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The growing demand to fulfill the needs of presentday medicine in terms of novel effective molecules has lead to reexamining some of the old and known bacterial secondary metabolites. Bacterial prodigiosins (prodiginines) have a long... more
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      BiotechnologyEcophysiologyMultidisciplinaryNatural Dyes and their applications
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A novel red pigment, 2,2V -[3-methoxy-1Vamyl-5V -methyl-4-(1U-pyrryl)] dipyrryl-methene (MAMPDM), which has properties similar to those of prodigiosins, has been isolated for the first time from a bacterium putatively identified as... more
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      Cell CycleCytotoxicityApoptosisImmunopharmacology
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      MicrobiologyParasitologyMedical MicrobiologyMetal Nanoparticles
Since microorganisms normally co-exist with other species in nature, they have developed complex metabolic and physiological responses as a result of such interspecies interactions. We utilized some of these interactions by introducing... more
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      ProductionMultidisciplinaryBioreactorStreptomyces coelicolor
Prodigiosin, a pigment produced by Serratia marcescensinhibits the growth of different microorganisms and the proliferation of some human cancer cell lines. Prodigiosin is usually produced by fermentations of substrates such... more
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      ProteinProdigiosinSerratia marcescensBacterial Pigments
The effects of resident bacteria in the stomach of 5th-instar larvae of Rhodnius prolixus on the erythrocyte lysis and Trypanosoma cruzi infection were studied. The bacteria population increased approximately 10,000-fold after feeding.... more
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      MicrobiologyExperimental parasitologyHost-parasite interactionsProdigiosin
An elegant way of forming carbonÀcarbon bonds is the inversion of the normal mode of reactivity of carbonyl compounds. The benzoin condensation (1,2-addition) and the Stetter reaction (1,4-addition) employ synthetically useful umpolung... more
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      CatalysisBacteriaProdigiosinCHEMICAL SCIENCES
redD and actII-ORF4, regulatory genes required for synthesis of the antibiotics undecylprodigiosin and actinorhodin by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), were transcribed in vitro by an RNA polymerase holoenzyme containing σhrdD. Disruption... more
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      BacteriologyRNA polymeraseBiological SciencesStreptomyces
The bacterial growth and the production of pigment by bacteria might be increased in a stressful condition either in the presence or absent of nutrient factors. Many studies proved that nutrients in a certain amount might be able to give... more
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      PigmentsProdigiosinSerratia marcescens
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      Organic ChemistryProdigiosinIndoleBioorganic and medicinal Chemistry
in Wiley InterScience (
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      EngineeringTechnologyTextilesMass Spectrometry
The effects of growth rate and nutrient feed rate on the production of actinorhodin (Act) and undecylprodigiosin (Red) were determined in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) and in a congenic relA null-mutant known to be deficient in ppGpp... more
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      Biological SciencesStreptomycesGlucoseNitrogen
Prodigiosin is a red pigment produced by Serratia marcescens with apoptotic activity. We examined the mechanism of action of this tripyrrole alkaloid, focusing on its interaction with DNA and its ability to inhibit both topoisomerase I... more
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      BiologyDialysisImmunohistochemistryEnzyme Inhibitors
A strain of Vibrio sp. isolated from marine sediments produced large quantities of bright red pigments that could be used to dye many fibers including wool, nylon, acrylics, and silk. Characterization of the pigments by electrospray... more
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Members of the ROK family of proteins are mostly transcriptional regulators and kinases that 23 generally relate to the control of primary metabolism, whereby its member glucose kinase 24 acts as the central control protein in carbon... more
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      BacteriologyProteomicsBiological SciencesPhylogeny
Reports of anticancer and immunosuppressive properties have spurred recent interest in the bacterially produced prodiginines. We use electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (ES-MS/MS) to investigate prodigiosin, undecylprodiginine, and... more
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      ThermodynamicsAnalytical ChemistryKineticsComputer Model
The growing demand to fulfill the needs of presentday medicine in terms of novel effective molecules has lead to reexamining some of the old and known bacterial secondary metabolites. Bacterial prodigiosins (prodiginines) have a long... more
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A new strain of Serratia marcescens UCP1459 isolated from a semi-arid soil produced the natural red pigment prodigiosin, characterized by an uncommon pyrrolylpyrromethane skeleton. Prodigiosin is a promising drug due to its reported... more
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      Organic ChemistryBiologyWaste ManagementMedicine
Transcription of redO, the activator gene required for production of the red-pigmented antibiotic undecylprodigiosin by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), showed a dramatic increase during the transition from exponential to stationary phase.... more
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      Transcription RegulationMolecular MicrobiologyBiological SciencesMolecular
The growing demand to fulfill the needs of presentday medicine in terms of novel effective molecules has lead to reexamining some of the old and known bacterial secondary metabolites. Bacterial prodigiosins (prodiginines) have a long... more
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      BiotechnologyEcophysiologyMultidisciplinaryNatural Dyes and their applications
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      Organic ChemistryQuantitative Structure Activity RelationshipProdigiosinAntimalarials
