Recent papers in Intersexuality
In this study, I offer a novel examination of intersex individuals as a third ontological category in Shiʿi legal discourse. While scholars have confirmed that intersex individuals are sometimes perceived as a third legal or social... more
Divendres, 15 de març de 2012, a les 19 h, a l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Inauguració del cicle intermitent "Ciència, Tecnologia i Medicina a la plaça Catalunya: Governabilitat, resistències i apoderament dels sabers científics" amb la... more
Resumen: Los incipientes medios de comunicación de masas, nacidos a finales del siglo XIX, fueron uno de los principales instrumentos empleados por las metrópolis europeas para dar a conocer los territorios recién incorporados en África.... more
Resumen: Los incipientes medios de comunicación de masas, nacidos a finales del siglo XIX, fueron uno de los principales instrumentos empleados por las metrópolis europeas para dar a conocer los territorios recién incorporados en África.... more
Background.-People who are culturally Deaf and people who have an intersex condition often experience medicalization and pathologization by contemporary healthcare providers and systems. This medicalization persists throughout the life... more
There is a stark divergence between the secondary literature on khuntha and, with the Turkish Latinized spelling, hünsa-terms denoting intersexuality in Ottoman contexts. Our historiographic investigation has revealed that these two... more
Zimbabwe as a member of the United Nations (UN) ratified a number of human rights treaties and the establishment of the much awaited Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) which was long overdue was a generally welcome development in the... more
This production is a critical review of the documentary "Quem pode jogar?", which was released in 2020 and shown in the online edition of the "Festival Mix Brasil 2020". The production in question presents dialogues with trans and... more
Este trabajo presenta un análisis axiológico de contenido llevado a cabo con 22 materiales didácticos destinados a distintos cursos de educación infantil (3, 4 y 5 años) de España. Estos habían sido elaborados por las editoriales Algaida, A... more
The notion of the "expert patient" has become quite prominent in recent years. In many countries, patients are invited to sit on various committees with biomedical specialists to share their expertise on diseases and health problems with... more
Si ringrazia la dott.ssa Deborah De Rosa per l'elaborazione del progetto grafico. This material originally appeared in English as American Psychological Association. (2015). Guidelines for psychological practice with transgender and... more
Intersex individuals are often told they are not human beings because they do not neatly fit into the categories of "female" and "male." Many are made to feel like monsters. Christianity enforces this model of sexual dimorphism with the... more
This study aims to explore the perception of Lahore-based female athletes about the representation of female athletes in sports media. Body image in every person's mind is different but because of the media people have a mindset that all... more
- by Muhammad Zia
Sobre el lucro en la educación se ha discutido en el ámbito académico2 y también en el político3; igualmente ha sido tema de debate si la educación debe ser gratuita, subvencionada o con financiamiento compartido y cuál es o debería ser... more
O objetivo deste artigo foi investigar as intersecções entre a agenda LGBTI+ e a bioética enquanto campo disciplinar. Esta pesquisa se baseou em análise qualitativa e revisão bibliográfica que englobam tópicos relacionados com bioética,... more
O presente estudo tem como finalidade demonstrar a relação existente entre a decisão dos familiares envolvendo a cirurgia de redesignação sexual de crianças intersexo e os direitos fundamentais da população intersexo. Para isso, será... more
The field of psychoanalysis is at a crossroads with regard to our theoretical understanding of gender and sexuality. The notion that "anatomy is destiny" (Freud 1912, p. 189) has largely been debunked-or at least recontextualized-giving... more
Negli ultimi anni, la disforia di genere (DG), precedentemente definita "transessualismo" o "disturbo dell'identità di genere", ha ricevuto una grande quantità di attenzioni, in tutte le forme di media, che hanno certamente contribuito a... more
In recent years, the transgender community has received an unprecedented amount of attention from both the media and the scientific community. The increase in referrals to clinics specializing in therapies aimed at affirming transgender... more
