Recent papers in Polymath
Pendidikan monomath telah menciptakan manusia seperti robot yang hanya mendidik manusia dengan satu cara. Pendidikan model seperti ini menekankan pada satu topik yang akan di dalaminya. Orang tersebut dapat saja ahli dibidang yang... more
Peter Burke will speak at ICI Berlin on October 12, 2018 about the figure of the polymath at an event organized by the working group "The Two Cultures of Science" at Junge Akademie.
The objective of this work is to propose a novel theoretical approach to leadership called polymathic leadership. “Polymathic” originates from the noun “polymath”, which means “a person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning” (OXFORD,... more
This article aims to contribute to the study of polymathy by introducing novel perspectives on the phenomenon and by advancing a new model that systematizes the different variables involved in its development. The article is divided into... more
O objetivo deste trabalho é lançar as bases teóricas para o desenvolvimento de um novo construto no campo de liderança chamado “liderança polímata”. “Polímata” pode se referir tanto a um substantivo (a pessoa polímata) como a um adjetivo... more
In this paper, we investigate the five occurrences in the Apuleian corpus of the never-before-used and almost without posterity Latin adjective "multiscius", that formally corresponds to the Greek term πολυμαθής. Why does Apuleius... more
Although figures like Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin and Gottfried Leibniz are admired for their multiple expertise and their contributions for multiple domains of human endeavor, the phenomenon of polymathy, which traditionally... more
Докладът има за цел да представи и обясни понятието за личности, наричани полимати. За такива личности е характерно успешното овладяване на повече от една област на творчеството или познанието, както и безпроблемното навлизане в тяхната... more
The topic of this conference paper is pluralistic theology of Appayya Dīkṣita, an influential Hindu intellectual and a polymath from the 16th century South India. This foray into Appayya’s thought is a fragment of my broader research on... more
Not-quite-final version of "Introduction," to Kevin Jackson, CARNAL....TO THE POINT OF SCANDAL (London: Pallas Athene, 2014).
The ascendency of identity as an effective political mobilization strategy has opened significant opportunities for group definition (or redefinition) of previously accepted information and knowledge claims. The emergence of... more
The ascendency of identity as an effective political mobilization strategy has opened significant opportunities for group definition (or redefinition) of previously accepted information and knowledge claims. The emergence of “identity... more
This phenomenological study focused on the lived experiences of modern day polymaths. The constructs of openness to experience, identity, self-directed learning, polymathy or multi-disciplinarily, and intrapersonal functional diversity... more
This article outlines the utility of the term ‘post-punk polymath’ to describe the sustained multi-medium and intertextual artistic practice engaged in by artists of the post-punk scene on New York’s Lower East Side in the late 1970s.... more
It is increasingly argued that polymathy—vocational and avocational pursuits in multiple domains—is deeply associated with creativity and innovation, and that its development enables the creation of important bridges between otherwise... more
As scholars and teachers, one of our most funda-mental struggles is answering this question: “Whatshould we know?” There is a great paradox inmanagement education: Individual scholars are in-centivized to focus on a particular issue in a... more
Lydia Lunch, David Wojnarowicz and Vaginal Davis are artists who each produced music, film, literature, performance, visual art and installation whilst participating in the subcultural communities of post-punk. This thesis frames them as... more
It is pertinent to highlight areas POLYMATH software is useful for chemical engineering analysis. Its applications had been demonstrated in this paper using 10 Problem Set, in areas that includes transport phenomena, heat transfer,... more
Today, we face numerous problems, from global health challenges to environmental crises, whose range and scope go far beyond any single discipline. Consequently, our standard approach—the very segregationist thinking described in C.P.... more
Análisis de los testimonios sobre Pontiano de Nicomedia, uno de los interlocutores (¿ficticio?) del banquete descrito en los Deipnosofistas (Banquete de los eruditos) de Ateneo (finales del s. II, principios del III d.C.). De una gran y... more
Introduction to the general issue on Cuba.
The contribution of punk and post-punk artists to popular music, film, fashion and visual art is now almost universally recognised within the academy, curatorial agendas and journalistic documentary. Whether in the institutional... more