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This paper aims to account for what I describe as the gentrification of the humanist tradition by strengthening the bond between the epistemic merger of virtue theory and the still emergent category of political economy in... more
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      British LiteratureIntellectual HistoryPhilosophyEighteenth-Century literature
Jest to recenzja z książki Romualda Piekarskiego, "Makiawelizm, patologia ducha, sacrum i polityka. Eseje z filozofii politycznej" (Sopot 2016, ss. 353)
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      Immanuel KantEric VoegelinMax Weber (Philosophy)Machiavelli
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) was a Florentine historian, politician, military strategist, and humanist. Of his skill as a historian, Jacob Burkhardt noted that Machiavelli was the first of the “moderns” to present a city as a living... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Renaissance Studies
Marcus Aurelius should be viewed as the ideal role model for Roman Emperor because he was able to deal with natural disasters, economic crises, military campaigns and governmental issues.
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      ChristianityMilitary HistoryPhilosophyPlato
Why Machiavelli’s iron rules are as timely and important today as five centuries ago? Why Machiavelli? Nobody else has dealt with the political and moral requirements of leadership with such brutal clarity as Machiavelli. Machiavelli s... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical SciencePolitical Violence and Terrorism
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      ChristianityAtheismHistory of ReligionItalian Studies
Throughout the history, a surfeit of intellectuals have propounded modus on how a leader should conduct himself and lead his charges, with every one dwelling on specific characteristics and traits, either ingrained or acquired. Italian... more
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      LeadershipVirtue EthicsPoliticsItalian art
Il principio della simulazione (e dissimulazione) viene istituzionalizzato da Machiavelli e trova immediatamente spazio non solo nella letteratura politica e nella trattatistica, ma permea anche sulle scene del teatro del Seicento e... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryItalian (European History)Italian Studies
A selected bibliography of studies on Machiavelli and machiavellianism published between 2000 and 2016. This is a draft work, for comments and suggestions please write
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      Italian StudiesRepublicanismRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
Reply to Devin Stauffer's "Remarks on Timothy W. Burns’s *Leo Strauss on Democracy, Technology, and Liberal Education,*" remarks which appear in *Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy* 48.3, 347-350. I elaborate on the finding... more
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      Francis BaconThomas HobbesEarly Modern Science and PhilosophyJohn Locke
A study of the means by which Italian Renaissance artists and writers were able to express their dissatisfaction with the religious and political status quo in relatively safe ways.
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of FlorenceRenaissance dramaMachiavelli, Varchi
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      Intellectual HistoryPolitical PhilosophyHistory of IdeasPolitical Theory
In the disciplines of political science and international relations, Machiavelli is unanimously considered to be “the first modern realist.” This essay argues that the idea of a realist tradition going from the Renaissance to postwar... more
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      Renaissance HistoryRepublicanismRenaissance StudiesIntellectual History of the Renaissance
Literature is known to always be connected to most aspects in life. It tangles numerous types of aspects, even political philosophy. For someone like Niccolo Machiavelli and as he entered fields like politics, diplomacy, humanism,... more
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      PhilosophyShakespeareNiccolò MachiavelliMachiavelli, Civic Humanism, Politics of Virtue
La fortuna di Machiavelli: Dall'antimachiavellismo del XVI sec. alla lettura 'repubblicana' del XVIII sec. Come spiegato in maniera corposa e sistematica nel testo critico di Franco Fido intitolato Machiavelli e pubblicato a Palermo nel... more
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      Niccolò MachiavelliMachiavellianismReason of State from Machiavelli to BoteroTacitism
In contemporary discourse, the figure of Machiavelli has become the caricature of the unethical politician, who serves self-interest regardless of moral implications. However, this representation of his character is hasty and not founded... more
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      HistoryRenaissance StudiesItalian LiteratureMachiavelli
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance literatureNiccolò Machiavelli
Lucretia: Heroine and not. Considerations on two recent studies on “onestade”. Lucretia’s suicide because of her rape has had contradictory interpretations over the centuries, seen at times as the sublime exemplum of virtue and at... more
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      Dante StudiesCIvic HumanismItalian LiteratureMachiavelli
A study of how a festive company, the Compagnia della Cazzuola, founded along with two other festive companies, the Companies of the Diamante and Broncone, in the fall of 1512, used a clever manipulation of the hidden meanings of... more
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      Renaissance HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance ArtIntellectual History of the Renaissance
La critica della ragione sovrana e del suo corrispettivo edipico nella filosofia politica e nella psicoanalisi ha colto da subito la necessità di stabilire un diverso rapporto tra il desiderare dei soggetti e le forme sociali che questo... more
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      Political PhilosophyRenaissance HumanismMachiavelliFoucault (Research Methodology)
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      Political TheoryCiceroMachiavelliNiccolò Machiavelli
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      History of ChristianityRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismHistory Of Political Thought (Political Science)
Unless and until, the British monarchy, understood and accepted as such, captures the hearts and minds of the Australian people, it will be living on borrowed time. Australia's rulers no longer regard their subject population as a country... more
