sencillas, económicas y eficaces es posible favorecer a las poblaciones de estos... more
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      HerpetologyRestoration EcologyRestoration ecology (Environment)Ecological restoration
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      HerpetologyDiversityNatural HistoryHerpetofauna
Based on a thorough analysis of the literature on reptiles associated with Mexico, and the review of databases, a detailed analysis of the distribution, richness and diversity of the reptiles from Mexico is presented. We estimate a total... more
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      HerpetofaunaAnfibios y reptiles
On the front cover a Sicilian rock partridge, Alectoris graeca whitakeri Schiebel, 1934 and an Egyptian locust, Anacridium aegyptium (Linnaeus, 1764); on the back cover a summer image of Linosa Island (photos T. Puma).
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      HerpetologyHerpetofaunaReptilesInvasive Alien Species
The highlands of northeastern Honduras remain under-characterized in terms of biological diversity, as exemplified by the regularity of new amphibian and reptile taxa discoveries. Following the recent description of a new species of... more
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      BotanySystematics (Taxonomy)ZoologyHerpetology
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      HerpetologyHerpetofaunaZoo BiologyNeotropical Herpetology
Ainda existem áreas de floresta na região de Manaus que abrigam grande diversidade de plantas e animais nativos, incluindo 65 espécies de cobras que são apresentadas neste volume muito bem ilustrado. Guias como este são essenciais para... more
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Cave is a known habitat for a variety of vertebrates and out of 1500 caves in the Philippines, about 37% are found in Mindanao. The Mighty Cave in Tagoloan was found to have no available records on vertebrate diversity because no previous... more
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yaitu herpeton yang berarti melata dan fauna yang berarti binatang. Jadi herpetofauna adalah binatang-binatang yang melata. Herpetofauna sendiri memiliki ukuran tubuh yang bermacam-macam, namun memiliki keseragaman yaitu berdarah... more
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    • Herpetofauna
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The description of Rafetus vietnamensis Le et al., 2010 is reviewed. As the name was based on the same type material as Rafetus leloii Ha, 2000, we declare R. vietnamensis an objective synonym of R. leloii. Simultaneously, no... more
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      HerpetologyHerpetofaunaHerpetology and conservation
México es un país con una gran biodiversidad, producto de la complejidad de su topografía, lo que favoreció el establecimiento de diversos tipos de climas, de suelo y de vegetación, lo que sumado favoreció la especiación de su fauna y... more
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      Wildlife ConservationHerpetofaunaDiversidad de anfibios y reptiles en México
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)PaleoclimatologyPaleoecologyHerpetofauna
A new salamander disease is spreading around the world and we need your help to find out where it's going! Please join my citizen science project to help save the salamanders:... more
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      HerpetologyWilderness (Environment)Surveillance StudiesInfectious Diseases
Latest information(2013) on the present status of sea turtles along India's mainland. A 2010-12 project initiative by WWF-India.Compiled and Edited by Annie Kurian. (This survey is after a decadal gap since the last GOI-UNDP survey... more
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      Marine BiologyHerpetologyEarth SciencesWorld Literatures
Abstrak Herpetofauna terdiri dari reptilia dan amphibia merupakan dua kelas potensi keanekaragaman hayati hewani yang kurang dikenal dan jarang diketahui. Praktikum ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis dan jumlah individu... more
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    • Herpetofauna
reunión nacional de herpetologia 2018
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      HerpetologyConservation BiologyHerpetofaunaEnfermedades Infecciosas
Data publicării: noiembrie 2008 Coordonator volum: Marius Făgăraş Tehnoredactare şi fotografii coperţi: Marius Făgăraş Referenţi ştiinţifici: Prof. univ. dr. Marian Traian Gomoiu -m.c. al Academiei Române, Universitatea "Ovidius"... more
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      HerpetologyHerpetofaunaReptilesEcology of Amphibians and Reptiles
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The present detailed account of the amphibian and reptile distribution in the North Adriatic island of Cres (Croatia) is chiefly based on literature data supplemented by new observations kindly provided by a number of correspondents or... more
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Arboretum bambu is one of the habitat of herpetofauna in Bogor Agricultural University. Herpetofauna is nocturnal spesies, the method of research is VES and time search. VES(Visual Encounter Survey) method is searching the herpetofauna... more
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    • Herpetofauna
The present work is a survey of the herpetofauna of Carlos Botelho State Park (CBSP), located in the region of Serra de Paranapiacaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Data were gathered from specimens collected in six areas within the park... more
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      HerpetologyPhilippinesInvasive SpeciesHerpetofauna
A preliminary inventory of amphibians and reptiles from the vicinity of Bulusan Lake, Bulusan Volcano Natural Park is presented. So far, there is no existing account documenting the herpetofauna of this unique protected area. With this... more
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This work was carried out with the main objective of sampling the herpetofauna of a Cerrado site in the state of Piauí, Brazil, that is influenced by neighboring biomes and one of the least known regions of the domain. The herpetofauna of... more
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      DiversityHerpetofaunaBrazilian cerrado
De los múltiples usos que se la han dado a la planta, la elaboración de bebidas destiladas como el tequila y el mezcal, son las que mayores ingresos económicos le dan al país hoy en día, seguido de la industria de las fibras extraídas de... more
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