Recent papers in Panopticon
Dai libri di ricette alle rubriche culinarie nei magazine generalisti, dalle riviste specializzate alle trasmissioni televisive, dai food blog alle videoricette veloci di Instagram, il cibo è al centro di un continuo processo di... more
knowledge, Gail Mason se propõe a discutir o problema da violência contra homossexuais e, em especial, contra as mulheres lésbicas, através de um viés pós-estruturalista, levando em conta, principalmente, as contribuições de Michel... more
This article critically revisits the Foucauldian perspective on modernity by exploring the constitutive importance of limits of transparency in relations of power and knowledge. It differentiates between Foucault's Panopticon as a model... more
Una tímida y pequeñísima introducción a las principales problemáticas abordadas por Michel Foucault
The Trojan Hose Affair scandal alleged that there was a hardline extremist Islamism plot to take over British state schools in Birmingham. While commu- nity groups and government officials battled to take control of the narrative, the... more
In this article the author speculates how the phenomena of datafication (meaning quantifying and translating all the elements of reality into data) and Big Data (meaning acquisition, collection, processing and analyzing complex data sets... more
This article seeks to address the following question: how might analysing the implications of the panopticon for Facebook better inform understanding about social media communication? The panopticon derives from a prison system designed... more
In the years following the attacks on September 11th, 2001, the American government and other governmental democracies who fall victim to Americentric hegemony have eroded away many of the rights and civil liberties enjoyed by their... more
Resumen: En primer lugar, el fenómeno selfie consiste simplemente en volver del revés la sintaxis fotográfica con el fin de hacer coincidir en la misma instancia al fotógrafo y al objeto fotografiado. No obstante, más allá de esta... more
Można odnieść wrażenie, że do naszych czasów w Polsce honor przetrwał jedynie jako swoisty relikt leksykalny (honorowy patronat czy konsul honorowy), wartość przynależna jedynie wąskim grupom, głównie wojskowym, albo pojęcie zawłaszczone... more
These banners and flags along with containers and barricades guarded with policemen do effect the passers as it “exhibits” and reinforces the idea of who is in power and that the citizens are entering the area of those who are powerful... more
The Urban Surveillance of Hypebeast and todays fashion through a Foucauldian lens It's not much to be in need of a shirt for some miscellaneous reason, and out of desperation grab the cheapest tee-shirt in Wal-Mart. Now redirect this... more
The nature of surveillance is changing. It is becoming gamified. This article charts a shift in thinking about surveillance culture, from the panopticon models advanced by Jeremy Bentham and Michel Foucault to current analyses of the... more
Overlooking a 19 th-century quartering site at Belle Grove Plantation (Frederick County, Virginia) is the property's Office and Store. Placed in a strategic location on the plantation landscape this structure likely served as a... more
The concept of panoptic has based on the prison model called as "Panopticon" designed by Jeremy Bentham, English philosophy and social theorist, in 1785. In this prison model based on the principle of checking and tracking all movements... more
Even though the legitimizing intents of both the modern penitentiary and the archive—the latter understood as the physical deposit of memory—are radically different, could the principles central to their founding discourses and eventual... more
En 2013, a paru Le Cercle, roman dystopique de Dave Eggers dans lequel une société totalitaire, dominée par un pseudo-Google hyperpuissant, reposait sur l'obsession de la transparence. La même année a vu paraître, en allemand, cet essai... more
hrough a compared analysis between the narrative of Philip K. Dick and the filmic imagery of Steven Spielberg, the present article explores the forms in which dominant ideas around surveillance and preventive justice are portrayed in... more
The following paper explores the way transparency is used and applied, on a performative and symbolic level, as (1) a device for managing the establishment of sociocultural norms and values and (2) an expedient for understanding the... more
This paper (written in 1999) explores the use of Foucault's Panopticon theory to analyse combat sports such as wrestling and boxing.
In: Marco Antônio Sousa Alves; Márcio Rimet Nobre. (Org.). A sociedade da informação em questão: do direito, o poder e o sujeito na contemporaneidade. 1ed.Belo Horizonte: D'Plácido, 2019, v. , p. 47-70.
Niniejsza praca ma na celu teoretyczne zbadanie relacji pomiędzy władzą i podmiotem. Została tu zinterpretowana myśl Michela Foucault, a także dyskusja, jaką wywołały jego tezy o produkcji podmiotów przez relacje władzy. W pierwszym... more
At a moment when the future of global capitalism seems altogether uncertain, we want to take another look at Wal-Mart, the world’s largest corporation. Despite its importance to the American and global economy, surprisingly little... more
Özet Sanayi toplumundan enformasyon toplumuna geçiş ile birlikte iletişim araçları ve teknolojileri de büyük ölçüde değişim yaşamıştır. Yaşanan bu değişimlerin enformasyon toplumundaki en etkili örneği internet bağlantılarının hayatımıza... more
The Uber business model has not only disrupted the labour-economy by technological intervention, but also raised apprehensions about the new framework within which the platform economy governs the relationship between Uber and its... more
Europe and America, on a matter of great concernment to society" (Everett 1833, 117-18). That concern is how and why (and whom) a democratic state punishes.
With the growing problems of human congestion and hygiene in the biggest European capitals during the early phases of the industrial revolution, new means of control had to be established, that allowed to handle big amounts of people for... more
De afgelopen jaren is er in toenemende mate aandacht gekomen voor de rol van inlichtingendiensten en informatiesystemen in de westerse wereld. Na de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 op de Twin Towers in New York was de roep om veiligheid... more
Relying on Foucault's theoretical differentiation of three derived management models reflecting the historical and political response to the emergence of three infectious diseases, namely leprosy, the plague and smallpox, this paper will... more
Chapter 11 of our collection, Crime Culture: Figuring Criminality in Fiction and Film, originally published by Continuum in 2011, with a paperback edition in 2012.
In his text Panopticism Foucault deals with a term coined by Bentham. In this order of Panopticon which is described by Foucault, the syndic observes the street, calls every by their name and keeps them under control by taking information... more
Özet Tarihten günümüze iktidarlar hegemonyalarını kurabilmek ve toplumu oluşturan kitleleri kontrol altında tutabilmek amacıyla çeşitli propaganda tekniklerine başvurmuşlardır. Bu süreçte baskı, korku kültürü ve güvenlik paranoyası gibi... more
This piece of written work explores the ways in which Photography contributes to feed a voyeuristic society, using the camera as a tool to deliver imagery. The research will be initiated in Chapter I by defining the Freudian “voyeur” and... more
Siyasetnameler, devlet ve toplum düzeninde görülen bozulmalar ve kargaşalar üzerine kaleme alınan yazınsal türlerdendir. Bu bağlamda siyasetname yazımının, devletlerin ve toplumların kırılma dönemlerinde arttığı gözlenmektedir. Bundan... more
ÖZET: Snowden'ın ifşaatları, Wikileaks'in sızdırdığı belgelerin ışığında küresel bir gözetim sisteminin varlığı ispatlanmıştır. Bu küresel askeri/endüstriyel gözetim sistemi, sosyal ağlardaki verilerin mülkiyeti ve ortaya çıkan diğer... more