The surgical reconfiguration of the genitalia is still a standard intervention in the management of human intersexuality. In this paper, we present a case study of an adolescent with hypospadias who had required multiple surgeries to... more
I am José. I was born in Manaus, and because of a hospital infection, I acquired septic arthritis in my right knee, which left me with one leg 10cm shorter than the other. Growing up with my mother as the only provider, I faced multiple... more
In medical literature about management of Intersex, there has been considerable debate addressing ethical issues on medical practice -informed consent, parents' rights to make decisions about surgery on infants or whether children should... more
Diagnóstico de las diferentes realidades, posicionamientos y demandas de la población intersexual o con DSD en Barcelona o, con ayuda tecnológica, pueden llegar a tener la regla y ser madres. El cuadro comparativo que ofrecemos a... more
a los cuerpos sexuados, los géneros y las sexualidades. Constituyen a su vez un espacio discursivo privilegiado desde donde recorrer algunas de las certezas que se han ido produciendo y reproduciendo desde los distintos campos de... more
Nos últimos 25 anos, temos acompanhado o aumento do interesse pelos homens e as masculinidades como objeto de investigação acadêmica, tanto no Brasil quanto internacionalmente, por parte das ciências humanas e sociais, sobretudo no campo... more
Quizás para muchos de ustedes este análisis pueda sonar gracioso o fuera de sentido, pero déjenme que me explaye más a profundidad sobre estas ideas, y luego de ahí en más tome usted sus propias decisiones. A no ser que sea un maldito... more
Quizás para muchos de ustedes este análisis pueda sonar gracioso o fuera de sentido, pero déjenme que me explaye más a profundidad sobre estas ideas, y luego de ahí en más tome usted sus propias decisiones. A no ser que sea un maldito... more
Quizás para muchos de ustedes este análisis pueda sonar gracioso o fuera de sentido, pero déjenme que me explaye más a profundidad sobre estas ideas, y luego de ahí en más tome usted sus propias decisiones. A no ser que sea un maldito... more
Esta investigación se propone el objetivo de arrojar luz sobre la relación entre lectura, identidad de género e identidad sexual a través de la obra de J.R. Ackerley de 1968 Mi padre y yo. Partiendo de la premisa de que el ejercicio... more
Neste artigo serão abordadas as injustiças, apagamentos e bifobias recorrentes nas experiências de pessoas bissexuais e como afetam negativamente a saúde mental desta população. Em diálogo com a obra de Didier Fassin, apresentamos os... more
In German family court rulings on questions of custody and/or visitation, the criterion of attachment tolerance is frequently referenced. This criterion must be evaluated alongside the other test criteria of parenting and support skills,... more
The surgical reconfiguration of the genitalia is still a standard intervention in the management of human intersexuality. In this paper, we present a case study of an adolescent with hypospadias who had required multiple surgeries to... more
Quelles sont les véritables origines de l’idéologie du genre que German Arce Ross appelle du terme de genrisme ? Qu’est-ce qui nous permet de situer le genrisme comme un mouvement totalitaire ? Comment expliquer la substitution... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Voice virilization in women may occur due to increased levels of androgens. Women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) are at risk for voice virilization due to an enzyme deficiency that causes increased production of androgens and... more
En este ensayo se discute la noción de deporte entendida como una institución de la modernidad y como una institución de género, lo que la convierte en una institución clave en la subjetivación o producción de masculinidades, es decir, de... more
The distinction between "medicalised female genital mutilation (FGM)" as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and "female genital cosmetic surgery" (FGCS) is unclear, particularly given the lack of an age distinction or consent... more
The language is free and, for it's manifestation, it's necessary to know the whole idiom. It's imperious to know trat all the changes of a specific language, are due to their users, their real authors. The scientific language, because of... more
DieserText basiert aufeinem Beitrag und dessen Diskussion aufder g.Jahrestagung der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft fiir Geschlechterforschung (OGGF) im September/Ol<tober zozz in Salz- burg. Dank an die Diskussionsteilnehmer:innen sowie... more