Recent papers in Materialities
There are many motives for making art, but economic drivers are often acknowledged as key attributes of artistic success. In particular, they figure in discussions about the strategic orientation of successful artist's careers. However,... more
The early ethnological works of Alfred Métraux are analysed bearing in mind his first fieldwork trip to the Chiriguano, in 1929. The paper discusses personal, academic and professional features of Métraux’s ethnological experience, the... more
Over the course of an influential career spanning several decades, Tim Ingold, Professor Emeritus at the University of Aberdeen, has established himself as a preeminent voice in the field of Social Anthropology. Author of studies... more
"Nos muros urbanos que historicamente acolheram o poder e a disciplina, inscreve-se também o inconsciente selvagem de tudo aquilo que permanece indomesticado. Efémeras, dispersas, negligenciadas ou rasuradas, as expressões disruptivas... more
Celebrity chefs foster a relationship of intimacy with consumers, which is compounded by presenting styles, social media and the opening up of their personal lives. These intimacies are extended into domestic spaces through the material... more
Michael Hauskeller (Erstmals erschienen in:Das Münster 52/2 (1999), 168-177.) I. Ob es eine christliche bzw. unchristliche Kunst gibt, ist eine Frage, die innerhalb und außerhalb kirchlicher Kreise bis heute kontrovers diskutiert wird.... more
What is Abstract Art? Loving art is all about perspective. To truly experience art, to let it infiltrate your brain and take you somewhere new, you have to find pieces that speak to you. Each person has a unique perspective that can never... more
FILIP LIPIŃSKI / The Image of Psycho. On interpictorial dialogue of works by Edward Hopper and Alfred Hitchcock The article is an analysis of a citational way of being of a well-known picture by the American artist Edward Hopper... more
This paper explores the materiality of food production and consumption within the household in Bronze Age Cyprus. The focus is on embodied encounters with the “stuff of food” – the pots, pans and other kitchen implements that were used on... more
In this paper a socio-material perspective on education is proposed that takes the local practices of teachers and learners seriously while still accounting for practices that extend beyond the here and now of a given situation. Through... more
This book is about representations of the body in all fields (fine art, medicine, ethnography, racial studies, biology). It is intended for artists, art students, and people interested in theories of art. This is the 2021 revision. Every... more
Le cinéma (ce qu'on appelle cinéma), qui n'est pas encore qu'au principe, deviendra au terme de son évolution la plus formidable trouvaille du monde, en ce sens qu'il dressera devant l'humanité une surhumanité ainsi qu'en face de la... more
"The material nature of painting is considered as a leading actor throughout art history, as well as the source of its viability as a contemporary medium of artmaking in contemporary art practice. Viewing painting in the context of its... more
This keynote paper for Workshops on Psychoanalysis & Art History raises questions about the ability of neuroscientific theory to replace older psychoanalytic models. On the one hand, scholars in the arts and humanities have raised... more
The over-arching tendency of anime research in academia (both inside and outside of Japan) has been to see anime as a “Japanese media product,” analyzing anime for sociological readings of Japan and its society. However, attending to... more
This book is about representations of the body in all fields (fine art, medicine, ethnography, racial studies, biology). It is intended for artists, art students, and people interested in theories of art. This is the 2021 revision. Every... more
'Clean War, Invisible War, Liberal War: The Clean and Dirty Politics of Guantánamo' argues that the Global War on Terror (GWoT) now ranks as one of the costliest and most extensive wars of the last hundred years and is certainly one of... more
This is a book about people who have had strong emotional reactions to artworks. It tells a history of times and places when strong passions were expected, and contrasts them with the habits of the last hundred years. The book also has... more
The theme of this issue is “Materialities across Asia,” exploring how attending to materiality and medium can reveal the transnationality of media in/across/from Asia. The focus of this issue tended to be on East Asia, but the various... more
This book is about the nature of images. It begins with a theory about how semiotics is more or less ruined by images, even though parts of it can be recovered in an historically specific fashion. The book compares familiar Western images... more
The paper discusses the implementation of a multi-agent system as an integral component of a hybrid, digital-physical architectural environment. It contributes to the existing practice-based architectural research in two ways: 1) by... more
An exhibiton review of 'Master Drawings Uncovered: Piranesi's Paestum' at Sir John Soane Museum, London (until May 2013) Also exhibited at: The Tchoban Foundation, Museum for Architectural Drawing, Berlin, 1 June–31 August 2013 The... more
This paper focuses on Red Lustrous Wheelmade (RLW) arm-vessels from Cyprus, central Anatolia and Cilicia, with the aim of examining how these objects were handled, used and embedded in social and cultural practices in the three regions.... more
This is a paper invited for the Irish art magazine "Circa," which had a special issues on the state of painting in 2004. It argues that painting's supposed dead ends (the eternal return of the monochrome, the end of the medium and of... more
If I were a Stag explores the anthropological concepts of Perspectivism through an installation that hopes to demonstrate how the idea that animals and plants can also have a soul is not that foreign to the western worldview. This... more
Tales from an Island After a Timber Boom
Intermaterial relations between individual genres of material culture are a constant phenomenon in antiquity. There are, however, specific periods of time with particularly strong interdependencies. This applies in particular to the Late... more
During the twentieth century, Literary Theory emerged, consolidated itself as an academic discipline and finally fell into crisis. As part of the academic institutionalization of literary studies, Literary Theory rebutted both the old... more
В статье проводится разграничение между социологией объектов и социологией вещей. Для этого автор предпринимает расследование работы Бруно Латура Где недостающая масса? Социология одной двери как ключевого текста о технологии в... more
In this review essay, I explore the relationship between cultures of circulation and anthropological facts. Research published in 2013 advanced the field by attending to the coproduction of globally circulating things (commodities, race,... more
Assim, uma pedra pode funcionar como rocha, como peso para um papel, como uma arma, dependendo do agenciamento em que se insira. O desafio para a semiótica da terceira fase é descrever tais agenciamentos em seus processos de... more