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The surgical reconfiguration of the genitalia is still a standard intervention in the management of human intersexuality. In this paper, we present a case study of an adolescent with hypospadias who had required multiple surgeries to... more
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      MedicineHypospadiasGuidance and Counseling Intervention Programs
I am José. I was born in Manaus, and because of a hospital infection, I acquired septic arthritis in my right knee, which left me with one leg 10cm shorter than the other. Growing up with my mother as the only provider, I faced multiple... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryBrazilian StudiesSports Labour Migration
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      HumanitiesIntersexualityCivil RightsPublic sector accounting
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      SociologyCultural StudiesGeographyIntersexuality
Nos últimos 25 anos, temos acompanhado o aumento do interesse pelos homens e as masculinidades como objeto de investigação acadêmica, tanto no Brasil quanto internacionalmente, por parte das ciências humanas e sociais, sobretudo no campo... more
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      SociologyMasculinityStudies On Men And Masculinity
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      Didáctica de las ciencias experimentalesInfantilArchaeology of Natural Places
Quizás para muchos de ustedes este análisis pueda sonar gracioso o fuera de sentido, pero déjenme que me explaye más a profundidad sobre estas ideas, y luego de ahí en más tome usted sus propias decisiones. A no ser que sea un maldito... more
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Quizás para muchos de ustedes este análisis pueda sonar gracioso o fuera de sentido, pero déjenme que me explaye más a profundidad sobre estas ideas, y luego de ahí en más tome usted sus propias decisiones. A no ser que sea un maldito... more
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Quizás para muchos de ustedes este análisis pueda sonar gracioso o fuera de sentido, pero déjenme que me explaye más a profundidad sobre estas ideas, y luego de ahí en más tome usted sus propias decisiones. A no ser que sea un maldito... more
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Esta investigación se propone el objetivo de arrojar luz sobre la relación entre lectura, identidad de género e identidad sexual a través de la obra de J.R. Ackerley de 1968 Mi padre y yo. Partiendo de la premisa de que el ejercicio... more
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      Masculinity StudiesSexualidadLectura y lecturasJ. R. Ackerley
Neste artigo serão abordadas as injustiças, apagamentos e bifobias recorrentes nas experiências de pessoas bissexuais e como afetam negativamente a saúde mental desta população. Em diálogo com a obra de Didier Fassin, apresentamos os... more
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      BisexualitySaúde MentalEpistemic InjusticeBissexualidade
In German family court rulings on questions of custody and/or visitation, the criterion of attachment tolerance is frequently referenced. This criterion must be evaluated alongside the other test criteria of parenting and support skills,... more
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      Psychology and LawChild custodyFamily separation
The surgical reconfiguration of the genitalia is still a standard intervention in the management of human intersexuality. In this paper, we present a case study of an adolescent with hypospadias who had required multiple surgeries to... more
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      MedicineHypospadiasGuidance and Counseling Intervention Programs
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    • Teoría del conocimiento
Quelles sont les véritables origines de l’idéologie du genre que German Arce Ross appelle du terme de genrisme ? Qu’est-ce qui nous permet de situer le genrisme comme un mouvement totalitaire ? Comment expliquer la substitution... more
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      IntersexualityLacanian psychoanalysisGender ideologyTransexuality
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
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Voice virilization in women may occur due to increased levels of androgens. Women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) are at risk for voice virilization due to an enzyme deficiency that causes increased production of androgens and... more
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      MedicineInternal MedicineClinical SciencesCongenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
En este ensayo se discute la noción de deporte entendida como una institución de la modernidad y como una institución de género, lo que la convierte en una institución clave en la subjetivación o producción de masculinidades, es decir, de... more
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      Transgender StudiesGenderEstudios de GéneroSport
Decision-making dynamics in Italian paediatric care for Intersex and Variations of Sex Characteristics (VSC) involve a complex interplay between medical practices, parental perspectives, and socio-cultural factors. This article explores... more
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      IntersexualityItalyIntersexIntersex Genital Mutilation
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The distinction between "medicalised female genital mutilation (FGM)" as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and "female genital cosmetic surgery" (FGCS) is unclear, particularly given the lack of an age distinction or consent... more
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      Medical SciencesPediatricsSurgeryAnthropology
"Bajo el velo". En Irán la homosexualidad está castigada con la muerte, sin embargo, la transexualidad sólo se considera una enfermedad que se puede solucionar con la cirugía. El edicto religioso que en 1980 emitió el ayatolá Jomeini,... more
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      PhotographyTransgender StudiesContemporary ArtLGBT Issues
Abtreibung. Schütze ungeborenes Leben. Töte nicht Unschuldige!.A5.pdf
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    • Abtreibung
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      Gender StudiesHumanitiesIntersexualityFeminist Theory
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      Film StudiesTransgender StudiesFilm and Media StudiesNon-Binary Gender
Current debates on the nature of human biological sex often revolve around the question “is sex binary?”. In this paper, I argue that framing the debate in these terms is problematic, as it constitutes already a significant theoretical... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageSex and GenderIntersexuality
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      SociologyGender StudiesHumanitiesArt
Despite the significance of intersex constituencies for explaining the social nature of sex and gender, intersex linguistic and social practices remain a yet unexplored frontier within sociolinguistics. This article examines fundamental... more
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      IntersexualitySociolinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyLanguage and Gender
Entrevista publicada en Mad in México.
