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Despite John's distinctive and theological character, however, it still renders an independent memory of Jesus of Nazareth deserving full consideration in any effectively critical quest for the historical Jesus. The question is how do to... more
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      ChristianityHistoryHistorical ArchaeologyNew Testament
singular de las relaciones entre sujeto y objeto: «El artista no fuerza al objeto, como se creía desde la cultura del genio, sino que el objeto exige cada vez más actividad al sujeto. […] Arte y pensamiento ganan en la filosofía de Adorno... more
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    • Logos
Halal logo is the most common graphic mark use for Halal Malaysia which is a symbol to indicate the product or business is certified Halal by JAKIM. This is also an indication that the product or business is Shariah compliance. The issue... more
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      MalaysiaBrand equityBrandingHALAL
Der folgende Text ist Ergebnis des Nachdenkens über Schwellen als Grenzphäno-mene, die oft entscheidend sind-und über ihren Sinn für das Menschenleben. Bezüglich meiner mehr als zwanzig Jahren langer Tätigkeit als Mutter, Lehrerin,... more
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      PragmaticsLanguage AssessmentPragmatics and Language AssessmentPragmalinguistics
Sverigedemokraterna bildades1988 av tidigare aktiva inom nazistiska och fascistiska rörelser. Idag är partiet Sveriges tredje största. Partiets bakgrund, växande stöd och senaste framgångar i valet 2014 parallellt med uppmärksammande... more
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      SemioticsPolitical PartiesVisual SemioticsMarketing Strategy
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      DesignPhotographyGraphic DesignLogo Design
Christian communication’s dominant theme of loss and restoration is often persuasion-dependent. This is fostered by the positive character and credibility of the speaker as perceived by the audience. It is in this light that this paper... more
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Revival of roller derby in the early 2000s garnered significant interest in the sport, and an extensive network of leagues began to form. By 2018, approximately 1,500 leagues were operating in North America, each with a unique logo. In... more
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      Social PsychologyAnthropology of the BodyLogo DesignThe Body
1. Justification of the universe (rationality and the value of the universe). 2. Nihilistic variant of "redemption" (Mainländer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Camus, Sartre). 3. Gnostic-idealistic variant of "redemption" (Hegel, Martinetti). 4.... more
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      MarketingTourismSouth AfricaBusiness and Management
A thoughtful analysis of the uses of Ethos, Pathos and Logos and how it can convince audiences.
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Roma İmparatorluğu hakimiyeti sırasında İskenderiye’de yaşayan Philo (yak. M.Ö. 25-M.S. 50), Büyük Herodes, İsa ve Paulus gibi tarihi kişilerle çağdaştır. Kendisinin zengin bir aileye mensup olduğu ve iyi bir eğitim aldığı bilinmekle... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryPhilosophy
Orang-orang beriman kristiani, sejak menerima baptisan, sudah mengarahkan hidupnya menuju kepada kekudusan. Mereka dipanggil untuk bertumbuh dalam kekudusan, yaitu mengalami persatuan dengan Allah sumber kekudusan. Banyak jalan kekudusan,... more
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    • Logos
Pairis/.ica el Mcdúwvalúi, XXV (2004) BUENAVENTURA: TRASCENDENTALES DEL SER Y CAUSALIDAD DIVINA COMO FUNDAMENTO ONTOLÓGICO GEnALJ, Cm:sTA ' 1 ' l. La idea de Ser como constitutivo metafísico de la esencia divina El modo de concebir la... more
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      OntologyMedieval PhilosophyTheologyPatristics
Logos and Agapé: Prerequisites of education. – Zuzana Svobodová in her paper draws attention to the interdependence of these two dynamic bases of the educational process, without which there cannot be development of the quality of life –... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationNew TestamentAgape
Come esseri umani, «esistiamo in quanto operiamo nel linguaggio e conserviamo il nostro dominio di adattamento nel dominio di significati che questo crea; (…) siamo osservatori ed esistiamo in un dominio semantico creato dal nostro... more
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      Virtual WorldsMarshall McLuhanTribal studiesComunicazione
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Kej 1-3 secara tidak langsung berbicara tentang lembaga perkawinan yang mengatur seksualitas. Lembaga perkawinan itu dipandang sebagai kontrak sipil oleh bangsa Israel (Tob 7:13-14) dengan peran mas kawin (Kej 34:12), tahap-tahap... more
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    • Logos
John's Logos-hymn reflect a response to the Johannine narrative, functioning with other Christological hymns to pose a Jewish challenge to Empire and its divine-Caesar cult. It is added to the final edition of John as an experientially... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyNew Testament
Петрова, Д. (2021). Аудиторията - анализ и реторическо въздействие. София: УИ "Св. Климент Охридски"
ISBN 978-954-07-5278-5
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Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism by Joshua Muravchik reviewed by Jason Schulman here are, to be sure, intelligent right-wing critiques of socialism, as both concept and practice. Joshua Muravchik's The Rise and Fall of... more
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      MarxismSocialismForeign AffairsNeoconservatism
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      AdvertisingPackagingGraphic DesignBranding
Eine Hommage an die Entwicklung des naturwissenschaftlichen Denkens vom Paradies bis in die Neuzeit mit überraschenden mythischen und historischen Erkenntnissen. KAPITEL XLII. bis L. Eine Hommage an die Entwicklung des... more
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This paper considers the industrial and aesthetic function of the studio logos of major entertainment companies such as Paramount and Warner Bros, and examines their brand function in responding to change in Hollywood history.