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      Political CorruptionBritish MonarchyClassical RepublicanismMass Immigration
This article examines the origins and development of the American republic through the lens of the "republican synthesis" in American historiography and, in particular, the work of J.G.A.Pocock. The republican tradition in America was... more
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      American HistoryBritish HistoryPolitical CorruptionAnglican Church History
(9200 words + iconographic appendix): chapter for the Renaissance volume (eds. Virginia Cox and Joanne Paul) of the Cultural History of Democracy (6 volumes) - Bloomsbury (scientific project editor: Eugenio Biagini, Cambridge, History) --... more
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      RepublicanismRenaissance HumanismHistory of DemocracyIntellectual History of the Renaissance
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      Political PhilosophyHistory of IdeasPolitical TheoryDemocratic Theory
Si cet ouvrage de T. Ménissier peut apparaître comme une introduction à la lecture de Machiavel, il ne s’y réduit pas. Composé d’une analyse et d’une présentation des principales idées qui traversent cette œuvre, ainsi que d’un corpus de... more
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      Machiavelli, VarchiMachiavelliNiccolò MachiavelliMachiavellism
In the aftermath of the 2020 Presidential election many commentators concluded that the Constitutional Republic in America has collapsed. They charge that a globalist oligarchy has seized power through a domestic color revolution. This... more
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      American HistoryBritish HistoryIdentity politicsPolitical Corruption
Nei capitoli VII e VIII del Principe, Machiavelli sviluppa una riflessione unitaria su un tema a lui caro e molto delicato: il rapporto tra la politica e il male. Il tema è sviluppato con stile acceso e piglio narrativo: Cesare Borgia e... more
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      BiographyNiccolò MachiavelliBiografiaLetteratura Italiana Del Rinascimento
This paper explores the early modern political science of vice by setting out Machiavelli's treatment of ambition, which can be harnessed but never finally tamed. Even though ambition always aspires to tyranny, Machiavelli argues that it... more
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      RepublicanismInstitutions (Political Science)MachiavelliLiberalism and Republicanism
Il presente file, titolo: Republicanismvs Geopoliticvs Fontes Origenes et Via, contiene testi e link di Massimo Morigi sull’estetizzazione della politica e sul ‘Repubblicanesimo geopolitico’. Il ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’ è una... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsLegitimacy and AuthorityMarxismRepublicanism
Passione politica e vocazione poetica, dissimulazione e verità, ateismo e teoria della religione civile, chi fu veramente Machiavelli? Ne parliamo con Michele Ciliberto, che firma un nuovo volume dedicato all’autore de Il Principe.... more
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      HobbesBaruch SpinozaGiordano BrunoMachiavelli
Shakespeare, Nietzsche, and the decline and fall of ancient Rome
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismShakespeareFriedrich Nietzsche
Il presente contributo si propone di mostrare l'abile intreccio di realtà e finzione messo in atto da Machiavelli ne La vita di Castruccio Castracani da Lucca (1520) al fine di veicolare in forma plastica il modello di uomo politico che... more
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      MachiavelliNiccolò MachiavelliMachiavellismMachiavellianism
FRANCESCO BAUSI -Il 'Principe' dallo scrittoio alla stampa, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2015 (quarta di copertina) Il volume ricostruisce la storia del Principe dalle prime fasi della sua stesura all'editio princeps romana del gennaio... more
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance
‘Teoria della Distruzione del Valore’: teoria elaborata da Massimo Morigi afferente al ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’, al ‘Repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Neo-repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Marxismo’ e al ‘Neo-marxismo’. Pur condividendo la critica di... more
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      MarxismRepublicanismMarxism and EcologyHobbes
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyReception StudiesPolitical Theory
Che cosa significa Ragion di Stato? Che cos'è il cosiddetto machiavellismo? E ancora: che cosa resta di autentico nel Machiavelli studiato attraverso la lente d'ingrandimento del machiavellismo? Il volume di Michel Senellart -tradotto e... more
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      Michel FoucaultMachiavelliMachiavellianismReason of State from Machiavelli to Botero
Alguns apontamentos sobre O Príncipe, de Maquiavel. Podemos encontrar na obra tanto um proto-pragmatismo como também uma elevação optimista da razão humana para mais perto da providência divina. Nesta leitura, a virtú descrita pelo autor... more
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      MachiavelliNiccolò MachiavelliTeoría PolíticaFilosofía Política
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      MachiavelliMachiavellianismCastruccio CastracaniMachiavelli, Civic Humanism, Politics of Virtue
The paper aims to focus on the life and struggle of the great Pakhtoon leader Bacha Khan also known as Frontier Gandhi built around two strong pillars of Gandhism i.e. “non-violence”(Ahinmsa) and “Loyal truth”(Satayagirah). Bacha Khan... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyInternational RelationsIndian Government and Politics
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      Religious congregations and monastic ordersMachiavelliNiccolò MachiavelliHistory of Cinquecento Venice
Recensione a: William J. Connell, Machiavelli nel Rinascimento italiano, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2015, pp. 267.
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      Political PhilosophyHistory of IdeasPolitical TheoryRepublicanism
‘Teoria della Distruzione del Valore’: teoria elaborata da Massimo Morigi afferente al ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’, al ‘Repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Neo-repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Marxismo’ e al ‘Neo-marxismo’. Pur condividendo la critica di... more
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      MarxismRepublicanismPost-MarxismThomas Hobbes