Recent papers in Impunity
K. Magliveras, “International Organisations and Denialism: The Case of the African Union” in H. Nelen, J.C.M. Willems & R. Moerland (eds.), Denialism and Human Rights, Intersentia, 2016, pages 267-284 See the edited volume at:... more
To download click here : This paper attempts to provide a more complete understanding of the so-called right to the truth, deriving from court-made doctrine in the human rights field, and... more
Abstract: This article gives an overview about the exercise of the right to Freedom of Expression in Mexico. We hypothesize that three of the most important aspects that violate this law are the State speech that blames the drug... more
Kompas, Jumat, 30 September 2011 | 02:16 WIB Herlambang P. Wiratraman * Ketiadaan komitmen politik yang kuat dari pemerintah melakukan perubahan "menjadi lebih maju" merupakan alasan kegagalan pemerintahan SBY menegakkan pemerintahan... more
This chapter analyzes the key factors contributing to a rise in prosecutions of alleged perpetrators of human rights violations in Latin America, with emphasis on Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, and Peru.
Through interviews with one hundred journalists and editors in seven countries, we examine safety as the main challenge for journalists covering war and conflict in both local and international contexts. The article places a particular... more
Significant displacement is caused in Central America by gang violence, gender-based violence and hate crimes against LGBT+ people but State responses have failed to address their root causes.
The story of the world's longest hunger-striker, Irom Sharmila, who refused to eat for 16 years to protest India's Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act
Este trabajo actualiza la información reportada en IGI 2015. Extiende la muestra de países analizados a 69, incluyendo por primera vez casos de África. El estudio mide los grados de impunidad en forma comparada poniendo énfasis en la... more
Crime is an economically important activity, sometimes called the "industry of crime". It may represent a mechanism of wealth distribution but also a social and economic charge because of the cost of the law enforcement system. Sometimes... more
Across regimes both dictatorial and democratic since the end of the absolute monarchy in 1932, Thai citizens have experienced a range of forms of extrajudicial violence at the hands of state officials, including torture, disappearance,... more
The effort to deal with the 1965 human rights violations will be confronted with many difficult and varied questions: political, psychological, legal, social and financial. In general we conclude that one of the aims of the International... more
México (2020) se desarrolla una metodología cuantitativa para medir los niveles de dicha categoría. Siguiendo la criminología verde se define impunidad ambiental, en un sentido amplio, para integrar la imposibilidad de investigar,... more
The culture of impunity in society As citizens of this country, we all depend on our government to create and implement laws that will ensure a safe, organized and just society. We all do our duty of paying taxes so that we have
Since independence from Britain in 1948, Myanmar has been the subject of a paradox, given that, if on the one hand it is one of the countries most war-torn by persistent internal conflicts, on the other it is among the least studied in... more
Officially admitted by the Office of then Philippine Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno (summit convener) for use during the National Consultative Summit on Extrajudicial Killings and Enforced Disappearances - Searching for... more
En junio de 2010 se realizaron las Jornadas de Políticas Públicas de Derechos Humanos en el Uruguay: Memoria, Justicia, Reparación, acerca de las «cuentas pendientes» de la Transición Post-Autoritaria en la Facultad de Psicología de la... more
Introduction to "La Reforma Humanista: Derechos humanos y cambio constitucional en México" (A Humanist Reform: Human Rights and Constitutional Change and Mexico). Resumes and analices main changes and consequences involved in the 2011... more
Over the past year, the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Latin American Program has undertaken an extensive review of the principal United States security assistance program for the region—the Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI).... more
This paper aims at demonstrating that Brazil since a long time ago dwells with a deep-rooted culture of connivance with acts of corruption and illegal relations between public agents and private sector, and how these connections bear... more
