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Ce texte part du constat qu'un changement majeur est en train de se produire actuellement concernant les paradigmes fondateurs de notre vie sur Terre, ce que l'initiateur de ce livre collectif appelle des «enjeux anthropologiques nouveaux... more
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    • Integral education for Joy and Well being
Este proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo principal describir la materialización de las ideas pedagógicas del danés N. F. S. Grundtvig a través de las llamadas 'Escuelas Para La Vida' (1844-1901). Un tipo de escuela que provocó... more
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      Ken Wilber, Integral Theory, Humanistic Psychology, Transpersonal PsychologySpiral Dynamics, Integral Theory, International RelationsGlobal DevelopmentIntegral education for Joy and Well being
The paper is a comparative analysis of teachers in teacher colleges and those practicing in schools of their perception of teaching, curriculum, classroom practice and evaluation in integral schools. These schools practice the... more
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    • Integral education for Joy and Well being
Despite knowing that positive emotional experiences tend to be beneficial for adult learning, our incomplete understanding of the emotional system rarely allows us to incorporate emotion adequately in real learning situations. The... more
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      Adult EducationEducational PsychologyOutdoor EducationAdventure Education