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      Roman HistoryGreek and Roman SexualitiesJulio-Claudian WomenBoudica, Cartimandua, Messalina and Agrippina the Younger. Independent Women of Power and the Gendered Rhetoric of Roman History
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      Roman HistoryFilm StudiesJulio-Claudian WomenTacitus
Tiberius relation with the women of the domus Augusta would give birth to a dynasty. The way in which they were portrayed in the dynastic propaganda and involved in the dynastic politics of Tiberius, would find its expression in the... more
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      Julio-Claudian WomenRoman numismatics and archaeologyAncient Roman NumismaticsRoman Imperial Ideology
En couverture : Satyre et Ménade, fresque, tablinum i, paroi nord, maison de L. Caecilius Iucundus (V, 1, 23-26), Pompéi, 1-50 apr. J.-C., musée archéologique national de Naples. © Mimmo Jodice / Corbis Création graphique : Un chat au... more
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      Roman HistoryWomen's HistoryGender and SexualityJulio-Claudian Women
This dissertation argues that martial virtues and images of the soldier’s life represented an essential aspect of early Byzantine masculine ideology. It contends that in many of the visual and literary sources from the fourth to the... more
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      PhilologyReligionHistoryAncient History
This is the typescript of the review chapter which was published in the paperback edition of 'Antonia Augusta' (London: Libri, 2002, pp. 241-275), supplementing the original publication (London: Routledge 1992).
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      Roman HistoryJulio-Claudian WomenRoman IconographyRoman imperial history
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      Julio-Claudian WomenTacitusJulio-Claudian EmperorsLivia
Modèles de vertu en apparence et pourtant manipulatrices, empoisonneuses et adultères, les Julio-Claudiennes ont une réputation sulfureuse. L’empereur Auguste fut contraint d’instrumentaliser les femmes de sa famille pour asseoir son... more
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      Ancient HistoryGender StudiesRoman HistoryGender History
Este artículo nace con la intención de realizar una aproximación a las relaciones establecidas entre el emperador de la dinastía julio-claudia Nerón y las mujeres que le rodearon a lo largo de su vida, tanto antes de ser nombrado... more
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      Julio-Claudian WomenEmperor NeroJulio-Claudian EmperorsRoman Women
Ovaj rad bavi se životom i djelovanjem treće žene cara Klaudija, Valerije Mesaline, jedne od najfatalnijih žena staroga Rima. Autor objašnjava je li ona zaista bila tako pohotna i razvratna ili je ocrnjena zbog ideoloških i/ili ostalih... more
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      Roman HistoryJulio-Claudian WomenEmperor Claudius
Arctos welcomes submissions dealing with any aspect of classical antiquity, and the reception of ancient cultures in mediaeval times and beyond. Arctos presents research articles and short notes in the fields of Greek and Latin languages,... more
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      Latin EpigraphyRoman social historyJulio-Claudian WomenRoman Onomastics
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      Roman HistoryJulio-Claudian WomenJulio-Claudian EmperorsCaligula
In Republican and imperial Rome, the house was seen as a locus of public life and a symbol of the status of its male residents. The influential position of elite women turned the houses that they owned, or the residential space with which... more
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      Gender StudiesRoman RepublicJulio-Claudian Women
En este trabajo analizamos todas las "emperatrices" romanas que sin ser jefas de estado un determinado emperador les acuñó moneda a nombre de cada una de ellas (no del "princeps"). No existe otro momento en la historia en que haya... more
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      Ancient HistoryArt HistoryNumismaticsJulio-Claudian Women
En el presente artículo se repasa el papel que ejercieron las familiares femeninas en la vida de Germánico, candidato frustrado al trono imperial, desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte, así como las distintas actuaciones de aquellas en la... more
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      Roman HistoryWomen's HistoryWomenJulio-Claudian Women
The so-called Marlborough turquoise depicts a Venus-like wom-an and a male figure. The latter has been the subject of much debate. We can discern two main questions: "Does the figure represent a bust or a child?" and "Who is this male... more
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      Julio-Claudian WomenAugustusCameosLivia
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      Women's HistoryJulio-Claudian WomenAncient Roman NumismaticsHistoire des femmes
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      Latin LiteratureRoman EmpireJulio-Claudian WomenRoman Imperial Ideology
In seguito alla sconfitta dei Cartaginesi, l'Hispania diventa provincia romana, laboratorio sperimentale dell'imperialismo romano fondato sul sistema delle province. Tra gli inizi del II sec. a.C. e l'ascesa di Augusto nascono molte città... more
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      Julio-Claudian WomenRoman Provincial ArchaeologyAugustusJulio-Claudian Emperors
Traduction espagnole de Messaline, la putain impériale, publiée en 2015 par Payot.
