Jacob Burckhardt
Recent papers in Jacob Burckhardt
Louis Kelterborns hier zum ersten Mal edierte Mitschrift von Jacob Burckhardts Kolleg Griechische Culturgeschichte, gehalten an der Baseler Universität im Sommersemester 1874 und fortgesetzt im Wintersemester 1874/75, stellt die einzig... more
From: The Blackwell Companion to Sophocles, ed. K. Ormand (Oxford 2012) 440–461
Fra le residenze aristocratiche modenesi, il Palazzo Solmi (via Emilia Centro n. 269), già dimora della illustre casata dei marchesi Rangoni, di antica nobiltà feudale, costituisce sia per dimensioni che per ricchezza e qualità delle... more
6 30 aprile 311 il cristianesimo ottiene «lo status di religio licita in tutto l'impero» 8 . L'intelligenza politica di Costantino «trarrà le conseguenze di questa fondamentale premessa» 9 , afferma Marcone, ricordando anche che va tenuto... more
"German historians usually only approach the philosophy of history with a protective mask for fear of infection." This kind of humor being characteristic of his writing, and irony one of his preferred forms, Heinz Dieter Kittsteiner might... more
De Marinis srl, Napoli Sciutto srl, Genova Allestimento e illuminotecnica Tecnoarte snc, Genova
Die Zeichnung als Forschungsinstrument – Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle (1819–1897) und seine Zeichnungen zur Wandmalerei in Italien vor 1550. Zugl. Diss., LMU München 2006. (Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien, 154). Deutscher Kunstverlag,... more
Monographica I, a cura di Danilo Manca e Marco Menon
Reading -1 <http://www.rm.unina.it/ebook/festesch.html> * Ho anticipato alcuni temi trattati in questo articolo in tre interventi finora rimasti inediti: Das historische Bild: Die Geschichtsauffassung in Ernst Kantorowicz' Kaiser... more
This article discusses the meaning of the term Renaissance and its application to the cultural and literary sphere, discussing its early definitions on the part of scholars such as Jules Michelet, Jacob Burckhardt, and Johan Huizinga, as... more
This contribution was first drafted as an introduction to a pair of linked sessions held at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America in Boston in spring 2016. It claims that fifteenth-century Naples remains an undervalued... more
I]ch bin eigentlich ein Narr, dass ich nicht mehr darauf bestehe, dass der Kapitalismus auch Denkarbeit auf breitester, nur ihm möglicher Basis, leisten kann." Aby Warburg Zwischen den dilettanti der Renaissance und den genialen... more
Attraverso il riferimento ad autori come Burckhardt e a temi fondamentali per la formazione di Nietzsche come la questione dello stile di vita rinascimentale, il contributo indaga il rapporto tra fisiologia e psicologia in chiave etica... more
This contribution focuses on the possibility of isolating an Italian theory of architecture in the postwar period until 1969, taking the controversy over Renaissance proportions as a case study. Rather than defining a specific approach to... more
The 19th century writer Jacob Burckhardt, who claimed Constantine never claimed to be a Christian, called Eusebius liar for unduly hagiographizing the first Christian Emperor. Dan Barker quotes the Burckhardt passage to claim Eusebius... more
Schelling’s first Berlin lecture, held on November 15th, 1841, inevitably associates the miracle of overcrowded lecture halls and people fighting not just for seats, but to get in at all. The miracle itself is beyond explanation, but it... more
This paper examines a facet in the long history of Italian Renaissance humanism: how later historians of philology understood Renaissance humanists. These later recon-siderations framed the legacies of Italian Renaissance humanism, at... more
This article aims to bring to light the unpolitical nature of the philosophical investigation. To pursue this goal, I will focus on the disenchantment before modern conception of philosophy that led Karl Löwith and Leo Strauss to diagnose... more
Italian Modernism as a Philosophical Problem? Review of Rocco Rubini's The Other Renaissance: Italian Humanism between Hegel and Heidegger
Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal
Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal
Ottimismo del temperamento" e "nichilismo". Appunti per una ricerca. L'espressione "pessimismo dell'intelligenza e ottimismo della volontà" giunse a Gramsci, indirettamente (e leggermente modificata), da Jacob Burckhardt. Nelle pagine... more
Todos os direiros reservados. A reprodução de qualquer parte desta obra, por qualquer meio, sem a autorização dos autores, constitui violação da LDA 9610/98.
Debido a la gran influencia que «La Cultura del Renacimiento en Italia» ha tenido en la historia de la cultura en general y en el pensamiento occidental en particular, en este ensayo intentaremos ofrecer una perspectiva global de esta... more
Pour considérer à distance notre moralité européenne, pour la confronter avec d'autres moralités, antérieures ou futures, il faut procéder à la manière du voyageur qui cherche à se rendre compte de la hauteur des tours d'une cité : pour... more
Born in the same year, although with three centuries of difference, also sharing their Christian name, Jacopo Robusti known as Tintoretto (1518-1594) and Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897) were the object of some relevant academic events and... more
The term "Renaissance" (rebirth) stands for the historiographical category defined and employed by nineteenth-century historians to describe the radical and comprehensive changes that occurred in Italy during the fifteenth and sixteenth... more
Article en français. Voici quelques extraits au lieu d'un abstract : "Paradoxalement, Ie modernisme se sert d'un grand récit sur l'art pour montrer que la narration n'est qu'un prétexte en art." "Il y a des oeuvres qui se racontent... more
First class about Historiography in 2015-2016 Academic course "Prácticas de la Monarquía Hispánica", II year of History career, Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid, Spain). I lecture: Origen of Historiography. II lecture: Annales. III lecture:... more
Theology and the University in Nineteenth-Century Germany examines the dual transformation of institutions and ideas that led to the emergence of theology as science, the paradigmatic project of modern theology associated with Friedrich... more
Seit nunmehr 70 Semestern finden sich im Heidelberger:,,Kirchen-väterkolloquium·' Lehrende wie Studierende der Philologischen und Theologischen Fakultäten ztisamn1en, uni'. sich im interd isziplinfü:en Dialog der Lektüre und... more
This paper discusses the nature of Burckhardt's apolitia, and raises the question as to the real meaning of his detachment from political things. The first part presents some major interpretations of Burckhardt alleged "Greek" unpolitical... more
The main scope of this paper is to challenge the mainstream interpretation of Nietzsche as the philosopher, whose essential contribution has been the deconstruction, and thereby the refusal, of all the fundamental concepts of modern... more
In 1833, the Swiss city-republic of Basel separated into two distinct cantons. During the three-year period known as the “Troubles” (Wirren), landowners in the countryside, inspired by the French July Revolution of 1830, rebelled against... more
Mercoledì 23 Gennaio Ore 15:30--17:30 Sala Rossa, Via Marsala 26 "Tutta la storia è stata scritta sinora dal punto di vista del successo: più precisamente, si è ammesso che il successo sia opera della ragione. (…) dove sono gli storici,... more