Mental Causation
Recent papers in Mental Causation
Im ersten Teil der Hausarbeit stelle ich Überzeugungen und phänomenale Erfahrungen vor. Ich werde zeigen, dass diese einen Gehalt bzw. Intentionalität haben und welchen Einfluss diese Eigenschaft auf die kausale Rolle hat, wenn es darum... more
The Article provides an overview of the historiography of the description of Dagestan carpet-weaving as a component of the domestic economy, material culture and aesthetic consciousness, as well as some ornamental and compositional and... more
Многие открытия в нейронауке и социальной психологии ставят под сомнение наличие свободы воли. Они показывают, что поступки людей определяются социальным контекстом и бессознательными состояниями мозга. Но не следует ли из этого, что... more
Свобода воли и моральная ответственность в аналитической философии к.XX- нач.XXIв. Стенограмма защиты докторской
En este artículo abordo críticamente la aseveración de David Papineau según la cual la evidencia fisiológica acumulada es suficiente para adoptar razonablemente el Principio del Cierre Causal de lo Físico y la vía negativa, viz. entender... more
"Most philosophers endorse the viewpoint that a mental event can cause a physical movement, as well as another mental event. Yet, the ontology to which they adhere prevents them from conceiving this mental causation. Jaegwon Kim... more
“Realization” is a technical term that is used by metaphysicians, philosophers of mind, and philosophers of science to denote some dependence relation that is thought to obtain between higher-level properties and lower-level properties.... more
Im Mittelpunkt dieser Abhandlung steht die Frage, welchen Beitrag der Libertarismus zur Begründung der Willensfreiheit leisten kann. Insbesondere ist gegen den libertarisch-akteurskausalen Ansatz häufig geltend gemacht worden, dass er... more
Please do not quote from proofs. For final version see New Essays on The Explanation of Action (ed. C. Sandis), Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, pp.358-385
If events exist, what are they like? It is common to accept events as the proper relata of the causal relation. If that is the case, and there is causation, then there must be events. There is disagreement over the character of these... more
Geert Keil befindet, dass dem Libertarier ein Mythos der Unbedingtheit anhaftet. Keils grundlegende Auffassung einer libertarischen Freiheitsvorstellung beinhaltet aber das tatsächliche „Anderskönnen bei gegebener Vorgeschichte“. Dieser... more
This book explores relationships and maps out intersections between discussions on causation in three scientific disciplines: linguistics, philosophy, and psychology. The book is organized in five thematic parts, investigating connections... more
The problem of free will is deeply linked with the causal relevance of mental events. The causal exclusion argument claims that, in order to be causally relevant, mental events must be identical to physical events. However, Gibb has... more
Causal reductionism is the widespread assumption that there is no room for additional causes once we have accounted for all elementary mechanisms within a system. Due to its intuitive appeal, causal reductionism is prevalent in... more
In everyday life we take it for granted that we have conscious control of some of our actions and that the part of us that exercises control is the conscious mind. Psychosomatic medicine also assumes that the conscious mind can affect... more
Including "Action, Reasons, and Causes", "How is Weakness of the Will Possible?", "Agency", "Freedom to Act", "Intending", "Mental Events" and "Thinking Causes".
Jaegwon Kim has given new strength to the thesis of mental epiphenome-nalism. He has furnished powerful reasons to think that, if one accepts physicalism and admits that mental properties are distinct from physical properties, she must... more
I summarize Jaegwon Kim's (2001/5) paper on the detrimental affect 'mental causation' has on physicalism.
Hume thought that actions undetermined causally by prior events would happen by mere chance. But we think that such actions need not happen by mere chance. The actions could be still determined - by their agents; they could therefore be... more
This public article presents three arguments for the plausibility of panpsychism: the view that sentience is a fundamental and ubiquitous element of actuality. Thereafter is presented a brief exploration of why panpsychism has been... more
Winner of the Best Paper Award
This article is the second part of a two-part essay. The first part was published as: "Hylomorphic Animalism, Emergentism, and the Challenge of New Mechanisms in Neuroscience" Scientia et Fides 5 (2) /2017, 9-38 Abstract for Part II:... more
According to the dominant tradition in Christianity and many other religions, human beings are both knowers and actors: beings with conscious beliefs about the world who sometimes act intentionally guided by these beliefs. According to... more
Drawing from both enactivist and cognitivist perspectives on mind, I propose that explaining teleological phenomena may require reappraising both “Cartesian theaters” and mental homunculi in terms of embodied self-models (ESMs),... more
La proposition originale de la psychanalyse, c'est la scission du psychisme en conscient et inconscient, provoquée par la défense contre la pulsion ou les représentations conflictuelles. La notion de conflit psychique 2 se réfère à un... more
"Michel Weber & Anderson Weekes (eds.), Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind, Albany, New York, State University of New York Press, 2009. (484 p. ; ISBN 978-1-4384-2941-0 ; 65,32 €) (Jan... more
The notion of reduction continues to play a key role in philosophy of mind and philosophy of cognitive science. Supporters of reductionism claim that psychological properties or explanations reduce to neural properties or explanations,... more
The main purpose of this monograph is to respond to the reiterated criticisms that some reductionist philosophers, especially Jaegwon Kim and David Papineau, have developed of the non-reductive physicalist explanation of the causal power... more
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There are three problems with Husserlian transcendental phenomenology: (1) What does it mean to be transcendental? Namely, how different is Husserl's version from Kant's? And is transcendentality necessarily idealistic, subjective... more
This article examines two medieval thinkers—Averroes and Aquinas—on the kind of causation exercised by the agent intellect in “abstracting” or producing intelligibles from images in the imagination. It argues that abstraction in these... more
В статье совершается попытка объединения двух известных философских проблем. Проблемы ментальной каузальности, или более широко, проблемы каузальности в дуализме вообще, и проблемы онтологии случайного. Показано, что оба эти вопроса часто... more
My target article (henceforth referred to as TA) presents evidence for causal interactions between consciousness and brain and some standard ways of accounting for this evidence in clinical practice and neuropsychological theory. I also... more
We try to provide in outline an understanding of emergent properties, which should possibly make the idea of emergence not just plausible but compelling. It is our conviction that the core truth of emergentism is neither especially exotic... more
In response to the claim that our sense of will is illusory, some philosophers have called for a better understanding of the phenomenology of agency. Although I am broadly sympathetic with the tenor of this response, I question whether... more
We współczesnej filozofii umysłu, kartezjański dualizm substancji nie jest stanowiskiem rozpowszechnionym. Z drugiej strony, popularny na przestrzeni ostatniego wieku redukcjonistyczny materializm, wciąż nie dostarczył odpowiedzi na wiele... more
Sandis, C. (2003). Review of The Lost Cause: Causation and the Mind-Body Problem by Celia Green. Human Nature Review. 3: 491-493.
It is arguably an assumption of both common sense and scientific psychology that mental states and events cause events in the physical world. Yet this fact is problematic for both physicalist and dualist theories of the mind.
A mind-independent physical world is a possible world consisting of material substance, where a material substance is a substance existing ‘otherwise than in a mind perceiving it’. Berkeley would have good reason to claim that talk of... more
Many philosophers nowadays take for granted a causalist view of action explanation, according to which intentional action is a movement caused by mental antecedents. For them, “the possibility of human agency evidently requires that our... more
Wie kann das Mentale aus Sicht der Neurowissenschaften verstanden werden, da nach einer allgemeinen Auffassung das Mentale mehr ist, als physikalisch beschrieben werden kann? Dabei geht es insbesondere um die Frage, wie mentale... more