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As far as we know, no information was preserved about Inner Asia before the era of the Principate. A possible exception is Amometus’ data about the Attacora people, cited by Pliny and Solin. Amometus was an almost unknown author in Egypt,... more
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    • Classical philology
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      Late AntiquityByzantine historiographyAvarsTheophylact Simocatta
O conceito de Bárbaro surge ainda no império romano que definia povos e culturas diferentes como inferiores ao estado de civilização atingida pelos romanos, cuja certas características eram elencadas para definir tais diferenças de... more
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      Roman EmpireViking Age ScandinaviaOld Norse ReligionViking Age
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София,2023 ISBN 978-619-7469-43-1
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A késő Árpád-kori érméken, valamint II. András pecsétjén feltűnik a Nap és a Hold együttes ábrázolása, ami szokatlan az európai érmék világában, hasonlóakkal csak a tőlünk keletre birodalmat alapító sztyeppéi lovas népek érméin... more
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      NumismaticsEarly Steppe Nomadic peoples migrations and social life
Ptolemy wrote the name of a mountain range called Ἀλανὰ ὄρη/Alana ori in the lands of the Scythian. I want to show that that name could have a Türkic etymology.
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      Turkish LinguisticsOld TurkicTurkish LanguageTurks
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early ninth century. In Eastern Europe, it is also possible to study the relations the Empire established not only with its agriculturist neighbours (such as the Goths), but also with its pastoralist and 'nomadic' ones (such as the... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyGothsGepidsHuns
In the 4th century, the European Huns started a mass migration to the north of the Black Sea, joining the Alans, Eastern Goths and various Slavic tribes in front of them and initiating the event known in the literature as the Migration of... more
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      Attila the HunHunsGenel Türk TarihiBozkır Kültürü
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      ArchaeologyCentral Asia (History)
'ihe .Byzantine Studies Contere.ace is _planned-as an annual autumn forum "i"or the, and discussion of papers embodyi___ ng c:.urr�ht "?"esearch in .all as� pects of' By2.antine studies. The present Abstracts being s�nt to... more
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This paper examines the problems of impartiality and independence of scientific research from external influence and cleansing the sphere of knowledge from falsifications.
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      Philosophy of ScienceHistory of Science
'ihe .Byzantine Studies Contere.ace is _planned-as an annual autumn forum "i"or the, and discussion of papers embodyi___ ng c:.urr�ht "?"esearch in .all as� pects of' By2.antine studies. The present Abstracts being s�nt to... more
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      Digital HumanitiesProsopographyByzantine StudiesLate Roman Empire
Turgun the name of a Hun versus Türkic Durgun (quiet). Again a Turkic name among the Huns
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      Old TurkicTurkic LinguisticsOld Turkic CultureHuns
The late ancient chronicles gave us a detailed report on Attila's deeds and campaigns. Unfortunately, only some fragments remained on those Huns, who settled down in the Carpathian basin. In the second half of the 19th century some... more
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      History of HungaryHistory and civilisation of the Huns, ScythiansHuns and Hungarians
Най-добрият лангобардски историк, както и най-добрият историк на готите – Йордан повече от 225 години преди него, започва разказа за съдбините на своя народ в митологично-легендарни времена от пренаселения северен остров Скандинавия или... more
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      HistoryEducationSocial Historyистория
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      Roman PeriodThe BaltsThe Great Migration Period
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      Hellenistic HistoryCentral Asia (History)NumismaticsAncient Coins
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      Hellenistic HistoryCentral Asia (History)Silk Road StudiesHellenistic Bactria
Amid the large-scale excavations of recent decades, we tend to forget about the smaller sites that have emerged during rescue excavations, sewer constructions, and other public utility trenching. From the rescue excavations of the... more
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    • Roman Archaeology
A napokban röppent fel a hír a Homoródkarácsonyfalva templomában újonnan felfedezett székely rovásfeliratról. 24 órán belül elkészültem az alábbi olvasattal. A kezdetén az volt a legnagyobb kérdés, hogy ez a szemmel láthatóan archaikus... more
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      Székely rovásírásmagyar hieroglif írásmagyar nyelv- és írástörténet
Geç Antik Çağ’ın en popüler anlatılarından biri olan Kavimler Göçü, içerisinde pek çok hikâyeyi barındırmaktadır. Hunların Orta Asya’dan yaptıkları göç hareketi ile başlatılan Kavimler Göçü, Avrupa’nın bütününü etkileyen bir olgudur.... more
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      ChristianityLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
The paper discusses the steppe people of the Huns and their language, or languages, because it is assumed that the Hunnic state was extremely multilingual. In Chinese sources the Huns were recorded as the Xiōngnú (匈奴) people. The possible... more
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      Hunsethno-linguistic origins of HunsHistory and civilisation of the Huns, ScythiansEarly Steppe Nomadic peoples migrations and social life
Hódmezővásárhely, Gepidische Gräberfeld, Fundort, Ferenc Móra 1928, István Bóna 1966-1969
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A jelen fejezetcím alá tartozó alfejezetekben azt mutatom be, hogy az Eurázsia-szerte elterjedt világfa ábrázolások mindenütt a magyar hieroglif írást használják és a segítségükkel magyar szavakat, vagy mondatokat rögzítenek. Ez egy... more
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      Székely írásmagyar hieroglif írásvilágfa
Alaric has often been seen as the leader of the Visigothic people, from 395 to his death in 410. Before his rebellion against the Roman Empire in 395, he served in the Roman military, participating in the campaign against Eugenius and... more
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      Claudius ClaudianusGothsVisigothsScythia Minor
A Pócs Éva cikke nyomán kialakult világfa vita egyik témája lett a Szűcs Sándor által ránk hagyott világfa ábrázolások hitelessége. Az egyik kör felemlegette azok vélt, vagy valós hiányosságait, a másik kör pedig védte a... more
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      Néprajzmagyar hieroglif írás
This article discusses the evidence to support a continued official Roman imperial presence in Britain after the traditional date of 409-410, with the possibility of the final loss of the British provinces occurring sometime around... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman Britain
Introduction: the archaeological background and the analysed artefacts At the end of July 2021, volunteers of the Hungarian National Museum's (HNM) Community Archaeology Programme and the HNM Balassa Bálint Museum organised a trip into... more
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      ArchaeologyArcheometryHunnic period
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The reconstruction of the history of Buddhism in India and Tibet is complicated by the oftenhaphazard approach to geography found in the Indic sources, and a changing understanding of Indian names in the Chinese material. It is becoming... more
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    • Buddhist Studies
As of the IVth century, the Turks were forced to leave their homeland in theTurkestan region due to various reasons including natural disasters, population increase, insufficient grazing lands, political disputes, severe external pressure... more
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The main topic of this paper revolves around explanation of Hunnic title on the base of a belief in Turks and Mongols.
