Recent papers in Palatine
Un affascinante viaggio nel mondo (Italia, Spagna, Francia, Corsica, Germania, Stati Uniti d’America, Inghilterra, Filippine, Croazia e Slovacchia) alla ricerca delle mille reliquie di San Cesario, o Cesario, di Terracina; un giovane... more
With the rapidly developing technological developments, data has become a very important trade service unit, while the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been insufficient so far in the regulations on this matter. The fact that data also... more
This paper examines how banquets hosted by the Roman emperor were vehicles of imperial propaganda and expressions of the ruler’s political legitimation. Five aspects are here used in the analysis of imperial banqueting: traditional... more
P rima che l'Area Palatina fosse interamente occupata dai palazzi imperiali, su di essa sorgevano numerose case private di illustri cittadini. Tra queste spicca la Casa dei Grifi, un'antica abitazione romana sita sul colle Palatino... more
La bibliographie sur Marcel Proust recense les principaux ouvrages publiés sur Marcel Proust, en particulier sur son oeuvre À la recherche du temps perdu, ainsi que les éditions d'art qui s'en inspirent.
"Not only has Propertius 2.31 been used as a kind of artefact to reconstruct the Temple of Apollo on the Palatine, but it has also been used to show both that the poet was supporting the new ruler of Rome by eulogising his building... more