Louis Althusser
Recent papers in Louis Althusser
Introducción: (Des)heredar la tradición ................................................. 13 1...Después de Hegel, la quiebra de la modernidad filosófica............... 19 1.1. El hombre frente al espíritu: Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard... more
Este capítulo é resultado parcial do projeto de pesquisa que apresentei como requisito para avaliação durante meu período de estágio docente após o ingresso no concurso para professora doutora em regime de dedicação exclusiva na Faculdade... more
ll''etique de spinoza est un livre pour comprendre dieu et parvenir par la rationalité du determiste comment peut acquerrir par cette connaissance de dieu ou nature pour realiser une vie bonne et trouver le bonheur dans notre vie
O artigo tem como objetivo discutir as críticas que Louis Althusser faz às noções de estrutura e inconsciente na obra de Claude Lévi-Strauss. Procuramos, assim, reconstituir a trajetória das críticas althusserianas, desde sua discussão... more
Scholar Oscar Cullman pondered whether PeTeR (Strong's 6363), which transliterated into Greek is spelled just like the Greek Petros (Kepha, stone), had something to do with Christ's wording in Mt. 16:18. That there was in Aramaic a... more
En este trabajo se enfatiza la importancia que tiene para la psicología crítica el concepto de causalidad estructural, propuesto por Louis Althusser en su retorno a Marx. En un primer momento, se aborda la coyuntura teórica del... more
No presente trabalho, apresentamos uma hipótese de tradução da obra de Pachukanis que foi uniformizada por tradutores, teóricos e editores. Trata-se de uma distinção entre as expressões “forma prava”, “pravovaya forma” e “yuriditcheskaya... more
Εκπαιδευτική Λέσχη, 6 Ιανουαρίου 2025... more
O estado liberal burguês tornou-se um obstáculo à distribuição igualitária dos direitos humanos fundamentais após a ascensão das concepções neoliberais de estado. No Brasil, com a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988,... more
Maryam Moosazadeh's critique of the book called Why I Did Not Become a Communist: A collection of five autobiographical stories by Davood Ghalajouri
Este artículo presenta una metodología docente innovadora implementada en las asignaturas de Historia del Mundo Actual y de Historia del Arte Contemporáneo. El proyecto se basa en la creación y gestión de una cuenta educativa en... more
Podemos encontrar una serie de autores que, inscritos en la tradición marxista, hacen uso del concepto de dialéctica, pero refiriéndola en forma adjetivada, atisbando una operación teórica con dicho término. Así, la... more
The objective of this chapter is to explore ways that drinks operate as signs within ritual contexts, and particularly how they are calibrated to ritual language, closing this survey with detailed examinations of Georgian wine toasting... more
- by Paul Manning
This thesis is about coercion. When individuals are exposed to coordinated processes of manipulation, often unbeknownst to them, they are stripped of agency and their lives are impacted beyond measure. The idea for this work stems out... more
Werner Bonefeld discusses with Lillian Cicerchia his new book A Critical Theory of Economic Compulsion: Wealth, Suffering, and Negation (Routledge, 2023)
In this book, Bryan Reynolds argues that early modern England experienced a sociocultural phenomenon, unprecedented in English history, which has been largely overlooked by historians and critics. Beginning in the 1520s, a distinct... more
Η θεματική της αρνητικότητας προσλαμβάνει και πάλι σήμερα μια ιδιαίτερη επικαιρότητα, ίσως λόγω της επιδείνωσης των δυσκολιών κατανόησης της δυστοπικής εποχής μας. Μετά από αλλεπάλληλες καταρρεύσεις κάθε δυνατότητας σχηματισμού κάποιου... more
This paper explores the relationship between Althusser and Walter Benjamin, looking in particular at their respective conceptions of Dialectical Materialism. What the paper argues is that each of their respective conceptions of history... more
Este artículo examina la influencia del pensamiento de Spinoza en la obra de Antonio Negri, con un enfoque genealógico sobre su desarrollo mili-tante y teórico, que abarca desde los años sesenta hasta la publicación de Imperio, Multitud... more
"Ono što, dakle, povezuje ove eseje jeste razmatranje svega onoga što spada u simboličku proizvodnju – pre svega likovne umetnosti, književnosti i filozofije – kroz istorijsko-materijalističke koncepte kao što su oblik proizvodnje,... more
