Recent papers in McLuhan
This PDF includes Chapters 1 and 2 of the innovative text anthology, designed for use in Media Studies courses, especially large lecture courses like "Media and Society." -- The book combines movies and texts to introduce students to... more
Marshall McLuhan'ın Hayatı, Kavramları ve "Araç Mesajdır" mottosu üzerine Doktora Dersi Sunumu
El escenario de la comunicación humana, basado en las interrelaciones que realizamos entre personas que manejamos un mismo código, sea este lingüístico, social o sensacional, ha transmutado en una carrera acelerada. La revolución de la... more
Resumen Introducción: En este estudio se establece un paralelismo entre el pensamiento de Marshall McLuhan, uno de los primeros en explorar el fenómeno del prosumidor, y los llamados nuevos medios. Y por la otra, se analizan dos... more
Las prácticas culturales en su conjunto están enmarcadas en y atravesadas por un contexto informacional que traza el camino por el que transita el siglo XXI. Pero ¿cuál es la entidad de este ser al que llamamos información? ¿Bajo qué... more
Este texto comprende seis apartados y la conclusión. En el primero, explicamos qué es la ecología de los medios. En el segundo, señalamos cómo las tecnologías han observado a través de la historia un rol protagónico en la transformación... more
This paper contributes a digital-aesthetics approach to relevant new media discourse topics concerning the market, power and control, and identity formation by way of discussing the phenomenon of computer-generated imagery (CGI).... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
Accostare due figure del calibro di Elémire Zolla e Marshall McLuhan costituisce un’impresa troppo ardua da risolversi nello spa- zio di queste brevi note. Il peso di entrambi nella cultura novecentesca è difficilmente misurabile senza... more
Marshall McLuhan probed and explored the social and cultural environments created by media technologies and the modes of perception engendered in those who found themselves immersed therein. In this essay I argue that digital games... more
Le sens aigu des aphorismes et l’hermétisme de Marshall McLuhan ont probablement nui à la réception scientifique de ses travaux. Néanmoins, les écrits de l’auteur canadien continuent de susciter critiques et dithyrambes. Dans cet article,... more
O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir as webséries e propor uma integração entre novos formatos audiovisuais e as questões juvenis na contemporaneidade. Para isso, fizemos uma revisão bibliográfica interdisciplinar para trazemos tópicos... more
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
Dzisiejszy świat bywa nazywany „kulturą atencjonalizmu”: wszyscy walczą o uwagę potencjalnych odbiorców. Kluczem do sukcesu jest emocjonująca opowieść. Dlatego wiedza na ten temat nabiera znaczenia. Ideą książki jest wprowadzenie w... more
The originality of McLuhan’s approach to the spiritual dimension of existence seeps through many of his writings. If he could leave such a deep track in twentieth century thought, it was because of an really uncommon aesthetic insight... more
The Aalborg Project may be interpreted as a metaphor of modern politics, modern administration and planning, and of modernity itself. The basic idea of the project was comprehensive, coherent, and innovative, and it was based on rational... more
At the same time that case studies are widely used and have produced canonical texts, it may be observed that the case study as a methodology is generally held in low regard, or is simply ignored, within the academy. For example, only 2... more
Marshall McLuhan’s notion of the “counter-environment” has great explanatory value when considering North American art of the late 1960s and early 70s whose aim (rather than being the sole object of attention itself) is to direct... more
Abstract: In Discipline and Punish the police is a state institution isomorphic with the prison. In his Collège de France lectures, Foucault unearths a ‘secret history of the police’ where greater attention is paid to public health,... more
In this paper we argue that the use of the communicative theory of Jürgen Habermas in planning theory is problematic because it hampers an understanding of how power shapes planning. We posit an alternative approach based on the power... more
For McLuhan, the artist is the individual able to live fully in the present, “the person who invents the means to bridge between biological inheritance and the environments created by technological innovation.” (1988: 98) This role... more
One of the most innovative and coherent approaches recently proposed in the study of the work of McLuhan has to do with the concept of space. This concept appears in McLuhan’s thinking from the very beginning of his work and evolves as... more
Pre-print del volume edito da Aracne, Canterano (Roma) che raccoglie dieci saggi scritti fra il 1996 e il 2019 e difficilmente reperibili, tre dei quali inediti (2011-2015). Indice: Appunti su ION Letteratura e metafore della... more
Książka stanowi pierwsze na rynku polskim tak gruntowne i kompleksowe opracowanie myśli Jeana Baudrillarda. Zapełnia ona istotną lukę w polskiej humanistyce pokazując także, że autor Symulakrów i symulacji okazał się bardzo inspirujący... more
It is suggested that despite the fact that McLuhan claimed not to have a theory of communication that in fact the body of his work does indeed constitute a theory of media and their effects, which is termed as Marshall McLuhan’s General... more
This article presents the theoretical and methodological considerations behind a research method which the author calls ‘phronetic planning research’. Such research sets out to answer four questions of power and values for specific... more
Back cover text: If the new fin de siècle marks a recurrence of the real, Bent Flyvbjerg’s Rationality and Power epitomizes that development and sets new standards for social and political inquiry. The Danish town of Aalborg is to... more
At the University of Indiana 1958 conference on style in language, Roman Jakobson introduced his well-known diagrammatic model of communication with its six "factors" and, more or less, corresponding "functions". The title of his paper... more
Cuando hace ya más de medio siglo se formó la UNESCO, y en su preámbulo fundacional se señalaba que "si las guerras nacen en la mente de los hombres, es en la mente de los hombres donde deben erigirse los baluartes de la paz", sus... more
"Radical Research explores the view that research is not a neutral tool to be employed without bias in the search for truth. Rather the radical roots of research are to be seen in the focus on freedom and emancipation from blind... more
La realidad es una construcción social continua. “El orden social es un producto humano, o, más exactamente, una producción humana constante” (Berger & Luckmann, 2012). Las personas al interactuar, conformar y sostener los agregados... more
Sobre la escuela de comunicación de Toronto: Eric Alfred Havelock (1903- 1988) señalará el papel fundamental de la escritura en la conformación del pensamiento filosófico griego a partir de un profundo análisis de los argumentos de Platón... more
Günümüzde internet hayatımızdaki yerini her geçen gün arttırıyor. 52 yıl önce, bir iletişim kuramcısı olan Marshall McLuhan tarafından ortaya atılan Global Köy (The Global Village) kavramı günümüzde tartışılmaya devam ediyor. Ayrıca bu... more
Disclaimer: The case you are about to read is based on a publicized case captured on the animal planet series (Fatal Attractions). The case is fictionally embellished as I attempted to imagine from the inside out the compulsive nature of... more
François Dosse, Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari: Biographie croisée (Paris: Éditions la Découverte, 2007), ISBN: 978-2707158727, translated as Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari: Intersecting Lives (New York: Columbia University Press,... more
Nel passaggio dal mythos al logos è un intero polimorfo universo a eclissarsi, popolato da divinità, culti, epifanie, riti, preghiere e canti, che lasciano il posto al muto e silenzioso rigore della ragione, motore di un sapere laico e... more
Un breve pero intenso acercamiento a las ideas de Marshall Mcluhan, quién definió, adelantándose a su tiempo, muchas de las cosas que estaban por suceder. Un intento de explicar los cambios actuales. En sus obras “Understanding Media:... more