Recent papers in Presidentialim
The article is dedicated to theoretical, methodolo gical and empirical analysis of the essence, nature and types, constitutional and p olitical challenges and consequences of different republican systems of government. Special attention... more
Makalah ini berisi analisis kritis terhadap wacana Pemilu Serentak 2019 dan kaitannya dengan Penguatan Sistem Presidensial di Indonesia.
This paper is concerned with the political interactions occurred amongst the presidential system and the multi-party one in Brazil. In short, it will be discussed the paramount matters that revolves around Brazil’s political scope, which... more
A partir de la crise du 16 mai 1877, cet article s'efforce de mettre en lumière une constante de l'histoire française, lors des grandes crises constitutionnelles qui l'ont traversée: au lieu de résoudre les conflits par une confrontation... more
Makalah ini merupakan sebuah analisa kritis terhadap Sistem Pemilu Serentak 2019 dan Penguatan SIstem Presidensial di Indonesia.
L'instauration du « suffrage universel » en 1848 ouvre la porte à une politique de masse de type démocratique. La première élection présidentielle au « suffrage universel », en fait masculin, précipite pourtant la chute de la République.... more
El año pasado Grijalbo publicó el libro “4T, claves para descifrar el rompecabezas”. Sin duda alguna, esta colección de 17 ensayos coordinada por Blanca Heredia y Hernán Gómez Bruera constituye un excelente esfuerzo para tratar de... more
Hace un par de días el presidente Andrés dijo en una de sus conferencias mañaneras que repetía y repetía que la corrupción ya se acabó allá arriba, en el círculo legal que conforma al ejecutivo. Dio a entender que ya estaba cansado de... more
The purpose of this study, the Parliamentary System in Turkey in the light of the criticism, History of Democracy in Turkey to investigate the stability of the Presidential Management System. Compilation method for the study, and this... more
Málokterý politolog dnes pochybuje o tom, že rozdílné formy institucí a vztahů mezi nimi zásadně ovlivňují charakter politické soutěže, kvalitu demokratického vládnutí nebo dokonce vyhlídky na přežití demokracie v zemi. Ve srovnávací... more
Le regard des constitutionnalistes français sur l'élection présidentielle a profondément changé, comme elle a également conduit à relire autrement les autres systèmes qui prévoient une telle élection. On s’intéresse ici à une thèse... more
The thesis titled "LA TENSIÓN INSTITUCIONAL (o por qué la Corte Suprema de Justicia y el Presidente deben enfrentarse)" by Emiliano Falcón, supervised by Alfonso Santiago (h.), addresses the nature and potential outcomes of the... more
O regime republicano português foi um fenómeno precoce no quadro europeu, mas a sobrevivência deste ao longo do século XX, sobretudo considerando a longa experiência autoritária, demonstrou a rápida consolidação das instituições... more
The Puritan’s spirit of introspection seems to be one of the ingredients that functions to as the public to examine the selves in order to respond and even to evaluate the present circumstances for the purpose of finding the appropriate... more
The article is dedicated to theoretical, methodological and empirical analysis of the essence, nature and types, constitutional and political challenges and consequences of different republican systems of government. Special attention is... more
Daniel Chasquetti: Reseña del Libro Centro Presidencial. Presidencias y Centros de Gobierno en América Latina, Estados Unidos y Europa. Jorge Lanzaro (coordinador). Editorial Tecnos, Madrid 2018. 437 páginas. Daniel Chasquetti: Review of... more
Resumo Como a literatura vem analisando o Poder Executivo nos diferentes regimes políticos? A partir da diferença institucional básica entre presidencialismo e parlamentarismo pode-se identificar dois conjuntos de contribuições principais... more
(co-authored with Ferdinand Müller-Rommel) Executive power has been and will continue to be a prominent and widely used concept in political science. This chapter shows that executive power has mostly been examined in context with... more
This paper deals with Slovak experience with semi-presidential system as introduced by the 1999 amendment to the Constitution. It is divided into two parts. In the first part, it explains origins of semi-presidentialism in Slovakia and... more
Resumo Este artigo objetiva traçar a trajetória e apresentar uma explicação para a manutenção do sistema eleitoral utilizado para a eleição da Câmara Federal, a representação proporcional de lista aberta, no âmbito da ANC 1987-8. Este... more
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L'articoloè messo a disposizione dell'utente in licenza per uso esclusivamente privato e personale, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini direttamente o indirettamente commerciali. Salvo quanto espressamente previsto dalla licenza d'uso... more
Why do presidents in semi-presidential regimes sometimes call early elections? Is the behavior of incumbent presidents different from the behavior of presidential contenders when the former do not need to run for office but face the loss... more
Reviewing the debate "parliamentarism versus presidentialism", this work adheres to the proposals that make a more positive evaluation of the matrices of presidential democracy and the efforts to catalog the variety of modalities that... more
This commentary on the U.S. presidential election was published in the Japanese online journal Gendai Business on February 14, 2021.
Abstract: The fact that the debates of the presidential system holds an important scope in the Turkey’s political agenda can be explained by the abundance of the historical background of these debates. Turkish political scene has... more
É proibida a reprodução total ou parcial, por qualquer meio ou processo, inclusive quanto às características gráfi cas e/ ou editoriais. A violação de direitos autorais constitui crime (Código Penal, art.184 e § §, Lei n° 10.695, de... more Since presidential term limits were (re)adopted by many states during the third wave of democratization, 221 presidents across Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and... more
Ronald KING (San Diego State University) and Claudiu TUFIŞ (University of Bucharest) invite scholars from various disciplines to contribute to a special issue on Semi-presidentialism and post-communism (1/2016) at the Annals of the... more
The article focuses on a concept of presidentialization. It is related to main features of presidential regime and a tendency to apply its constitutional order to political activities in parliamentary democracy. Presidentialization is... more
O poder legislativo e suas relações com o poder executivo ocupam papel central no debate sobre a consolidação e o funcionamento das democracias latino-americanas. A despeito de considerável avanço teórico e empírico no conjunto da... more
Grover Cleveland is the president of many firsts. He was the first Democrat elected since the Civil War; first to be elected to non-consecutive terms, first president to be married in the White House and the first to have a child while... more
The article is dedicated to analysing and comparing the president’s institution under the European semi-presidentialism, in particular in theoretical and empirical contexts. Based on the methodology of new institutionalism and... more
Özet: Bu makalede parlamenter, başkanlık ve yarı başkanlık sistemiyle yönetilen ülkeler gelir dağılımı eşitsizliği ve yoksulluk bakımından incelenmektedir. Bu şekilde, yönetim sistemlerinin avantaj veya dezavantajlarına dair hipotetik... more
El artículo examina la atribución del Presidente de la República para decretar la disolución de la Asamblea Nacional, prevista en el artículo 148 de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador. Esta atribución, propia de los regímenes... more
This article reexamines Lijphart's (1997) idea that compulsory voting is an effective instrument to reduce income inequality. Using a quasi-experimental research design based on a matching technique, the results show that compulsory... more
(co-authored with Selena Grimaldi) This article focuses on Italian regional chief executives and aims to investigate if and how the Italian regionalisation process has affected regional chief executives’ career trajectories. Our analysis... more
Bu bilgi notu başkanlık sistemi ile yönetilen devletlerin uluslararası endekslere göre performansları hakkında bilgi vermek maksadıyla hazırlanmıştır.