This article discusses a possible dialogue between Marxism and psychotherapy based on the letters between Louis Althusser and Jacques Lacan, exchanged between 1963 and 1969. This dialogue forms the ground for a dialogue between what has... more
El presente texto se propone explicar la teoría del inconsciente ideológico desarrollada por el profesor de literatura granadino Juan Carlos Rodríguez en su libro Teoría e historia de la producción ideológica (1974) y progresivamente... more
El presente artículo se propone ofrecer algunas claves interpretativas para identificar la influencia del operaismo italiano de los años sesenta en la primera época de la revista argentina Pasado y Presente. La hipótesis del artículo es... more
Land and leadership are interrelated words and are also linked with political context. These are more closely related to conflict as well, rather can be said that it is a root cause of conflict too. This article deals especially with... more
Jordi Maiso nos presenta su libro Desde la vida dañada. La teoría crítica de Theodor W. Adorno (2022), su primera obra publicada en la editorial Siglo XXI
Antonio Gramsci is a very important science man who has been tried to add "soft power" to a Marxist Theory for administration society and produce a policy. He discovered the deficiency of Marxism, as a consequence, pointed out the... more
Turkish translation of: "Progress, Normativity, and the Dynamics of Social Change - an Exchange between Rahel Jaeggi and Amy Allen" The present translation includes an interview with Amy Allen and Rahel Jaeggi, two crucial thinkers of... more
- by Rahel Jaeggi
This article aims at contrasting salient ideas of Ludwig Wittgentstein’s Tractatus logico- philosophicus with some theoretical insights that are prevalent in the academic field of social sciences. Many of these have adopted the form of... more
Dějiny pravni vědy před nami vstupuji jako řada pokusů o nova řeseni a nove přistupy, ať již z hlediska toho, cim by pravo mělo být, co by mělo regulovat nebo jakým způsobem by mělo být poznavano. Neni to poprve, kdy je pociťovana... more
in Per una teoria critica. Cultura, politica e società da Francoforte a oggi, Potere e sapere. Biblioteca autogestia, Palermo
The concept of consent and its origin is a topic of intense debate within academia. This paper contributes to the discussion by examining two main perspectives on consent. One viewpoint argues that consent is manufactured or produced,... more
Çeviri: Gencer ÇAKIR
Söyleşi: Hugo de Camps Mora - Bruno Leipold
Bu söyleşi ilk olarak Jacobin dergisinde "How Karl Marx Became a Communist" başlığıyla yayınlanmıştır.
Söyleşi: Hugo de Camps Mora - Bruno Leipold
Bu söyleşi ilk olarak Jacobin dergisinde "How Karl Marx Became a Communist" başlığıyla yayınlanmıştır.
The object of a critical theory of society is Man [Menschen] in her historically specific forms of life. The article argues against ontological conceptions of social labour and of economy. Instead it insists that historical materialism... more
Seminario del corso di Filosofia politica, Università di Bologna
El artículo retoma la clásica relación entre Hegel y Marx a partir del concepto althusseriano de problemática. El abordaje se centra en los dos problemas teóricos fundamentales que históricamente han tomado relevancia en el... more
Bu kitabın yazılmasında birçok kişi bana yardımcı oldu. Norman Cohn ile sohbet etmenin büyük yararını gördüm ve burada verilen modern siyaset ve dinin yorumunu onsuz geliştiremezdim. Bryan Appleyard, Robert Colls, Michael Lind, Adam... more
"However, this does not mean that contradictions no longer exist in our society. To imagine that none exist is a naive idea which is at variance with objective reality. We are confronted with two types of social contradictions-those... more
Der Ansatz, dass Katastrophen als diskursive Produkte immer auch ein Symptom der Sinnsuche sind, wird auch in Bernhard Strickers Aufsatz 'Hiob - unser Zeitgenosse?' aufgegriffen. Die Unglücksfälle, die Hiob im Alten Testament... more
El siguiente artículo propone tomar el concepto de subjetividad conectiva para indagar el derrotero de la sensibilidad multitudinal y la política argentina en el presente y pasado reciente. Para eso se remonta a lo que postula como origen... more
The article discusses Sartre’s view of the concept of revolution and criticizes the Marxist bias in the way it has been historically experienced in the context of Eastern Europe. It points out the reasons presented by Sartre in Search for... more
in Funzioni e meccanismi dello Stato a partire da "Sicurezza, territorio, popolazione" e "Nascita della biopolitica", organizzato da Olimpia Malatesta e Raffaele Campanile