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In 2016, the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) hosted around 3.77 million domestic workers. Based on data from the past 10 years, the sector is growing at an annual average growth rate of 8.7 per cent (or 35,970 new domestic... more
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      Migration policiesMigrant Domestic WorkersGCCMigrant Labors In GCC
Ceuta y Melilla, las ciudades fronterizas de la Unión Europea en África, pueden ser definidas como territorios de excepción. Fundamentalmente por dos motivos. El primero: el estatus jurídico-político diferenciado que la arquitectura... more
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      Border StudiesBorder PolicyMigration StudiesAnthropology of Borders
Panelist and Co-Editor) is an intern with the Stockholm Environment Institute Asia Centre. Her research interests include labor migration between South Asia and Southeast Asia, and how gender, climate change, race, financial investments... more
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      Migration LawMigrationLabor MigrationInternational Migration
Acknowledging the complexity and fragmentation of the migration phenomenon, the aim of this contribution is to delve into a set of highly problematic aspects of the situation that can potentially pinpoint to the pre-existence of other... more
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      Refugee StudiesSecuritizationCritical CriminologyNational Identity
O tráfico de migrantes evidencia a vulnerabilidade das vítimas de deslocamentos forçados em face tanto daqueles que se utilizam da vida humana para o lucro, bem como do Estado, que exerce paradoxal papel ao reconhecer e efetivar direitos... more
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      International LawHuman RightsPrivate International LawMigration Law
This Working Paper identifies five prominent transnational narratives in France and the UK that aimed to justify restrictions towards immigrants from the Global South, from the 1960s to the mid-1980s, when both countries turned to... more
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      NarrativesMigration policies
International migration is not simply a result of individuals’ search for better opportunities, but is also linked to a complex series of economic and geopolitical processes. It is also an especially important interpretive key through... more
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      Migration StudiesMigration HistoryMigration policies
This paper examines the trajectory of internal migration and its impact on growth leading to convergence in India. The analysis is based on secondary data sourced from the Reserve Bank of India, Census and Economic and Political Weekly... more
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      MigrationLabor MigrationInternational MigrationMigration Studies
The aim of this article is to explore the peculiarity of Italian policies on immigration detention and their evolution over time. This will be done by highlighting the main factors that might explain the apparent political disinvestment... more
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      Law and SocietyImmigration LawCritical CriminologyEuropean Immigration and Asylum Law
India was one of the leading countries to implement the initial lockdown to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, but still, the lockdown failed and within a few months, India joined the list of countries most affected by the coronavirus... more
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      Migration LawLabor MigrationReturn MigrationTransnational Labour Migration
L’appel à communication de la Journée jeunes chercheurs du laboratoire MIGRINTER de juin 2014 m’a donné l’occasion d’élaborer un poster scientifique afin de présenter une synthèse des résultats préliminaires de ma recherche en thèse, tout... more
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      GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsSocial GeographyCartography
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistorySociology
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      European StudiesGerman StudiesMarxismBorder Studies
This article examines how «residence» has been used as a mechanism to regulate welfare access in Italy and UK. The two countries have very different approaches to monitoring and registering local populations, but share a drive towards... more
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      SociologySocial PolicySociology of LawMobility/Mobilities
Este artículo repasa el proceso de construcción de una política migratoria comunitaria y las nuevas formas de control impulsadas desde la UE, prestando atención a las definiciones y argumentos que legitiman la visión de las migraciones... more
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      Migration policiesMigration Policy In EU Countries
Prof. Dr. Barış ÖZDAL editörlüğünde, Disiplinlerarası Göç Araştırmaları Anabilim Dalında ders veren birçok Hocamızın da katkılarıyla hazırlanan “Uluslararası Göç ve Nüfus Hareketleri Bağlamında Türkiye” başlıklı kitabın Genişletilmiş 2.... more
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      SociologyInternational RelationsPublic AdministrationInternational Law
This paper analyses trends and patterns of migration from Iraq with a focus on the movement of those Iraqis who left their country between the Gulf war in 1990-1991 and the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq in April 2003. The conceptual... more
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      HistorySocial NetworksMiddle East StudiesMigration
Número 11, enero-junio, segunda época. México: PCSH / DCSH / UAM-Cuajimalpa. 194 págs. Dossier “Tránsitos migrantes: actores, trayectorias e interseccionalidad en realidades precarias” Coords. Mónica Patricia Toledo González Daniel... more
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      International MigrationMigration policiesTransnational FamiliesMigraciones Internacionales
This report presents preliminary fi ndings of the research project Transnational Migration in Transition: Transformative Characteristics of Temporary Mobility of People (EURA-NET). The project is funded by the European Union under the... more
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      Labor MigrationInternational MigrationMigration StudiesMigration policies
Turkey has become a nest for persons coming from a variety of countries, notably Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq since the late 19 th century. Since the arrival of Syrian refugees in 2011, following the unrest in Syria, today, Turkey... more
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      Social cohesionMigration policiesIntegration PoliciesSyrian Refugees in Turkey
Migration profile on the Netherlands - up to date until November 2014. The profile discuss historic and post-war trends in immigration, describes the immigrant population, and provides information on immigration, asylum, citizenship and... more
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      Immigration And Integration In EuropeInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyMigration policiesThe Netherlands
Dieser Artikel wurde erstmals veröffentlicht in: Neugebauer, Vivien (Hrsg.) (2018): Einwanderungsland Deutschland. Gesetz, Praxis und gesellschaftliches Selbstverständnis, Loccumer Protokoll, Band 73/16, Rehburg-Loccum: Evangelische... more
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      Political SociologyHistory of CanadaInternational MigrationSociology of Migration
