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Este artículo analiza las Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad (PAU) de Historia de España de la Universidad de Valencia. Se aportan datos empíricos del nivel de aprendizaje sobre historia de alumnado preuniversitario. Los resultados... more
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      History EducationHistorical ThinkingEducación SecundariaPrimary Sources
Simon, Z. B. (2022). Why We Can’t Know Anything about a Truly Posthuman Future. In Freddy Paul Grunert et al. (eds.), HumaniTies and Artificial Intelligence. European Commission, 179-183.
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      Artificial IntelligencePosthumanismTime StudiesPhilosophy of History
Upper-level undergraduate historical methods course. Fall 2020
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      HistoryHistoriographyHistorical TheoryHistorical Thinking
In recent decades, the impact of postmodern approaches to history teaching has triggered an extensive worldwide debate that accommodates diverse and contrasting voices. This article examines how the education system of Religious Zionism,... more
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      EducationReligious EducationIsrael StudiesIsrael/Palestine
In diesem Beitrag werden erste empirische Befunde aus 50 qualitativen Interviews mit Geschichtslehrpersonen vorgestellt, die im Rahmen der österreichischen Mixed Methods Studie CAOHT gewonnen wurden. In diesem Projekt wird insbesondere... more
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      Learning and TeachingHistorical ThinkingTeachers BeliefsCompetencies
Die Auseinandersetzung mit Geschichtsschulbüchern hat eine lange Tradition. Arbeiten, die auf geschichtsdidaktische Aspekte zur Einforderung und Förderung historischer Denk- und Lernprozesse durch Schulbücher fokussieren, gibt es aber... more
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      History EducationTextbook ResearchHistorical ThinkingHistory textbooks
Abstract: This article analyzes how historical knowledge is assessed in England and Spain in the exams taken by students at the end of Compulsory Secondary Education. For this purpose, a sample of incidental nature was collected with a... more
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      AssessmentMeasurement and EvaluationHistorical ConsciousnessHistory Education
The purpose of this study is to explore teachers' philosophical and pedagogical views regarding their definitions of historical thinking. Staff development intended to train teachers in this method of instruction is also reflected... more
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      World HistoryProfessional DevelopmentSecondary EducationHistorical Thinking
A történelemoktatás válságban van, és ez a válság összefügg az általános történelmi kultúra leépülésével. Miközben a történelemtanítás igyekszik továbbra is a történettudomány szemléletét és a történeti kutatások eredményeit közvetíteni,... more
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      Public HistoryHistory EducationSocial MemoryHistorical Thinking
INTRODUCCIÓN. Este estudio analiza las narraciones resultantes de un ejercicio propuesto al alumnado de 5.o de educación primaria de cuatro centros escolares de la Región de Murcia con el objetivo de examinar sus habilidades de... more
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      StereotypesTeaching HistoryHistorical ThinkingPerspective
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      ArtHistory EducationTeaching HistoryHistorical Thinking
En los últimos años se ha producido un aumento significativo de los estudios centrados en el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de la historia. En el presente artículo, se recogen los estudios más relevantes que se han llevado a cabo desde la... more
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      Narrative and IdentityHistorical Thinking
The aim of this paper is to analyze what historical knowledge teachers are assessing and how they are assessing it in compulsory education in Spain. For this purpose, 359 exams and 3127 questions have been used in the Region of Murcia... more
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      AssessmentEducational ResearchHistorical ConsciousnessSecondary Education
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      Comparative ReligionGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureComparative Politics
This essay argues that the tendency to invoke modern historical thinking in trying to make sense of the Anthropocene amounts to an untenable, self-contradictory, and self-defeating enterprise. There is a fundamental contradiction between... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryFuture StudiesSocial Change
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      Asian/Pacific Islander American HistoryHistorical ThinkingElementary School Social Studies
¿Qué es, en últimas, un archivo? ¿Cómo podemos, los historiadores y estudiosos en general, relacionarnos con tan particular formación documental? ¿Cómo podemos reconocer las tramas de poder que constituyen el archivo y los espacios de... more