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      Logo DesignMedia IndustriesBrandingHollywood
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Were Dawkins’ “The God Delusion” to have a colon after ‘Delusion’, followed by the author’s name, it would at least have a certain self-irony (i.e. Dawkins being a delusion of God). As it stands however, Dawkins’ book can only be taken as... more
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      NeuropsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of Science
¿Logo y logotipo son la misma cosa? ¿De dónde salieron estas palabras y a qué se refieren hoy en día?
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      Logo DesignBrandingLogosLogotipo
Urmăresc în materialul de față, câteva chestiuni-limită din câmpul cercetării științifice, care în ultimele decenii au generat dezbateri aprinse, menționând poziții care sugerează că ele ar ascunde discontinuități de fond, ce fragmentează... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeurosciencePhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Biology
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophical AnthropologyPlato
Maximus follows Dionysius the Areopagite in holding that God ‘precontains’ the knowledge of all things as their cause. He develops this idea by interpreting divine foreknowledge as a consequence of God’s knowledge of the divine logoi, the... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyPatristics
Heraclitus’ work raised many questions among his contemporaries and subsequent generations of researchers. If one understands it as a cosmology in the Milesian tradition, then the manifold sayings about people, the state and god, which... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologyHeraclitusCosmos
Setelah zaman para rasuli, Gereja mula-mula terus bergumul dalam upaya untuk memahami dan memformulasikan konsep Allah Tritunggal di tengah konteks polemik dengan pemahaman heretic yang berkembang pada masa itu. Pemahaman konsep Allah... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyEarly ChurchEarly Christianity
Purpose: The number of comparative studies of Old Norse and Japanese mythologies is extremely lacking. However, evidence suggests that Japanese mythology shares origins with the Indo-European mythologies, which Old Norse mythology is part... more
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      AnimismNorse mythologyCosmogonyTheogony
Nella Politica, Aristotele ci fornisce una delle più note definizioni attribuite all'essere umano. In questo suo testo, infatti, egli definisce l'anthropos (ἄνθρωπος) come 'zoòn lògon èchon' (ζῷον λόγον ἔχον), espressione che solitamente... more
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      OntologyMartin HeideggerLogos
This is full text of the first part of my monograph "The logos of Heraclitus", published by Academic publishers "Nauka" in Saint-Petersburg in 2014, in English translation which contains all five chapters of the Introduction on... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPresocratic PhilosophyNatural LawAncient social & political philosophy
"Between Heraclitus and Hegel. From the Consensus’ Logic to the Philosophical Logos" The target of this work is to shed a light on the structure of the Hegelian philosophical system, bringing back the thought of Hegel to one of the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsG.W.F. HegelHeraclitusCommon Sense
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      EnlightenmentReligious PluralismIntellectual History of EnlightenmentChristology
El Evangelio de Juan es uno de los 27 libros del Nuevo Testamento. Empieza con el famoso Prólogo, en el cual Juan describe la encarnación del Logos en la persona de Jesucristo, verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre, y termina con la muerte de... more
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      HistoriaCristianismoHistoria del cristianismo, MísticaCristianismo Primitivo
Mirada occidental 3013 Prof. Virgilio Colon Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Rio Piedras
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      PhilosophyOntologyPlatoPre-Socratic (Pre-Platonic) Philosophy
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      Biblical ExegesisGospel of JohnLogos
Abordando la cuestión planteada por el supuesto de que existe un pasaje del Mito a la Razón, cabría esgrimir una serie de argumentaciones entre las cuales, François Chatelet propone el hecho de que las llamadas "Historias de la Filosofía"... more
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Uma atualização da doutrina de Heráclito acerca do polemos, com consequências para as conexões entre ontologia e política.
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The Fathers of the Church were acquainted and influenced by both Jewish exegesis and Greek philosophy; the doctrine of the λόγος ἐνδιάθετος (inner) and προφοροκός (exteriorised) was one of those influences. Stoic in its genesis, it dealt... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityChristologyPhilo of Alexandria
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      TheologyPatristicsNew TestamentSystematic Theology
El trabajo realizado es una pequeña presentación lineal dentro de la historia sobre el concepto de verdad, y logos a lo largo de ella, para hacer una presentación del termino relativismo y su alcance en la actualidad. He tratado de... more
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      Joseph RatzingerRELATIVISMOLogos