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      Experts by ExperienceLife Story InterviewingFirst-Person Narratives
Esta resenha crítica tem por objetivo analisar trajetórias e depoimentos de atletas transgênero (trans) participantes do documentário “Quem pode jogar?” no contexto de discussão de políticas de elegibilidade no esporte e literatura... more
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      SportsTranssexuality and TransgenderCritical Review
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The aim of this article is to explore the different demands and priorities of the intersex community as displayed in various Internet sites. It focuses on common and divergent viewpoints and strategies associated with the social, medical... more
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      Online CommunitiesCiencias SocialesRightsHumanities and Social Science
La historia reciente se preocupa por las rupturas radicales, las excepcionalidades o desviaciones. Busca dar respuesta a la pregunta ¿cómo fue que fue posible? Por lo tanto, su escenario es la guerra, y sus actores, las víctimas y los... more
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Recensione del film di Francis Ford Coppola
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      American HistoryRoman HistoryFilm StudiesLate Roman Republic
This essay draws on Michel Foucault’s reflections on his writing practice to develop a reading of his historical inquiries as exercises of what I call “death-writing.” Death-writing is a type of writing that is predicated on death, both... more
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      Critical TheoryDeath StudiesMichel Foucault
Körper, Sexualität und Geschlecht im Spätmittelalter von Christof Rolker I. Hermaphroditen gibt es nicht Hermaphroditen gibt es nicht: Dessen war sich der deutsche Gesetzgeber sicher, als er die bis heute gültigen Grundlagen des... more
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      HistoryIntersexualityArtMedieval History
Je sexuální práce dobrá práce, nebo vykořisťování? Proč je kolem ní tolik stigmatu, když sex máme skoro všichni? Sexuální práce má mnoho podob a sexuálně pracující nelze vidět jako homogenní skupinu obyvatelstva. Podmínky ve striptýzovém... more
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      Sociology of WorkFeminismSex WorkSex Industry and Workers
El presente trabajo pretende hacer un repaso histórico, y necesariamente breve, a la conformación histórica de la figura del hermafrodita y analizar su pervivencia en los imaginarios sociales actuales. Este análisis plantea cuestiones... more
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      GeographyFamily Strengths
Tale elaborato, a conclusione dell’illuminante Corso di Perfezionamento “Orientamento e career counselling per l’inclusione, la sostenibilità e la giustizia sociale” si propone di analizzare l'evoluzione normativa e le politiche di... more
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      LgbtqPubblica AmministrazioneFemminismoInclusione
When is it ethically permissible for clinicians to surgically intervene into the genitals of a legal minor? We distinguish between voluntary and nonvoluntary procedures and focus on nonvoluntary procedures, specifically in prepubescent... more
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      Sex and GenderIntersexualityBioethicsGender and Sexuality
INTRODUCTION: the approach and clinical treatments of intersexuality is a complex and deep subject, it is also a field characterized by debates and controversies where still there are features to be elucidate in relation to current... more
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      SociologyPolitical Science
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Our main interest in this work is to show in which ways we can find (multivocal) answer(s) to the question “how we evolved into these concepts of sex and gender?” We applied two main ways, with “socio” perspective as the first one and the... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologySex and Gender