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Recent papers in Ori
The concept of person is an important issue in philosophy that has resulted in a perennial debate in philosophy in general and African philosophy in particular. In Yoruba traditional though, the concept of person has been exposed by... more
The debate on the philosophical nature of the beliefs in Ori and human destiny in traditional Yoruba thought has for sometimes now, been controversial. Several metaphysical interpretations have been given by various African philosophers... more
The debate on the philosophical nature of the beliefs in Ori and human destiny in traditional Yoruba thought has for sometimes now, been controversial. Several metaphysical interpretations have been given by various African philosophers... more
Resumo Análise do documentário Ôrí (direção Raquel Gerber, 1989). Elaborado durante 11 anos, entre 1977 e 1988, o filme assume o ponto de vista de uma intelectual e militante negra, Beatriz Nascimento, uma presença inaugural no âmbito do... more