The overlay of conflict, displacement and gender violence is altogether so traumatic as to beg the question: is true, sustainable peace possible where the experience of gender violence is both widespread and deeply embedded? A discussion... more
University of Chicago Press Publication
University of Chicago Press Publication
ÇKK, bedensel, zihinsel, ahlaki, sosyal ve duygusal gelişimi ile kişisel güvenliği tehlikede olan, ihmal veya istismar edilen ya da suç mağduru olan çocukları korunma ihtiyacı olan çocuklar olarak tanımlamıştır. Ceza hukukunda mağdur... more
South Asians for Human Rights (SAHR) is pleased to release the publication “Nation State Boundaries and Human Rights of People in South Asia” based on its study of cross border issues by Shomona Khanna, a legal researcher and lawyer from... more
Makalede cezasızlık sorununun anlamı, ulusal hukuktaki normatif dayanakları ve Anayasa Mahkemesinin bu soruna olan katkısı ele alınmaktadır. Yöntem olarak karşılaştırmalı metot kullanılmaktadır. Ulaşılan sonuç, Anayasa Mahkemesinin, İnsan... more
This publication attempts to create a better understanding of the nature, origins, and evolution of organized crime in Central America by examining the dynamics of organized crime in the three countries of the so-called Northern... more
El presente Volumen XIV tiene 2,190 páginas. Está organizado por fecha y agrupadas por mes. Abarca el texto completo de las conferencias de prensa matutinas que el Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador encabezó, entre el 1 de diciembre... more
Each of the signatories of this letter is an expert who has spent years conducting and publishing research to enhance our national understanding of the dynamics of domestic violence and sexual assault and the justice system, therapeutic,... more
There are numerous national mechanisms & international mechanisms for prosecuting the criminal cases of transitional justice. Despite these multiple layers of accountability mechanisms in place, no one has actually been held accountable... more
¿Qué factores explican los altos niveles de impunidad en Puebla? ¿Cuáles son las subdimensiones con peor desempeño? ¿Cómo se comportan los indicadores para Puebla en comparación con sus estados circundantes? ¿En qué ámbitos existen... more
La percepción respecto a la inseguridad es que nada de lo que se ha hecho ha dado resultados, que damos palos de ciego y que el problema no hace sino crecer y volverse cada vez más inmanejable. “Nada de lo que se ha hecho ha funcionado”... more
Podemos caracterizar lo que enfrenta México en la última década como una implosión patológica. Fenómenos destructivos de la vida pública o disfunciones institucionales previamente existentes o de comportamiento cíclico, algunas incluso... more
Throughout the 1980s in Iran, thousands of individuals were arrested and detained for supposedly supporting or participating in oppositional political organizations that were critical of the Islamic Republic regime’s undemocratic... more
İnsan Hakları Ortak Platformu adına KAGED tarafından yürütülen ve Avrupa Birliği Demokrasi ve İnsan Hakları Aracı ve Norveç Büyükelçiliği tarafından desteklenen " Cezasızlıktan Hesap Verebilirliğe: Sivil Toplum Örgütlerinin Izleme ve... more
It has now been more than three years since the summary of the US Senate report on CIA abuses (the ‘Torture Report’) reminded the world that after September 11, 2001, the CIA, through its ‘Rendition, Detention, and Interrogation’ (RDI)... more
This article critiques attempts by some in Africa to brand the International Criminal Court (ICC) as a neocolonial institution and stooge of the West. These arguments accuse the ICC of playing a double standard, being overly focused on... more
This Working Paper focuses on the Israeli denial of reparations – specifically return, restitution, compensation and guarantees of non-repetition – and its two-fold implication on the Israeli practices of forcible population transfer of... more
En este trabajo analizamos el concepto de patología de la política, entendiéndola como una idea relevante para comprender la reproducción y extensión de problemas como la corrupción, la violencia, la inseguridad pública, la traición, la... more
Με αφορμή την όλο και συχνότερη χρήση της έννοιας της ατιμωρησίας, σε μια πρώτη καταγραφή των ζητημάτων σε σχέση με τα οποία γίνεται επίκλησή της στο δημόσιο και επιστημονικό λόγο, επιχειρώντας στη συνέχεια τη συγκεκριμενοποίηση του... more
Since the mid-2000s, violence related to drug trafficking and other transnational crime has increased exponentially in Mexico. By the end of the decade the public began to seriously doubt the government’s strategy and its ability to... more