Muslim philosophy and thought
Recent papers in Muslim philosophy and thought
Islam experienced blossoming as well as waning. The Book of Allah transformed a tribal culture into an empire. The ascent of the umma was enabled by turning to revelation. The fall was triggered by the re-orientation from revelation to... more
This is a short poem by Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Ṣabbān (d. 1206/1791) translated from the original Arabic into English verse. The poem is a concise, technical list of the ten essentials aspects of any science. It is intended to help students... more
In his objective study of the texts, Maurice Bucaille clears' away many preconceived ideas about the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Quran. He tries, in this collection of Writings, to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is... more
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
When the Muslim statement "A Common Word between us and you" appeared on the internet in October 2007, I found it to be dissonant to what I had read in early Muslim commentary on Q 3.64. I decided to investigate the interpretation of this... more
This thesis (1999) delves into Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd's hermeneutics of the Qur'an, which was, at that time, not yet systematically formulated. It tries to reconstruct his theories of text and interpretation based on his works, and gives... more
This is URDU Version of my English article
"Ibn Sina, al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyyah On the Origination of the World"
which is already published on Academia.
"Ibn Sina, al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyyah On the Origination of the World"
which is already published on Academia.
Dikarenakan lamanya waktu tunggu Haji, Banyak sekali travel yg menjanjikan keberangkatan Haji di tahun dia mendaftar HAji atau istilah lainnya Haji Percepatan / Haji dengan Visa Furoda
How do images, idols and pictorial representations of the supernatural define our ability to decipher God? How does language communicate what is seen into what is audible or written? This is a humble attempt to look at religion from a... more
With many women receiving tertiary education, more women have become significant income earners and have the opportunity to save. As a result, more women are expected to become eligible payers of zakat on wealth. This paper examined... more
The paper studies the ideological-philosophical theory of the World Soul within the pages of "The messages of the Brethren of Purity". The difficult situation that matured in the Abbasid caliphate in the 10th century, which promoted... more
This paper explores the difference between Islamism and Islam, and the manner in which the former evolved from the latter. It argues that the flouting of a key principle, as well as the craving to use Islam to achieve political aims, were... more
Invited by Auburn University to give a public lecture soon after 911, the talk traced the history of the word “equality” from the time of slave-owner Jefferson drafting the Declaration of Independence to Lincoln’s Gettysburg address,... more
The article argues that several American Muslim organizations that had roots in political Islam are now moving away from their roots and embracing American Exceptionalism.
Resume ini saya tulis atas hasil telaah setelah membaca buku yang berjudul "Hayya 'Alash-Shalah".
Muslim values, global values. Empirical data from the " World Values Survey " Arno Tausch (born on February 11, 1951 in Salzburg, Austria) is an Austrian political scientist and one of the founders of quantitative world system and... more
Although a comprehensive history of the transmission and reception of Ibn Rushd’s (Averroes, d. 595/1198) texts and their forms of influence on later thinkers in Muslim contexts has not been written yet, a judgment has become generally... more
Sayyid Quṭb è oggigiorno considerato come una delle figure simbolo del radicalismo contemporaneo. A questo proposito vogliamo brevemente indagarne il pensiero evidenziandone l’evoluzione. Gli eventi che Quṭb si trovò a vivere in prima... more
As one of the testaments and proofs that Muhammad (salutations and peace of Allaah be upon him)
Ager, S. (2014) 'Arabic' Omniglot: the online encyclopedia of writing systems and languages.
The widespread poverty is due to two main reasons are poor governance and income inequality in Pakistan. Few studies have focused on the theoretical substantiation of impact of bad governance and income inequality on poverty but we do not... more APRESENTAÇÃO PREFÁCIO Paulo SCHILLER O ANALISTA E OS BÁRBAROS Paulo Sérgio de SOUZA JR. A POSSIBILIDADE DE UMA PSICANÁLISE LACANIANA EM LÍNGUA ÁRABE... more
Can a democratic society and Sharia law co-exist? This question increases in importance as the number of nations who follow Sharia law while modernizing is increasing. One argument suggests that there is no difference between allowing... more
This is a short booklet meant to assist the new Muslim understand their new way of life. It is meant to aid in learning and practice if a teacher is not readily available.
A review of Ahmet Kuru, Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019
Arabic and English manual for the first computer naskh typeface with variations. The typeface was not driven by smart font technology, but static. For this reason it consisted of 31 fonts, each with a fixed selection of variation features... more
"Thinking requires using the mind to gain knowledge and carry out various tasks. Use of the intellect is needed in analysing, understanding and solving problems. It is difficult to imagine a life without thinking. The Qur'an encourages... more
"Like all multi-lingual computing, Arabic computing is now firmly in the domain of Unicode. Unicode is an industrial protocol with the status of international agreement. It is designed to encode the elements of all known script systems in... more
The article is devoted to the life and creative work of a Persian Ismaili philosopher Nasir Khusraw (1004 – 1088). Nasir Khusraw was the author of the selection of poems excessing thousands of lines and the book about travels... more
The study introduces a definition of Salafism from the perspective of Islamic intellectual history by analyzing specific ideas, cases, processes and entanglements in Muslim theology and jurisprudence. The essay considers the ongoing... more
Asim (d. 387 Hijri) from his Book "al-Sunnah" عبصُ أبً ابٓ اإلِبَ عمٍدة وخببٗ ِٓ " اٌعٕت " Translation, Foreword and Notes by Abu Salman Deya ud-Deen Eberle ٚحعٍٍك ٚحمدٌُ حسجّت ابسًٌ اٌدٌٓ ضٍبء ظـــٍّبْ أبٛ... more
Серия статей «Историко-герменевтический очерк философии Фальсафа» посвящена изучению труда Абу Хамида Мухаммада аль-Газали ал-Туси «Наставление правителей». Персидский философ XI в. Абу Хамид аль-Газали вошел в историю науки как один из... more
Religijska filozofija, kao pojam, odnosi se na dugu i bogatu istorijsku filozofsku misao koja je u različitim oblicima pokazala vitalnost sve do danas, dok kao teorija opovrgava poslerenesansni pristup odnosu religije i filozofije i... more
De la caste marchande gujarati à la communauté religieuse fatimide : construction identitaire et conflits chez les daoudi bohras (ouest de l'Inde) JURY M. Gérard D. Heuzé (Directeur de la thèse) M. Michel Boivin (Rapporteur) M. Harald... more
This is my review of Juan Cole’s ambitious book on Muhammad. Many devoted Muslims will likely find Cole’s depiction of Muhammad fanciful and unacceptable. While the book is easy-to-read and accessible, I have strong objections to Cole’s... more
The Journal of Islamic Faith and Practice is a new, online, double-blind, peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal published by Indiana University and sponsored by the Islamic Seminary Foundation (ISF). Produced annually, this journal... more
persian linguistic influences in english ,filipino, arabic and in the holy quran
Wie kaum eine andere Weltreligion prägt der Islam alle Lebensbereiche der Gläubigen. Trotzdem ist er kein einheitliches Gebilde. Im Laufe seiner über 1400-jährigen Geschichte haben sich verschiedene Glaubensrichtungen und regional... more
Al-Quran merupakan dasar pegangan pertama bagi syariat Islam secara keseluruhan dilanjutkan dengan as-Sunnah yang melekat pada Rasulullah SAW. Terkait universalitas makna yang terkandung dalam Al Quran, Ibnu Hazm berpendapat bahwa... more
The original sources of Islamic law, which include the constitutional law and the law of the land, are the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. These two are the Divine sources. However, by the passing of the time the acts of the khulafa-i-rashidin... more