Papal Diplomacy
Recent papers in Papal Diplomacy
Plan général gare -université (2,2 Km) : Logos Ecole doctorale transfrontalière en Sciences humaines et sociales Grenzüberschreitende Doktorandenschule in den Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften 9:30-10:30 Uhr: Workshops (2 DoktorandInnen):... more
Publié dans : Archives de l'Eglise de France, "Bulletin de l'Association des Archivistes de l'Eglise de France", n. 90, 2e semestre 2018, p. 31-36.
After ascending to the Polish throne, Władysław IV Vasa began to implement various political concepts aimed at regaining the Swedish crown. One of them was the project of Calvinist marriage with Elizabeth of Bohemia, Princess Palatine,... more
The paper focuses on the research of the papal legates in the end of the fifteenth century; it focuses on the legation of Angelo Pecchinoli, who stayed at the Hungarian royal court of Matthias Corvinus and whose relations are kept in the... more
книге освещаются вопросы истории дипломатии и международных отношений, становления национальных государств и развития политической культуры позднего Средневековья и раннего Нового времени. Внимание автора сфокусировано на том, как... more
Der Band beinhaltet Editionen zu rund 300 Papst- und Legatenurkunden des 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts, die für Empfänger im ehemaligen Königreich Kastilien ausgestellt wurden. Darunter sind etliche bislang unbekannte Stücke - insbesondere aus... more
The consensus on Pope Honorius III (1216–27) is that he was a conciliatory politician who lacked the harder edge possessed by his immediate predecessor and successor. Yet, using overlooked evidence regarding the role of Honorius in... more
While they often go hand-in-hand and the distinction between the two is frequently blurred, authority and power are distinct concepts and abilities – this was a problem that the Church tussled with throughout the High and Late Middle... more
This paper was written for the international conference, "New Diplomatic History" (24-26/10/2018), in Midderburg, the Netherlands. This conference was on the Diplomacy, therefore, I survey the Italian Renaissance Diplomacy in the... more
Per acquisto:
Antonio Santa Croce, titular Archbishop of Seleukia and the Apostolic Nuncio in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the years 1627–1630, is an interesting example of a papal diplomat benefiting from rapid promotion. Undoubtedly, the... more
Chapter Six: César, Cardinal d'Estrées (1701-1702) ambassadeur extraordinaire: French Authority in the Mediterranean and Venetian Neutrality Debunked ix Conclusion Appendices 1.) Chronologies of Pertinent Political Figures French... more
Celem niniejszej pracy jest udzielenie możliwie wyczerpującej odpowiedzi na pytanie: Jak papiestwo w pierwszej fazie pontyfikatu Urbana VIII, a więc w latach 1623–1635, oceniało politykę zagraniczną Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów i w... more
Kontynuacja tematu wojny o ujście Wisły. Artykuł jest analizą informacji przesyłanych przez nuncjusza – G.B. Lancellottiego do Rzymu, dotyczących działań wojennych na froncie pruskim w pierwszej połowie 1627 r., a także konfrontacją... more
In the early modern period the Protestant Reformation weakened the Roman Catholic Church and it lost its influence over Europe. The Church turned its policy to the East to propagate the faith. For nearly a century, the missionaries were... more
Memorie Domenicane si avvale di una direzione scientifica collegiale. I contributi degli autori, che pervengono alla redazione, prima di essere pubblicati sono sottoposti al previo esame da parte di uno o più membri della direzione.... more
Artykuł jest analizą informacji przesyłanych przez nuncjusza – G.B. Lancellottiego do Rzymu, dotyczących działań wojennych na froncie pruskim w drugiej połowie 1626 r., a także konfrontacją tychże informacji ze stanem wiedzy,... more
Highly Commended in the British Records Association Janette Harley Prize 2018. The pontificate of Honorius III (1216–27) ranks among the most important papal reigns of the thirteenth century: the pope organised two large-scale crusades... more
Cardinal Giovanni Morone was one of the great diplomatists of the Holy See in 16th century, but he had no real biography, at the time of the paper. Theese pages tried to create a chronology and bibliograpy about him.
Dottorato in Storia XVIII ciclo a.a. [2012][2013] Università di Bologna Il Liber Censuum 1 è la rappresentazione materiale di una continuità, di una persistenza, che collega la fine dell'XI secolo e la riforma della chiesa in atto in quei... more
Collectanea Vaticana Hungariae CLASSIS I vol. 1 The manuscript contains faithful transliterations of 206 largely unpublished historical documents from the period between the 13th and 17th centuries found in a wide variety of the fonds... more
EEHR 4, 2021
in: EEHR 4 (2021), 249-262.
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in: EEHR 4 (2021), 249-262.
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Antonín Kalous. "The Pope, the King, and the Bishops: Papal Nuncio Angelo Pecchinoli and the Limits of Papal Power in the late Fifteenth Century." In Italia ed Europa centro-orientale tra Medioevo ed Età moderna: Economia, Società,... more
The research objective is to analyse why the accounts of two missionaries who visited the same Mongol 'Other' in 1245 are quite different, despite their authors belonging to the same Christian circle. More specifically, the paper explores... more
Le présent ouvrage rassemble les versions écrites des communications présentées lors d'une journée d'études qui s'est tenue à Nantes le vendredi 8 juin 2012. Cette manifestation scientifique avait pour titre « La figure de l'ambassadeur... more
".... Sie wollen erforschen, wie sich der Vatikan zu den Schlüsselthemen des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts wie Dekolonialisierung, Demokratisierung und Erinnerung an Schoa und Zweiten Weltkrieg verhielt. ... Die Rolle von Pius XII. im Zweiten... more
Damit geriet im 19. Jahrhundert zugleich der Auftrag der Kirche und des Papstes in Gefahr, die Verkündigung des Glaubens an den auferstandenen Sohn Gottes in alle Welt unvermindert fortzusetzen. Der Papst musste sich also in anderer Weise... more
Ewentualne wznowienie polsko-szwedzkiego konfliktu w Prusach w 1635 roku oznaczałoby dla Szwedów konieczność walki na dwa fronty, a co za tym idzie - w kontekście trwającej wojny trzydziestoletniej, ograniczałoby szanse szwedzkiej... more
The legation of Angelo Pecchinoli, bishop of Cività Castellana and Orte, belongs among legations that are relatively well documented. Angelo Pecchinoli served as papal nuncio cum potestate legati de latere in 1488–1490 at the court of... more