Indonesian Culture
Recent papers in Indonesian Culture
The anthropological literature on gender relations in Pacific Asia has tended to group ideas of menstrual pollution with sexual antagonism and the use of poisons and witchcraft by women against men in Melanesia, while the apparent absence... more
This article looks at efforts to revitalize “tradition” (in Indonesian, adat) among the Tobelo people in the eastern Indonesian province of North Maluku in theaftermath of the ethnic and religious violence that swept the region in 1999–... more
This article discussed the origins of the Buginese, customary law, kinship system, Bugis traditional costume, traditional song, traditional house, traditional weapon, religious system of Indonesia, cultural system of Indonesia, and global... more
The author discusses the methods of distribution and marketing that gave 1980's Indonesian exploitation films cult status among both local and Western audiences. He describes how both Indonesian producers and Western distributors selected... more
The phrase “the Chinese problem” is used to describe the fragmentation of the ethnic Chinese group from the Indonesian nation, and their subsequent discrimination . In other words, the failure for ethnic Chinese Indonesians to be accepted... more
The observations of Indonesia by the famous African American novelist Richard Wright during the 1955 Bandung Conference deserve to be read alongside Indonesian accounts, argue Keith Foulcher and Brian Russell Roberts.
NASIHAT-NASIHAT C. SNOUCK HURGRONJE SEMASA KEPEGAWAIANNYA KEPADA PEMERINTAH HINDIA BELANDA 1889-1936 VOLUME IV E. Gobée & C. Adriaanse Jakarta: Indonesian-Netherlands Cooperation in Islamic Studies, 1991 Unduh : more
Westernization Globalization is often thought as Westernization, a growing influence of Western values in opposition with local values and identity. The values can be in the form of culture like fashion, food, the way we communicate, etc.... more
Menjelaskan mengenai tradisi sisingaan yang biasa dilakukan saat iring-iringan khitan. Dilengkapi dengan iringan musik, kostum, dan makeup yang diperlukan.
This essay is the 1st prize winner of ISRSF history essay competition in 2018. The judges for this competition were Dr. Baskara Wardaya, Dr. Peter Carey and Dr. Yosef Jakababa.
Ini adalah sekedar tuangan perasaan yang saya rasakan saat saya membuka lembar demi lembar yang terbagi sepanjang 32 bagian di dalam novel "Tamu Kota Seoul" karya Yustri Fajar. Terbit Desember 2019. Yang pasti, ada satu hal yang masih... more
Indonesia is a country that has an abundance of different cultures. With the abundance of culture possessed, Indonesia should be able to preserve it. However, in reality some Indonesian culture has been claimed by neighboring countries... more
Tulisan pengantar ini bermaksud merangkai konteks-konteks yang mengiringi kemungkinan pembacaan atas pemikiran dan sosok Oei Sian Yok, Pembantu Seni Lukis Kita. Pada bagian Situs saya memaparkan sejarah singkat dan karakter majalah Star... more
Artikel tentang upacara adat Sedekah Bumi.
Makalah ini berisi tentang budaya Dalihan Na Tolu yang terdapat didalam adat batak, bagaimana peran serta perkembangannya dimasa mendatang.
In tourism studies globalization and localization are often conceived of as a binary opposition. The ethnography of an Indonesian group of tour guides presented here illustrates how the global and the local are intimately intertwined... more
The book is dedicated to Elena V. Revunenkova and Alexander K. Ogloblin, University year-mates and life-time friends. Since their graduation in 1961 from the Indonesian philology department, Oriental Faculty of St.Petersburg State... more
Notion of “wani ing tata” basically is manifestation of noble conception to regard women having dignity in society. Its actualization explained in dual roles which operated in both areas; domestic and social engangement. The words... more
2020 manuscript cultures cluster of excellence understanding written artefacts Layout Astrid Kajsa Nylander Photography Karsten Helmholz, Hamburg Cover MARKK, Inv.-Nr. 942:08; Schriftartefakt bestehend aus einer bearbeiteten und... more
Langkah-langkah yang harus di tempuh dalam melestarikan bahasa Indonesia.
