Recent papers in Odin
This essay is a comparative study of certain elements in the three texts named in the subtitle above: Havamal, from the Elder Edda; The Dream of the Rood; and The Lord of the Rings. The paper will focus on selected passages, to examine... more
آموزش نرم افزار odinبرنامه فلشر گوشی های سامسونگ
آموزش فلش کردن گوشی و تبلت سامسونگ
آموزش فلش کردن گوشی و تبلت سامسونگ
Tarihin cesur savaşçı topluluklarından olan, Kuzeyin efendileri Vikingler atalarının Hristiyanlık öncesi inandıkları dini tözler.
Published in the heathen journal Ringhorn in the autumn of 2020. The article appeared in German, however I also added an English and Hungarian version. My main goal here is to introduce the reader into the basic ethical ideas of paganism,... more
An updated and edited edition (Nov 2018) of the fully bilingual translation and commentary of the Old Norse poem Havamal. The poem of 164 stanzas has been translated from a more contemporary and poetic standpoint and is a work of both... more
Mitologia nordica: la Creazione. Cosmografia, Teogenesi, Androgenesi.
An article on the Viking art and decoration on a Rus viking sword chape in Borre style - wich might link with Viking mythology.
A short article on several of the minerals/gemstones that are/have been known as Shaman Stones, such as Hag Stones, Shaman Quartz and Amber...
The purpose of this dissertation is to deepen the understanding of the Vendel period helmets, their meaning and who wore them. With the use of a modern theoretical framework and an updated list of helmets, and other sources like images... more
The aim of the paper is to examine the transformation of the Norse myths concerning Búri and Óðinn in the Marvel comics, and how it results in a distorted and quite erroneous impression among the readers with no substantial knowledge of... more
Undergraduate Dissertation- Grade 1:2 A comparison between Odin and Loki, focusing on the similarities in character and how these similarities seem to change in face of changing society, religion and belief. Focusing on a number of... more
So-called horned figures have intrigued scholars for a long time, these being anthropomorphic figures depicted on, or in the shape of artefacts which can be associated with speakers of early Germanic languages during the Younger Iron Age... more
The cult surrounding the complex and seemingly core Old Norse deity Óðinn encompasses a barely known group who are further disappearing into the folds of time. This thesis seeks to shed light upon and attempt to understand a motif that... more
This thesis is a study of the cult of Óðinn as it seems to have evolved within the newly emerging warrior-based aristocracy of southern Scandinavia during the centuries prior to the Viking Age. By approaching sources critically and... more
Esta breve monografía discute ciertos aspectos de la sexualidad de algunos dioses de la mitología nórdica como Loki, Odín, Freyja, Frigg, entre otros.
"Odin: Myth, Sacrifice and Initiation" is first Czech monograph devoted solely to Old Norse Religion. It provides the reader on the one hand with an introductory overview of the cultural context, myths and rituals of pre-Christian... more
Tricking Odin: the wearing of beards by the Langobard women in the Langobard origin myth.
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held 3rd-14th June 1992, launched the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which... more
Despite being an uncomfortable film to try and analyse due to its viscerality, Nicholas Windig Refn's 2009 film "Valhalla Rising" piqued my interest for two main reasons; the film is largely atmospheric and is very obscure, in that it is... more
Please note that the video 'doing the dozens' referred to in note 53 of my essay has a new URL and is, on this date, 15 December 2020, available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEZA50XB9aE&t=23s
Abstract for The Mythological Dimensions of Neil Gaiman Kitsune Books April 20, 2012 Author Lynn Gelfand Title of essay “The End of the World as We Know It: Neil Gaiman and the Future of Mythology” A story about a struggle... more
Ritgerð til BA-prófs í Íslensku sem öðru máli (Háskóli Íslands): Fyrirliggjandi ritgerð er ætluð til þess að grannskoða hlutverk hrafna í norrænni goða-fræði og þá sérstaklega kanna sambandið á milli þeirra og Óðins. Reynt er að leita... more
Latin vates (=“a prophet, a seer, a poet”) is etymologically related to the Old Norse theonym Óðinn from PGmc *Wōđ-an-az, the God of magic, clairvoyance and poetry. My aim is to explain their relationship in terms of phonetic laws.
An exploration of the role held by the honored dead in ancient religion, drawing parallels between Shamanism and modern Northern religion. Emphasis placed upon Odin, the norse god of death and wisdom.
Ez egy tanulmány és nem regény… habár sok történet szerepel benne, de elsődlegesen ezek elemzésével foglalkozom. Itt Odiné a főszerep, de nem csak az Eddákból ismert történeteivel, hanem a későbbi korok irodalmi alkotásait is szemügyre... more
The items found represent the high status equipment belonging to elite warriors who were mounted on horseback. Video from the excavations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lznKbpUULIE These exclusive, often gilded, weapons and horse... more
Scientists who consider myths as an expression of events that had really took place in the distant history try to turn the myths into more reasonable accounts by eliminating the “holiness” of myths and to uncover the hidden truths... more
Nel Walhalla, il palazzo dorato degli Asi, durante i banchetti non si beve nettare, ma idromele. In questo palazzo sono portati anche i guerrieri caduti, gli Einherier, che affiancheranno Odino, il giorno della fine del mondo, nella lotta... more
An intriguing bronze mount found in East Anglia-exact findspot not known. Ex Dirk Kennis collection. Exact use unknown. Its probable use was as a decorative element on leather, such as harness.
A re-evaluation of a belt fitting interpreted as "Odin" from the late 6th century AD.
In my essay I will outline a brief history of the runes, the mythological and occult origins, how they are viewed as tools for self-improvement, How the people that practice them online view themselves. How they are represented online in... more
New find of small figurine from a ring-needle, depicting a man wearing a head dress with horns or birds. Odin or one of his einherjer?
As Miguel A. Gomes Gargamala says in the introduction to the special issue, “A Pandemonium of Borges”: “Further references to Góngora are found in Philip Lavender's ‘Ludic skalds, Odinic visitors and the Origins of Jorge Luis Borges'... more
In this article the earliest scholarly reception of Beowulf, namely that produced in Denmark in the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries, is considered. Humfrey Wanley’s catalogue entry is used as a starting point to then... more
Increible libro si lo que quieres es conocer la mitologia Nórdica
Relata todas las historias de Odin y sus hijos, dioses y semidioses
Mundos vikingos y su cultura heredada
100% recomendable
Relata todas las historias de Odin y sus hijos, dioses y semidioses
Mundos vikingos y su cultura heredada
100% recomendable
Yenisseian interpretation of Pictish and possible Yenisseian elements in proto-Germanic might reflect Siberian influence. The Odin cult might be of the same origin
Investigation into and the motivations behind the practice of ritual hanging during the Viking Age.