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      Gender StudiesGreek and Roman SexualitiesJulio-Claudian WomenJulio-Claudian Emperors
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryJulio-Claudian WomenTacitus
Université Populaire de Caen de Michel Onfray, 2015-2016, Cycle : le pouvoir et la maison impériale, cours 2 (14 mai 2016)
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      Ancient HistoryJulio-Claudian WomenWomen and Gender StudiesJulio-Claudian Emperors
Tutti i diritti riservati. È vietata la riproduzione di testi e illustrazioni senza il permesso scritto dell'Editore. Tutte le relazioni pubblicate nel volume sono state sottoposte a procedura di doppia peer-review. Lo spazio del... more
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      Roman political cultureJulio-Claudian WomenJulio-Claudian EmperorsCaligula
En el yacimiento de la ciudad hispanorromana ubicada junto al solar de la antigua ermita de San Mamés (Aroche, Huelva), se halló durante una de las últimas campañas de excavación un fragmento de epígrafe cuyo estudio, y restitución, ha... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyClassicsRoman HistoryPolitical Culture
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      Roman HistoryJulio-Claudian WomenAugustan PrincipateAugustus
Convertida en un símbolo de la maldad, la imagen de Livia Drusila ha sido difamada y manipulada desde la antigüedad por sus propios coetáneos. A pesar de la imagen peyorativa transmitida en torno a su figura, numerosos restos escultóricos... more
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      ArtJulio-Claudian WomenJulio-Claudian EmperorsRoman Sculpture
Convertida en un símbolo de la maldad, la imagen de Livia Drusila ha sido difamada y manipulada desde la antigüedad por sus propios coetáneos. A pesar de la imagen peyorativa transmitida en torno a su figura, numerosos restos escultóricos... more
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      Julio-Claudian WomenJulio-Claudian EmperorsRoman SculptureEmperor worship and Roman religion
The representation of early Imperial Roman women during the first century CE is well documented by a number of ancient sources, and most of these agree that the women of the Julio-Claudian family held far more political sway than any... more
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      Roman EmpireJulio-Claudian WomenJulio-Claudian Emperors
The paper focuses on the Roman History of Cassius Dio in order to explore his perception of an evolution in the role of women in the late Republican Rome and Early Empire. Dio recorded the tendency of some prominent exponents of the... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyWomen in the ancient worldCassius Dio
No sólo de Netflix vive el aficionado a las buenas series televisivas, y la exhumación de viejas colecciones de DVD puede deparar el grato reencuentro con lo que a esta altura merece llamarse un clásico: Yo, Claudio, magnífica producción... more
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    • Julio-Claudian Women
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      Julio-Claudian WomenRoman IconographyRoman numismatics and archaeologyAncient Roman Numismatics
Abstract: This article presents part of the research we have done on the fame of two specific female characters of the early Roman imperial period: Agrippina Maior and Livia Drusila. Therefore, multiple presentations of these figures are... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryJulio-Claudian WomenRoman Women
""Più che in età repubblicana, fin dai primi tempi dell'età imperiale la città è la cellula fondamentale di un tessuto connettivo, tanto complesso quanto omogeneo. In Africa, come in Italia e nelle restanti province, l'organizzazione... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryAfrican HistoryHistory of Religions
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      ArtJulio-Claudian WomenRomanBelgium
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      Imperial RomeJulio-Claudian WomenJulio-Claudian EmperorsRoman imperial cult
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      Julio-Claudian WomenRoman numismatics and archaeologyAncient Roman NumismaticsRoman Provincial Coinage
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      Julio-Claudian WomenBelgiumRoman coinsRoman Period
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      ArtClaudianRoman EmpireJulio-Claudian Women
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      Julio-Claudian WomenRoman numismatics and archaeologyAncient Roman NumismaticsRoman imperial history
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      Julio-Claudian WomenAncient Roman NumismaticsJulio-ClaudiansJulio Claudian numismatics
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      Julio-Claudian WomenAncient Roman NumismaticsRoman Provincial CoinageLivia in numismatics