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Why hasn’t Uruguay enfranchised emigrants yet? Guided by this question, this study examines a relatively under-researched case of non-enfranchisement and engages with debates on external voting, diaspora politics, and citizenship beyond... more
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      Latin American StudiesDiasporasLatin American politicsGlobal Citizenship
R e s u m e n Asumiendo que los niños son al mismo tiempo actores y sujetos de fuerzas sociales, y que los niños en circunstancias migratorias son agentes que, aunque comparten algunas realidades con otros miembros de sus familias, viven... more
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      TransnationalismColombiaMigrationAnthropology of Children and Childhood
Abstract: Many have debated whether or not human smugglers, known as coyotes, are involved with drug trafficking organizations. Scholars have largely rejected so-called “narcocoyotaje”, however; we hope to problematize this narrative by... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsViolenceDrugs And AddictionBorder Studies
This article considers how migrant deaths -particularly in the borderlands of Europe and the United States -relate to the speed at which migrants travel. It argues that the most dangerous boundaries for migrants, and the most difficult... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologyHuman GeographyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologyGlobalization
This article investigates political opportunities and constraints associated with incorporating the concept of universal citizenship into migration debates. Analyzing the speeches of Ecuador's president Rafael Correa over eight years, the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLatin American StudiesDemocratic TheoryColombia
The metaphor of “care drain” has been created as a womanly parallel to the “brain drain” idea. Just as “brain drain” suggests that the skilled migrants are an economic loss for the sending country, “care drain” describes the migrant women... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminist TheorySocial Research Methods and Methodology
This article explores how intersections of gender, race, and nationality influence both the migration experience and identity processes of Brazilians living in Santiago, Chile. We use a biographicalintersectional analysis of their... more
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      Identity (Culture)Transnational migrationIntersectionalityMigraciones Internacionales
In this article I highlight the political work of Nicaraguan migrants living in the informal settlement of La Carpio in San José, Costa Rica, as they negotiate rights in the form of urban services. Nicaraguans in La Carpio have organized... more
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      Urban GeographyLatin American StudiesUrban PlanningMigration
RESUMEN: Este texto repasa los antecedentes fundacionales de la política española sobre inmigración, poniendo el foco en el período anterior y posterior a 1985, año de sanción de la primera ley de extranjería. Partiendo de sus inicios... more
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      European UnionEuropeanizationEuropeanisationSpain
This article deals with the production of migration control regimes and the proliferation of borders in Latin America and the Caribbean, within the framework of the recent contemporary processes of regionalization and internationalization... more
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      Latin American StudiesBorder StudiesMigration StudiesLatin America
This paper analyzes the politics of mapping along the US-Mexico border to explore how humanitarian activists wield geospatial technologies in challenging border securitization. In addition to 'bounding' societies within delimited... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedia Sociology
Resumen A pesar de las propuestas para aumentar los gastos en agentes y equipo para la seguridad fronterizo, la geografía compleja de la militarización de la frontera y la violencia que produce son muy pocos entendidos. Tomamos una... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsLatin American StudiesViolenceCritical Geopolitics
Resumen. La presente investigación compara la cobertura informativa de La 1 de Televisión Española durante la llegada de las 626 personas rescatadas por el barco Aquarius en el mar Mediterráneo en 2018 con otros temas de inmigración, que... more
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    • Migraciones Internacionales
Se analizan imaginarios y rumores sobre la vida sexual de los migrantes que circulan en las comunidades transnacionales, con base en estudios cualitativos con varones mexicanos en Chicago, Estados Unidos, y mujeres peruanas en Buenos... more
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      MigrationInternational MigrationSociology of MigrationTransnational migration The authors look at transformations affecting border spaces, by using the concept of the 'mobile... more
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      Critical TheoryControl Systems EngineeringHistoryCultural History
El derecho a migrar, como el derecho a la salud del migrante, se encuentran reconocidos en la Ley de Migraciones Nro. 25871/2003 de Argentina. Dicha ley constituye un avance legislativo en derechos humanos; resultado de un largo proceso... more