This contribution aims to shed light on the specific mechanism of migrant categorization implemented by the so-called «Hotspot approach», which was launched by the EU Agenda on Migration in May 2015. This approach is here envisaged as a... more
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      European LawMigration StudiesCategorizationMigration policies
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      Social ExclusionEveryday RacismTransnational migrationDiversity & Inclusion
More than thirty years after its birth, the Schengen area of free movement is under siege in Europe: new barriers are being erected along land borders, military assets are increasingly deployed to patrol the Mediterranean, while... more
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      European StudiesBorder StudiesLaw and SocietySecurity Studies
El objetivo general del recorrido que aquí se propone es desvelar cuándo, cómo, y en relación con qué procesos cierta presencia inmigrante ha llegado a ser pensada en términos de integración y mediante qué vías y mecanismos esa... more
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      Public Policy - Social Welfare PolicyMigrant integrationMigration policiesNation-building
Integration" stellt in der politischen und öffentlichen Debatte nicht nur einen vielgenutzten und umkämpften Begriff dar; er ist auch überaus wirkmächtig, da mit ihm ein Zugriff auf Menschen vorbereitet, konzipiert und legitimiert wird.... more
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    • Migration policies
O texto analisa algumas das principais tendências e desafios das migrações intra e extrarregionais na América Latina e no Caribe
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      Latin American StudiesClimate ChangeRefugee StudiesLabor Migration
Only international remittance has 15% share of total GDP in Bangladesh (though it makes 'brain drain' as well)and Internal migration has nearly same as well. An alarming issue that predominantly male migration could produce a sex... more
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      SociologySocial DemographyDemographyEconomics
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      Andean RegionMigration policies
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      International MigrationMigration StudiesContemporary International MigrationLatin America
Dopo una breve riflessione sulle politiche migratorie italiane degli ultimi decenni, il contributo offre una sintetica panoramica della disciplina legislativa italiana delle politiche di immigrazione. Soffermandosi sul permesso di... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage TestingApplied LinguisticsInternational Migration
This paper will argue that the pursuit of the UAE's nation-state-building project, the implementation of neoliberal urban policies, and increasing security concerns together have led to the Dubai authorities projecting a selective,... more
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      Cultural StudiesGlobalizationMiddle East StudiesGulf Studies
Séduits par la notoriété des universités françaises et la possibilité d’y acquérir une première expérience professionnelle, Bader, Soufiane, Yassine, Ali et Steeve ont été admis en France au terme d’une procédure d’admission préalable... more
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      Labor MigrationInternational MigrationMigration StudiesStudent Mobility
Il saggio affronta la questione di come le recenti accelerazioni della globalizzazione hanno intensificato i fenomeni migratori in Europa, a causa dell'incrementarsi della disuguaglianza globale e della gestione non lineare della... more
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      GlobalizationEuropean UnionSociology of MigrationMigration policies
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      International MigrationMigration StudiesContemporary International MigrationInternational Migration and Immigration Policy
¿Por qué el exilio de los judíos perseguidos por el régimen nazi fue para México un "exilio incómodo"? ¿Cuáles fueron las razones que explican que la generosa política de asilo de México frente a los perseguidos por los regímenes... more
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      Holocaust StudiesForced MigrationMigration StudiesRefugees
This chapter focuses on the policies and politics of Arab migration to the Gulf States in the post-Arab uprisings’ period. It explores the following question: how do political and economic factors interplay in the policymaking by Arab... more
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      DemographyInternational RelationsMigrationIrregular Migration
Lavoro, emigrazione e politica migratoria: la ripresa dell'emigrazione italiana dopo il 1945 nel contesto europeo
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      HistoryEuropean StudiesPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentMigration Studies
This paper discusses Mexican immigration policy since 2018 and its implications for Mexico's foreign policy toward Central America.
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      Central America and MexicoContemporary International MigrationMexicoUnited States Foreign Policy
Ce mémoire vise à présenter la situation de la minorité russe au sein du Kazakhstan contemporain et à comprendre les motivations poussant chaque année une partie de cette population à émigrer en Russie. Il s’agira de s’intéresser au... more
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      Russian StudiesMigration StudiesCentral Eurasian StudiesRussia
L’ouvrage issue d'une recherche codirigée par Jean-Noël Ferrié et Mehdi Alioua et financée par la KAS au sein de l'Université Internationale de Rabat se propose de faire le point sur la Nouvelle politique migratoire marocaine, lancée en... more
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      MigrationMigration StudiesInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyMigration policies
Can all Nepali expatriatesbe considered Nepali Diaspora? And what about their literary creations? These questions can be answered when Nepali Diaspora and its literature is theorized from the perspective of transnationalism. In the last... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesSocial SciencesInterdisciplinarity
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      Migration StudiesMigration policiesUluslararası GöçGöç Sosyolojisi
El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es analizar las relaciones entre movilidad humana, políticas migratorias, violencia y corrupción. No se busca hacer un recuento de las violaciones generalizadas a los derechos humanos de los... more
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      ViolenceHuman RightsMigration StudiesDerechos Humanos
En Croatie, un dispositif de camps pour demandeurs d’asile se met en place depuis 2004 sous l’impulsion de l’Union européenne, ayant la fonction officielle d’héberger des migrants en quête de protection internationale. Ce modèle de... more
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      SociologyGeographyRefugee StudiesBalkan Studies
Visa policy is one of the most successful harmonized EU policy field. This report shows that European legislation regulates for which countries nationals, for how long, and for which reasons MSs can issue a short-stay visa. Besides this... more
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      European integrationMigration policiesSchengen Visa policyVisa Policy
This thesis explores the first phase of the revision of the European Union (EU) Blue Card Directive from June 2016 to June 2017. Out of the four EU labour migration Directives, the Blue Card aims to attract highly-skilled third country... more
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      European StudiesHuman RightsQualitative methodologyEuropean Union