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Semiosis, or meaning making, is a complex but important process, which defines human experience. The increase in research interest in the field of communications, media studies, and semiotics has brought a renewed attention to the... more
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      SemioticsVisual SemioticsMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultmodality
Th is chapter describes the translational research efforts made to apply the theories and frameworks developed in academia to inform teaching and learning in the secondary education setting. This follows the direction of “appliable... more
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      Multimodal LiteracyMultiliteraciesMultmodality
Based on an analysis accounting for the whole body as a possible articulator in the depiction of actions, this chapter argues for an expansion of the notion of ‘character viewpoint gestures’ to a notion of ‘multimodal action depiction... more
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      Sign LanguagesLinguisticsGesturesMultmodality
Le présent article se propose d'adopter une approche micro-analytique basée sur des enregistrements vidéo pour étudier les différents cadres de participation émergeant en classe et de dégager la complexité de leur dynamique multimodale,... more
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      Conversation AnalysisClassroom InteractionMultmodality
As práticas de linguagem em ambientes midiáticos se realizam, crescentemente, sob o impacto da transmídia (JENKINS, 2008), ou trânsito de conteúdos entre mídias. Tal migração acontece incessantemente entre ambientes como a... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsYoutubeTransmediaLínguística sistemico-funcional
presentación multimodalidad la serena
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      MúsicaMultimodalidadComunicación No VerbalSemiòtica De La Música
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