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    • Migraciones Internacionales
Resumen: en este artículo profundizo en la propuesta teórica de lo que denomino tramas transnacionales del cuidado, a partir de una agenda investigativa de alrededor de una década en torno a la migración y el cuidado, desde una etnografía... more
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      MigrationInternational MigrationMigration StudiesEthnographic Methods
In recent decades, the criminalization of immigration and the use of private prisons have increased in popularity. The criminalization of immigration and the privatization of prisons work hand in hand in shaping the American criminal... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionSociologyCriminology
Este artículo investiga las características de la experiencia migratoria de mujeres colombianas en Chile en la década del 2010, con énfasis en sus motivaciones y llegada a Chile, su proceso de inserción laboral y gestión económica, el... more
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      Gender StudiesColombiaRace and RacismMigration Studies
Wisdom is at once one of the most elusive and most valued kinds of knowledge. Empirical research shows that, indeed, across cultures, people hope that life experience will eventually make them wiser. The problem is that, to date, the... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
In one of the first volumes to address social work practice with this emergent and often marginalized population, practitioners and scholars specializing in transnational issues develop a framework for transnational social work practice.... more
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial ChangeSocial Movements
Resumen: en este estudio construimos una tipología de cuerpos traficados de mujeres migrantes clandestinas en tránsito desde América del Sur y el Caribe en dirección a Chile. Nos aproximamos al tema desde la antropología del cuerpo y de... more
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      Anthropology of the BodyMigrationChileBorders and Frontiers
Esta edição da revista Sociologias reflete, criticamente, sobre a produção da "ilegalidade migrante" em contextos fronteiriços latino-americanos e caribenhos. Para tal, ela conta com artigos que examinam a produção de ilegalidade através... more
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      Latin American StudiesBorder StudiesMigrationIrregular Migration
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    • Migraciones Internacionales
Este artículo explora ciertos usos de las "cartografías oficiales" y da cuenta de diversas experiencias de "cartografías heréticas" de la migración y las fronteras con la intención de contribuir a la reflexión sobre las diferentes formas... more
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      CartographyMobility/MobilitiesBorder StudiesInternational Migration
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Studies of relations between China and Latin America have largely focused on economic and political relations between the Chinese state and specific countries in the region, or examined the experiences of Chinese migrants in Latin... more
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      Latin American StudiesCritical GeopoliticsTransnationalismRegionalism
This article stems from the observation of a small group of highly qualified young women, who reside in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. A qualitative analysis of the migratory paths of these women is performed from a psychological... more
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      Sociology of FamiliesGender StudiesArgentinaWomen and Gender Studies
Multicultural commercial neighbourhoods are key spaces where individuals learn to relate to cultural difference in increasingly diverse cities worldwide. Host countries’ pre-existing social dynamics and environmental conditions mutually... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationCommunity OrganizingRace and EthnicityChinese Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)
This article features a connected history of punitive relocations in the Spanish Empire, from the independence of Spanish America to the " loss " of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines in 1898. Three levels of entanglement are... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryNineteenth Century Studies
Las políticas migratorias de República Dominicana (RD) han restringido el acceso a la nacionalidad dominicana de miles de menores haitianos llevados a este país durante la infancia, así como a menores nacidos en RD de padres haitianos, es... more
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      HaitiInternational MigrationMigracionesMigraciones Internacionales
Son muchos los retos globales que se avecinan; sin embargo, dentro de las discusiones en materia de política pública y legislación, poco se abordan las movilidades humanas como producto de los impactos del cambio climático. Si bien es... more
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      Cambio climáticoMigraciones InternacionalesPOLÍTICAS MIGRATORIAS
This article examines the impact of the criminalization of immigration on non-documented immigrants and the profession of social work. To meet its aims, the article explores the new realities for undocumented immigrants within the context... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionSociologyCriminology