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      Yeniseian LanguagesOld TurkicScythiansHuns
Kovács Gergő írt egy cikket Miért ne létezhettek volna tündérmesék a honfoglalás korában? – tudósok a Mandinernek címmel. A cikkben Agócs Gergely és Somfai Kara Dávid szólt hozzá Pócs Évának az ősvallás és a világfa létét megkérdőjelező... more
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      Székely írásmagyar hieroglif írásmagyar nyelv- és írástörténet
Мозайките от тази резиденция повдигат проблематиката, свързана с епохата на Тетрархията: за използваните схеми, запълващите мотиви и остатъците от изображения. Специално внимание се отделя на стила, който е много характерен за епохата и... more
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      Late AntiquityLate Roman ArchaeologyGraeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall PaintingsSerdica
The Xiongnu are genetically heterogeneous, consisting of the Slab Grave and Chandamani cultures, which carry completely homogeneous ANA. It is possible that there was a small ANE legacy due to the spread of the Slab Grave into the Deer... more
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      Turkic Speaking PeoplesArkeologyXiongnu
Tomka Gábor az megjelent közleményeiben mutatja be az ónodi vár területén az 1985-1991 között Révész László által vezetett feltárás során napvilágra került kályhacsempe-leletanyagot. Több csempén is felfedezhetők magyarul... more
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    • magyar hieroglif írás
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      ArtHistoireHunsEmpire Romain
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      Physical GeographyCultureHuman and Physical Geography
The sustainability of the usage of the water resources is one of the most important problems of 21 century. Maritza River, which is one of the most important river of the Balkans, has 54 billion km2 basin environment in which Turkey,... more
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      Water PollutionEnvironmental (soil and water) pollution prevention and monitoring.
[Полный текст -- по запросу] Цель статьи – дать историческую интерпретацию изменениям, которые происходили с течением времени в архитектурном облике поселений и домов поздних скифов Северо-Западного Крыма. Для этого обобщаются главные... more
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      Black Sea Region ArchaeologyMithridatesAncient Greek ArchitectureHellenistic architecture
The Huns are part of Europe's rich history. The direct Hunnic impact on Europe as it stood around 370 was massive. Attila is one of the few names from antiquity that is still instantly recognised. Three famous experts on the Huns - Otto... more
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      Roman HistoryConstantinopleSerbiaHungary
This Chapter on the major battle of the Huns is only available here on It is published separately from the book because this chapter is voluminous and weakly linked to the other parts and because it deals with one particular... more
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      Roman HistoryMedieval HistoryFranceHungary
Introduction from the typescript of this chapter. For the volume, see:
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate AntiquityHunsTheodosius II
ÖZ: Iordanes'in Getica başlıklı yapıtında Attilâ'nın Hun ordusuna yaptığı konuşmalar muayyen bir garbiyatçı söylemi ve Batı Roma İmparatorluğu’nun eleştirisini yansıtır. Bu pasajlarda Hunlar, zayıflayan Batı Roma İmparatorluğu’nu... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryOccidentalismEarly Middle Ages (History)Attila the Hun
Asya Hunları (Xiongnu 匈奴), Ak Hunlar / Heftalitler ile Avrupa Hunları hakkında elimizdeki bilgiler genellikle Çinliler ve Romalılar gibi onların yerleşik komşularının kaynaklarında bulunmaktadır. Çoğu zaman önyargılı olan bu kaynaklarda... more
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      Xiongnu archaelogyHunsIranian HunsXiongnu
Biographies of Dayuan in Historical Records is the first book that records the digging of Silk Road. For the reason that Ban Chao successfully operated in Western Regions for 36 years and that the author of Book of Han is from the Family... more
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Bu araştırmada Tanzimat Döneminde Anadolu Kentlerinin Sosyal ve Ekonomik Yapıları genel başlığı altında birinci elden kaynaklardan edindiğimiz ve çok az bilinen ya da hiç bilinmeyen kimi bilgileri aktarmaya çalışacağız. Genel yorumlardan... more
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