Nicos Poulantzas
Recent papers in Nicos Poulantzas
This outline of the theoretical and historical parameters of my recently published Famine Irish and the American Racial State synthesizes the work of Nicos Poulantzas, Michel Foucault, Antonio Gramsci, and David Theo Goldberg, among... more
DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.4084.5682 MARIANO SILVA, Jeferson. (2016), Jurisdição constitucional em Espanha (1981-1992) e Brasil (1988-1997. Tese de doutorado (Ciência política). Rio de Janeiro: IESP-UERJ. O trabalho apresenta um método de... more
The term 'fascism' continues to be very much in currency in Philippines society. To the Filipino people, its meaning is often drawn from pained memory of wholesale deprivation of democratic rights and large-scale human rights... more
Poulantzas wrote well before the current hype about globalization took off and before claims about the death of the nation-state had become common. But his work during the 1970s did address some key issues involved in a serious Marxist... more
The Tweed Ring spawned a vibrant financial sector that was integral to its brief success but has never been previously examined. William “Boss” Tweed and his allies employed banks controlled or comanaged by Tammany politicians to... more
İncelediğimiz bu yapıt, uzun yıllardır çok sayıda ortak akademik/politik çalışma gerçekleştiren Kanadalı Marksist siyasal iktisatçı Leo Panitch ve sendikacı aktivist Sam Gindin'in şüphesiz en önemli metinlerinden bir tanesi.
Ce texte s'attarde aux différends entre Nicos Poulantzas et Ralph Miliband dans les pages de la New Left Review sur l’État entre 1969 et 1976. Il s'agit donc d'un résumé des contentieux, mais aussi des quelques points de convergence entre... more
The spread of the Occupy movement across the globe has reinvigorated the political, expanding the horizon of possibility after over thirty years of closure imposed by neoliberalism. While a literature which analyzes the interlinking... more
Mann sostiene que el Estado es esencialmente una arena, de lo cual se originan sus mecanismos y poderes autónomos. Se opone a la reducción de vincularlo con grupos económicos, ideológicos o militaristas, ya que es ontológicamente... more
En el presente trabajo expongo cómo ha evolucionado la teoría marxista del Estado. Partiendo desde la crítica marxiana a la filosofía hegeliana, tomo como marco teórico la interpretación marxista-leninista del Estado para analizar, a... more
Proponemos enfatizar en este artículo la discusión sobre los alcances y límites de la obra Fascismo y Dictadura como teoría política del fascismo, lo que implica tomar en consideración los siguientes aspectos: a) la relación entre teoría... more
A true Nation-state has never yet existed in our diverse and vibrant world. For states to remain in the game, they need to understand they are no longer the only actor. The current policy arena is a kind of unstructured complexity in... more
My contribution to the volume "New Subaltern Politics: Reconceptualizing Power and Resistance in Contemporary India"
Μια έκφανση της διαρκούς κρίσης από-νομιμοποίησης της πολιτικής εξουσίας αποτελεί η μεταφορά του κέντρου βάρους των αποφάσεών της από τη νομιμοποίηση στη νομιμότητα. Η επίκληση της τελευταίας καθίσταται το λάιτμοτιβ ενός κυρίαρχου λόγου... more
The United States has poured over a billion dollars into a network of interagency intelligence centers called “fusion centers.” These centers were ostensibly set up to prevent terrorism, but politicians, the press, and policy advocates... more
This essay revisits Althusser's work on ideology and the state in light of the growing prominence of police power. It interrogates the figure of the cop in Althusser's ISAs essay-and in the longer manuscript from which it was extracted-as... more
The state and state power are hypercomplex and changeable phenomena and no single theory or theoretical perspective can fully capture and explain their structural and strategic dynamic. Moreover, despite recurrent tendencies to reify them... more
Of all the standard criticisms of Marxism, the claim that it is wedded to a mechanical and deterministic account of history is among the most pervasive. It is also among the least defensible. This chapter argues that Marxism affords an... more
GROUNDING NICOS POULANTZAS’ CONCEPTION OF STATE AND LAW The objective of this study is to introduce Nicos Poulantzas’ conception of law in connection to law and state. First of all, in this study it is aimed to present Poulantzas’... more
"With increasing globalization, the meaning and role of the nation-state are in flux. At the same time, state theory, which might help to explain such a trend, has fallen victim to the general decline of radical movements, particularly... more
A compilação dos textos que compõem esta coletânea está bem longe da busca do marxismo puro e duro ou do “verdadeiro Marx”. Essa miragem filosofante, responsável por parir no século XX tantos marxismos quantos analistas disponíveis,... more
Este livro faz um exame cuidadoso de um período da história brasileira — e particularmente paulista —, a Primeira República. Para entender a história de uma sociedade dividida em classes, em qualquer momento específico, é preciso observar... more
En la teoría social y política contemporánea, Nicos Poulantzas (Atenas, 1936 – París, 1979) es reconocido como uno de los pensadores marxistas más importantes del siglo XX. Su principal aporte es haber elaborado una teoría del Estado... more
Marksist düşüncede toplumun sınıflar temelinde analizi büyük bir önem taşır. Sınıfların bu önceliği ve önemi, hem toplumun bilimsel analizinin sonucu hem de çıkış noktasıdır. Sınıfları bütünlüklü olarak ele alıp tartışmamış olsa da... more
This paper aims to explain the key dynamics underlying the Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) recent authoritarian consolidation efforts in Turkey from a critical political economy perspective consisting of the Regulation School’s... more
The objective of the master thesis presented here is to chart a concept of causality adequate for a historical materialism at pace with the times, uncircumventable for grasping complex social phenomena and relationships, their... more
This book has been an unconscionably long time in the making. My interest in theories of the state and state power dates back some twelve years or more and my interest in epistemological and methodological issues in theory construction is... more
Die von Hauke Brunkhorst kommentierte Studienausgabe der Schrift »Der achtzehnte Brumaire des Louis Bonaparte« von Karl Marx (Suhrkamp 2007) basiert auf der Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA 2 , Bd. II.11, S. 96-189) und orientiert sich am... more
Mass parties, dual power and the open questions of strategy:
A dialogue with the writings of Leo Panitch
A dialogue with the writings of Leo Panitch
Nearly four centuries ago, liberal political thought asserted that the state was the product of a distant, prehistorical, social contract. Social science has done little to overcome this fiction. Even the most radical of theories have... more
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliographie; detaillierte bibliographische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar. ISBN 978-3-88619-440-7 (Band 8/I) ISBN... more
The renewed interest in the work of Antonio Gramsci and in particular on his reading of the notion of hegemony, also offers the possibility to revisit previous readings of Gramsci. Both Louis Althusser and Nicos Poulantzas in their... more
Odnos između strukturalizma i marksizma bi se mogao razumeti kao istorijski nesporazum čiji se učinci osećaju i danas. U mnogo čemu je ovaj nesporazum učvrstio pozicije onih koji su u njemu učestvovali i konsolidovao njihove... more
Anyone asking the question of what is dead and what is living in contemporary Marxist Europeanism can, of course, not evade a reference to recent political events. Although both traditions have always presented themselves as a rather... more
A central pillar of contemporary conspiracy theories is the notion that all modern wars were secretely plotted and instigated by the Federal Reserve Bank. In these circles, the founding of the so called "Creature from Jekyll Island" in... more