Linking municipal-level homicide rates from 1990 through 2018 with data from the Mexican Migration Project, we estimate a series of multinomial discrete-time event history models to assess the effect that exposure to lethal violence has... more
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    • Migraciones Internacionales
As baby boomers begin to retire, the U.S. economy will become even more dependent on immigrant labor -illegal or not. Amid the current immigration debate, one U.S. community decided to hold public hearings to explore how residents viewed... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionSociologyCultural Studies
Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, changes have occurred in the regional dynamics of international migration and in the ways governments manage human mobility. This article argues that the migratory system connecting the... more
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      Central America and MexicoInternational MigrationContemporary International MigrationMigraciones Internacionales
During a post-election TV interview that aired mid-November 2016, then President-Elect Donald Trump claimed that there are millions of so-called “criminal aliens” living in the United States: “What we are going to do is get the people... more
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      SociologyGeographyLatin American StudiesCriminal Law
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      ArgentinaInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyMigraciones InternacionalesMigración
Resumen. La industria de la construcción ha experimentado en las últimas décadas importantes cambios a nivel de gestión del trabajo, condiciones laborales y composición de la fuerza de trabajo, destacando la creciente participación de... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLatin American StudiesIrregular MigrationLabor Migration
Objetivos. Este artículo analiza las diversas estrategias que despliegan mujeres migrantes originarias de Bolivia y del noroeste argentino, para afrontar las barreras de accesibilidad al sistema de salud durante sus recorridos migratorios... more
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      Salud PublicaMigraciones InternacionalesDerecho a La SaludCuidados
Al hilo de inquietudes surgidas en el trabajo de campo de una investigación sobre procesos migratorios de colombianos y peruanos con subjetivaciones sexo-genéricas no heteronormativas, el artículo problematiza las fronteras aparentemente... more
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      MigracionesMigraciones InternacionalesFronterasMigraciones Y Género
Resumen: objetivo/contexto: se identifican los factores socioculturales y experiencias de vida que participan en los procesos de incorporación social de migrantes provenientes de Colombia que residen hoy en Chile, junto con el análisis de... more
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      Latin American StudiesColombiaMigrationChile
El objetivo central de este trabajo es examinar los principales cambios en los niveles y tendencias de la migración calificada global entre 2000 y 2010, con especial énfasis en lo que acontece en América Latina y el Caribe (ALyC). El... more
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      MigrationLabor MigrationForced MigrationMigration Studies
Ante el nuevo escenario migratorio chileno, que combina el aumento de los flujos de inmigrantes, sobre todo intrarregionales, y un considerable número de emigrados, este documento describe una parte fundamental de este panorama actual en... more
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      ChileDemografíaMigraciones Internacionalespoblación y desarrollo
Understanding Spanish immigration in Pará (1896-1899): a study of free tickets as sources of information It discusses the free tickets granted to Spanish immigrants to settle in Pará State (1896-1899), Brazil, as a source of... more
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      HistoryInformation ScienceLibrary and Information ScienceInternational Migration
El artículo explora las primeras obras documentales de la cineasta chatina Yolanda Cruz: Guenati’zá, The Ones Who Come to Visit (2004) y Sueños binacionales/Bi-National Dreams (2005). El análisis de estos documentales se centra en las... more
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      Migraciones InternacionalesCiudadania, migracion, transnacionalismo y derechos humanosMigraciones indígenas
A partir de una serie de fotografías tomadas y difundidas en las redes sociales de colectivos y Hogares-Refugio entre 2012 y 2016, en este texto se discuten algunos aspectos de la vida cotidiana de los jóvenes migrantes... more
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      International MigrationChiapasMigraciones InternacionalesFotografia
This is a comment on a special issue about the labor superexploitation of unauthorized immigrant workers. It uses the broadly Marxist understanding that inequalities are not just bad conditions or positions but are social relations in... more
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      Sociology of WorkMobility/MobilitiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyImmigration
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