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      Cultural StudiesHistorical TheoryHistorical Thinking
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      Philosophy of HistoryHistorical ConsciousnessHistory EducationHistorical Thinking
In diesem Beitrag wird die Frage gestellt, wie religiöse Konflikte wie die Reformation im Unterricht verhandelt werden sollten. Es wird argumentiert, dass es im Geschichtsunterricht in einem heterogenen Umfeld nur um Sinnbildung durch... more
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      Learning and TeachingCritical ThinkingHistory EducationHistorical Thinking
La enseñanza del espacio y del tiempo se muestra como un contenido fundamental del proceso de aprendizaje al tratarse de las coordenadas básicas donde se va a desarrollar la experiencia del alumno (Comes, 2002). Pero su comprensión no... more
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      Teaching HistoryHistorical ThinkingEducational Value of Fairy Tales and Popular CultureTeaching History in early years
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      Historical Thinkinghistory of Pedagogy
In The Big Six: Historical Thinking Concepts, Peter Seixas en Tom Morton verhelderen het historisch denken door zes sleutelconcepten: historisch belang, bewijs, continuïteit en verandering, causaliteit, historische perspectieven, en de... more
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      HistoryEthicsTheory of HistoryHistorical Consciousness
This article shows that the question of "Historical Thinking and the Human" demands expanding the field of the philosophy of history. What I propose is to investigate the issue from two perspectives: firstly, by positioning it in the... more
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      Contemporary ArtAnthropocentrismHistorical ThinkingTotemism
Knowing and doing history are two major approaches in teaching history.
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      Design-based researchTeaching HistoryHistorical EpistemologyHistorical Thinking
Todas las aportaciones publicadas en esta obra han sido evaluadas mediante el sistema de revisión por pares ciegos.
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      History EducationHistorical ThinkingPrimary Education
Reflectie op de achtergronden en de effecten van de invoering van de Canon van Nederland in 2006 t.b.v. de discussie over de pros en cons van een Vlaamse canon. Canonvorming vindt altijd plaats, net als verdichting en epische... more
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      National IdentityHistory EducationHistorical ThinkingCanonisation Processes
El presente trabajo pretende realizar un análisis inicial sobre las concepciones que el profesorado de Educación Secundaria de la Región de Murcia tiene sobre el patrimonio como instrumento capaz de movilizar esas competencias históricas,... more
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      HistoryHeritage StudiesTeaching HistoryHistory Teaching
Palgrave 2020 [Preview] Download the full book via SpringerLink: This book is a unique attempt to capture the growing societal experience of living in an age unlike anything... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyEarth SciencesEnvironmental ScienceHistoriography
Welche Deutungsmuster befinden sich im Themenfeld Reformation, Katholizismus und Hexenverfolgungen in österreichischen Schulbüchern? Wird mit den Schulbuchdarstellungen diesbezüglich historisches Denken möglich, indem Multiperspektivität,... more
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      HistoryReformation StudiesEuropean Witch TrialsHistory Education
______________________________________________________________________ volumen 2 5 ÍNDICE La investigación de los problemas de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las disciplinas sociales en contextos escolares (desde la educación infantil... more
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      EducationAssessment in Higher EducationHistorical Thinking
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      AssessmentHistory EducationHistorical ThinkingSchool Based Assessment
London: Bloomsbury, 2019 June [Introductory chapter preview] Book info: Our understanding of ourselves and the world as historical has drastically changed since the postwar period, yet this emerging historical sensibility has not... more
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      Intellectual HistorySocial ChangeSocial TheoryTechnology
El formato narrativo ocupa un papel central en el ámbito de la historia, tanto en la generación del conocimiento histórico como en su transmisión y aprendizaje. Sin duda, una de las narrativas más frecuentes y dominantes en el campo son... more
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      National IdentityNationalism And State BuildingTeaching HistoryHistorical Thinking
Propozycja scenariusza lekcji dla klasy IV szkoły podstawowej, odpowiadającego nowej podstawie programowej, a zarazem rozwijającego myślenie historyczne i pokazujące warsztat naukowy historyka. Lekcja oparta jest o krytyczną analizę... more
