Recent papers in President
Creating a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) involves systematically identifying areas for improvement within an organization, setting goals, and implementing strategies to achieve these goals. Here's a detailed framework for a Quality... more
The chapter of collective monograph is devoted to the analysis of discursive strategies and tactics of expressing the consolidation of Ukrainian society in the speeches of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy during the full-scale... more
The study recalls an unknown statement by Maurycy Jaroszyński from the time of the war, containing an analysis of the government of 1926-1939 This opinion is critical, and its justification shows the incompatibility of the then legal... more
Türkiye Cumhuriyetinin kurucusu, ülkenin işgalden kurtulmasını ve bağımsız bir devlet olmasını sağlayan Mustafa Kemal Atatürk; yaptığı devrimlerle sadece ülkesini ve milletini düşündüğünü çok açık olarak halka ve tüm dünyaya göstermiştir.... more
This paper defines a variety of fitness components, using a simple multidimensional hierarchical model that is consistent with recent definitions in the literature. It groups the definitions into two broad categories: product and process.... more
Academic business planning and academic master planning represent the next step after a program prioritization process in which every program receives a thorough analysis of its mission, margins (finances), market, and quality, sorting... more
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the legal framework of liability of the presidentin Lithuania. The particular interest for this model is due to the fact that Lithuania was thefirst and only (until this year) European Union member... more
Atatürk 1930'/arda bir yat gezisinde Afet İnan'/a.
Bu calisma gucler ayriligi ilkesi ve checks and balances sistemi olarak adlandirilan “control ve denge” mekanizma ilke veya uygulamalarinin American Federal Yonetim sistemi uzerine olan etkilerini analiz etmektedir. Belirtilen ilke ya da... more
Przedmiot badań: Pozycja prawna Prezydenta Federalnego w Republice Austrii jest marginalna. Jednak w austriackiej doktrynie prawa konstytucyjnego zwraca się uwagę na poszczególne aspekty, które budzą wątpliwości. Z uwagi na przyjęty w tym... more
Kuba hat seit April 2018 einen neuen Präsidenten und zum ersten Mal seit der Revolution trägt er nicht den Namen Castro: Mit Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez ist der lang angekündigte Generationswechsel vollzogen worden. Eine grundsätzliche... more
This cost-benefit analysis examines the feasibility of implementing an arts incubator program as an alternative assessment for international art students at a higher ed Arts Institution. The study evaluates three approaches: maintaining... more
After the passage of the Sedition Act, "the volume of accusations increased enormously." 185 "The number of complaints under this law presented to the Department of Justice has been incredibly large," Gregory reported, and "[e]very day... more
After September 11, 2001, Central Asia leapt into the vernacular of international politics. This forgotten region, where the "Great Game" was played, received new emphasis in the Global War on Terrorism. Analysts found a region brimming... more
Mit einem Erdrutschsieg hat Andrés Manuel López Obrador – genannt AMLO – im dritten Anlauf das Präsidentenamt Mexikos erlangt. 53 Prozent der Stimmen gingen an ihn. Doch fuhr er nicht nur persönlich ein überragendes Ergebnis ein. Das... more
Benazir Bhutto handpicked Farooq Leghari as the PPP candidate for presidency in December 1993. She remarked that he was “my man”. However, he later dismissed her government on charges of economic mismanagement, corruption and failure to... more
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie analizy normatywnej art. 131 Konstytucji RP regulującego problematykę zastępstwa prezydenta RP. To zagadnienie jest niezwykle ważne z punktu widzenia ciągłości władzy państwowej ocenianej przede... more
Implications of participation in highly competitive sports by children from 7 through 12 years of age are examined. Evidence supports the conclusion that highly competitive sports are often harmful to both physiological and psychological... more
and the MZES working group on French politics for helpful comments and suggestions. The usual disclaimer applies.
The topic of presidential success in Congress is central to the study of American politics. Yet existing research does not sufficiently assess the president's success at shaping the substance of legislation. To help remedy this... more
Se expresa la preocupación por la influencia política y económica de Estados Unidos en Ecuador, sugiriendo que esta relación ha tenido efectos negativos en la población ecuatoriana, especialmente en los sectores más vulnerables y la clase... more
The 2017-2018 constitutional reform amended the Constitution of Georgia and changed the political system of the country. The president has the responsibility to represent the country in international relations, but only with the approval... more
Purposeful Authenticity: A Leadership Philosophy
Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika w Toruniu w ramach programu Inicjatywa Doskonalości Uczelnia Badawcza.
Comments regarding this Bulletin should be addressed to the IBA Secretary:
The Isles of Deviation" in Populist Rhetorics of Miloš Zeman. This text contributes to current discussion related to political populism. From Zeman's inauguration speech, we deduced three thematic areas (corruption, extremism, media).... more
The Importance of Providing Training for Leaders in Higher Education Place leaders in a context where they can see, hear, discuss, and practice new skills. Then ask them to teach those skills to others. In doing so, we optimize... more
Introduction. Assessments of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic so far are negative. They can be summarized as: the world was not prepared, action was insufficient, public and private institutions failed people to protect their health... more
Academia faces a critical challenge in preparing and motivating faculty, administrators (deans, associate deans, chairs, program directors), and staff to respond effectively to the shifting landscape of academia. The lack of clear... more
Komitacılar sistem dışı, kanun tanımaz komitacı faaliyetleri ile Mustafa Kemal’i birçok kez zor durumda bırakmışlardır. Hemen hemen birçoğunun ismi çeşitli yolsuzluklara ve siyasal cinayetlere karışmıştır. Bunların karıştığı siyasal... more
The Not-So-Magic Kingdom - Addition to Teaching for Retention Workshop In association with my new book, Teaching for Retention (due out early October), I created a do it yourself workshop in support of faculty professional development.... more
Executive leadership is at the bottom of the pyramid, supporting everything above it. They bear the weight, so the next-level leaders are free to take care of faculty and staff.
Inclusive innovation is the process of developing and implementing new ideas, products, services, or business models in a way that benefits and includes marginalized or underserved populations – creating solutions WITH the intended users... more