Human and Culture in Indonesia
This is the expanded Bahasa Indonesia translation of the article I jointly wrote with Vincent Houben of the Humboldt University (Berlin) in 1985 and which was published in the volume edited by Elsbeth Locher-Scholten and Anke Niehof,... more
Kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan mengenai kritikan terhadap sistem sosial dan stigma yang berlaku dalam adat dan budaya masyarakat Minangkabau di dalam filem Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Vijck. Kritikan dilakukan melalui representasi... more
Seni dalam kehidupan beragama tidak lepas dari seni bangunan yang mencerminkan kehidupan masyarakat daerah itu. Suku Toraja yang menetap di pegunungan daerah Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia memiliki ritual yang khas yaitu makam batu Tana... more
Berikut adalah hasil Prosiding Muktamar Pemikiran Santri (MPSN) tahun 2019. MPSN adalah serangkaian kegiatan yang diperuntukkan bagi para santri seluruh Indonesia untuk memaparkan hasil penelitian dan penemuannya terkait nilai-nilai luhur... more
This article describes about the art of Sarafal anam in Bengkulu. This is important because the value of the history of the art. Transcription of the poem of Sarafal anam displayed in Bengkulu community tradition proves that the text of... more
Text for the publication
Indonesia memiliki keragaman budaya salah satunya yaitu tarian. Setiap daerah di Indonesia memiliki tarian masing-masing dan terdapat keunikannya tersendiri, dan inilah yang menjadi ciri khas Indonesia.
Pencak silat is a form of martial arts indigenous to the Malay derived ethnic groups that populate mainland and island Southeast Asia. Far from being merely a form of selfdefense, pencak silat is a pedagogic method that seeks to embody... more
A widespread scholarly opinion has sanctioned the view that ‘Hinduism’ in Java and Bali was fundamentally syncretic in character, forming a blend of Śaiva and Bauddha elements. What has been generally termed the ‘religion of Śiva-Buddha’... more
Not only does tradition of abstract thought called 'philosophy' exist in Indonesia, but it also has taken deep root. Through linguistic-morphological and historical studies, traces of possible existence of the philosophical tradition in... more
The book written by Amin Khoirul Abidin, a Master's Degree in Philosophy from UIN Walisongo Semarang Indonesia, exposes my philosophical view on 'Kebudayaan', a unique idiom of Indonesia.
Popular culture, or pop culture often called as mass culture, a culture that has been made deliberately to become accepted soon in society for the importance of the maker as well as all people who helped to publish the culture. Album of... more
The present article deals with the political debates about secularism, Islam and Pancasila in Indonesian history. It argues that Pancasila—or Pancasila secularism—constitutes, as Abdurrahman Wahid (2001) has rightly put it, a “mild... more
Islam is a religion, but it is also a philosophy. An analysis of surveys in the Arab world, Indonesia and Pakistan reveals that the mission and values of journalists in those Muslim-majority regions closely track Islamic obligations to... more
Bantengan adalah seni pertunjukan yang mengombinasikan sendratari dengan pencak silat, adu kesaktian, musik, dan mantra. Kesenian ini memiliki persebaran di wilayah Batu, Malang Raya, Mojokerto, dan Kediri. Rumusan masalah dalam... more
dan karunia-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini. Dimana, makalah ini dibuat untuk memenuhi persyaratan tugas dalam mata kuliah Teori Politik Luar Negeri. Dimana bahan atau sumber-sumber yang kami dapatkan atau diperoleh, berasal dari... more
Deskripsi dan urutan gerak dari Rantaya Putra Gagah
(description of indonesian traditional dance "Rantaya Putra Gagah")
(description of indonesian traditional dance "Rantaya Putra Gagah")