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      Historical ThinkingHistory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.historia PolskiEdukacja Historyczna
By now, historical myths have established themselves so well in the collective consciousness that they are reproduced not only in popular media but also in textbooks and in the classroom. This volume draws on cultural studies and history... more
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      HistoryEducational ResearchHistorical ConsciousnessHistory Education
Nuestra contribución se centra en el desarrollo de una propuesta de trabajo basada en el uso del cuento y la narración como recursos sobre los que desarrollar una serie de actividades y dinámicas que permitan la introducción, el... more
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      Space and PlaceTeaching HistoryHistorical ThinkingEducational Value of Fairy Tales and Popular Culture
The rapidly growing transdisciplinary enthusiasm about developing new kinds of Anthropocene stories is based on the shared assumption that the Anthropocene predicament is best made sense of by narrative means. Against this assumption,... more
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      Intellectual HistorySocial ChangeSocial TheoryEarth Sciences
Eine Fallstudie zu einem äußerst populären österreichischen Schulbuch des 21. Jahrhunderts führte zu dem erstaunlichen Ergebnis, dass auf einer einzigen Schulbuchseite 19 sachliche Fehler vorhanden sein können. Das Thema dieser einen... more
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      Slave TradeHistory EducationDidactics (History)Textbook Research
The philosophical and religious ideas of Simone Weil bear on theory of history and historiography in ways not previously explored. They amount to a view of history as a consequence of the original creation, but they also generally exclude... more
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The present study provides a comprehensive picture of history teachers' conceptions of inquiry-based-learning (IBL), based on interviews with 22 secondary school teachers. The results indicate that, although most teachers' beliefs about... more
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      Inquiry Based LearningHistory EducationHistorical ThinkingTeachers Beliefs
The present doctoral thesis is supported by the theoretical framework of history didactics that focuses in the development of historical thinking and democratic citizenship as essential issues of history teaching. Then, it focuses on... more
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      Action ResearchTeaching HistoryHistorical ThinkingDemocracy and Citizenship Education
The paper examines the special historiographic evidence: the lost last book of the well-known Polish historian and methodologist Professor Jerzy Topolski entitled "New Methodology of History". Only its working outline in the form of an... more
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      Intellectual HistoryResearch MethodologyNarrativeTheory of History
PhD thesis
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      Teacher EducationInquiry Based LearningHistory EducationHistorical Thinking
Fikren 18. yüzyılın sonunda ortaya çıkan ancak yoğun olarak 20. yüzyılda kullanılmaya başlanan karşılaştırmalı tarih yöntemi, çeşitli tarihsel birimlerin mukayesesi sonucu ortaya konan benzerlik ya da farklılıklarını açıklama, tahlil etme... more
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      HistoryComparative LiteratureHistoriographyPhilosophy of History
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      Textbook ResearchHistorical ThinkingHistory textbooksTask-Based Learning
The paper discusses a new approach for teaching history in Lebanon inspired by the Finnish curriculum.
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      HistoryEducationHistory of EducationSocial Studies Education
Handreichung für die Entwicklung eines Stundenlangentwurfes im Fach Geschichte
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      Teaching HistoryHistory TeachingHistorical Thinking
Presentamos los principales supuestos, fundamentos y conceptos de la educación histórica Para iniciar nos parece imprescindible debatir sobre la propia disciplina histórica y los fines de la enseñanza de la historia Además presentamos una... more
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      History EducationHistorical ThinkingPensamiento HistóricoEducación Histórica
Recent reforms to social studies and history education in Canada include greater attention to Indigenous perspectives on the past, and explicitly developing the skills of historical thinking. The convergence of these two reform movements... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous educationHistory EducationIndigenous Peoples
Der Sammelband „Medien machen Geschichte. Neue Anforderungen an den geschichtsdidaktischen Medienbegriff im digitalen Wandel“ beinhaltet acht Beiträge der Tagung „Geschichtsdidaktische Medienverständnisse“, die im April 2014 an der... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesWeb 2.0