Production of the red antibiotic, undecylprodigiosin, by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) was studied by DNA cloning and biochemical analysis. Over 21 kb of genomic DNA were cloned, in several segments, into plasmid vectors. The cloned DNA... more
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Prodigiosin, a red linear tripyrrole pigment, has long been recognised for its antimicrobial property. However, the physiological contribution of prodigiosin to the survival of its producing hosts still remains undefined. Hence, the aim... more
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A new strain of Serratia marcescens UCP1459 isolated from a semi-arid soil produced the natural red pigment prodigiosin, characterized by an uncommon pyrrolylpyrromethane skeleton. Prodigiosin is a promising drug due to its reported... more
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      Organic ChemistryBiologyWaste ManagementMedicine
Prodigiosin is a red pigment produced by Serratia marcescens with apoptotic activity. We examined the mechanism of action of this tripyrrole alkaloid, focusing on its interaction with DNA and its ability to inhibit both topoisomerase I... more
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      BiologyDialysisImmunohistochemistryEnzyme Inhibitors
The EepR transcription factor positively regulates secondary metabolites and tissue-damaging metalloproteases. To gain insight into mechanisms by which EepR regulates pigment and co-regulated factors, genetic suppressor analysis was... more
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      MicrobiologyMass SpectrometryTranscription FactorsMultidisciplinary
The atypical two-component system (TCS) AbrC1/C2/C3 (encoded by SCO4598, SCO4597, and SCO4596), comprising two histidine kinases (HKs) and a response regulator (RR), is crucial for antibiotic production in Streptomyces coelicolor and for... more
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      Transcription FactorsMultidisciplinaryStreptomyces coelicolorApplied Environmental Microbiology
Prodigiosin is a red pigment produced by Serratia marcescens with apoptotic activity. We examined the mechanism of action of this tripyrrole alkaloid, focusing on its interaction with DNA and its ability to inhibit both topoisomerase I... more
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      DialysisImmunohistochemistryEnzyme InhibitorsDNA damage
Streptomycetes are exploited for production of a wide range of secondary metabolites, and there is much interest in enhancing the level of production of these metabolites. Secondary metabolites are synthesized in dedicated biosynthetic... more
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      CarbonBiological ChemistryBiological SciencesMetabolic Flux Analysis
Alphaproteobacterium strain MOLA1416, related to Mycoplana ramosa DSM 7292 and Chelativorans intermedius CC-MHSW-5 (93.6% 16S rRNA sequence identity) was isolated from the marine lichen, Lichina pygmaea and its chemical composition was... more
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      PhytochemistryBiologyMedicineBiological Sciences
The potential of three Serratia marcescens strains (CFFSUR-B2, CFFSUR-B3 and CFFSUR-B4) isolated from tropical regions in Mexico to inhibit the mycelial growth and conidial germination of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, causal agent of... more
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      TechnologyBiological ControlMexicoBiological Sciences
The PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway regulates cell proliferation, survival and angiogenesis. The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a protein kinase ubiquitously expressed within cells that regulates cell growth and survival by... more
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      Transcription FactorsMelanomaProteinsProdigiosin
a) IC 50 Values and their 95% confidence intervals were obtained by nonlinear regression using the GraphPad program (Intuitive Software for Science, San Diego, CA).
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      ChemistryOrganic ChemistryBrazilApoptosis
A strain of Vibrio sp. isolated from marine sediments produced large quantities of bright red pigments that could be used to dye many fibers including wool, nylon, acrylics, and silk. Characterization of the pigments by electrospray... more
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This study investigated the performance of two different strains of Serratia marcescens on the manganese (II) removal and the effects of the nutrient-rich (NB medium) and nutrient-poor culture (K medium) media on this process. In the NB... more
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      ManganeseBioremediation of wastewaterHeavy Metal PollutionBiorremediation
0 The equilibrium and relative rate of rotamer interconversion around the bond joining the 2,2′-bipyrrolyl and pyrromethene moieties in a synthetic analogue of immunosuppressant prodigiosin are investigated as a function of pHapp in a... more
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      KineticsModelingMagnetic Resonance SpectroscopyPharmaceutical Sciences
Swarming motility and hemolysis are virulence-associated determinants for a wide array of pathogenic bacteria. The broad host-range opportunistic pathogen Serratia marcescens produces serratamolide, a small cyclic amino-lipid, that... more
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Pigments such as melanin, scytonemin and carotenoids protect microbial cells against the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The role in UV protection has never been assigned to the prodigiosin pigment. In this work, we... more
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      MicrobiologyMicrobial EcologyEcologyProdigiosin
Prodigiosins (PrGs) are a family of promising therapeutic molecules, isolated mostly from Gram-negative bacteria and characterized by a common pyrryldipyrrylmethene structure with varying side chains. They show a broad spectrum of... more
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      Innate immunityProdigiosinNeoplasmsAntineoplastic Agents
High levels of SKP2 are a poor prognostic factor in multiple human cancers and mostly correlate with low p27 KIP1 levels. Prodigiosin is a bacterial tripyrrole pigment with strong pro-apoptotic activity. Induction of cell cycle blockade... more
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      Cell CycleProdigiosinAktCell Proliferation
Members of the ROK family of proteins are mostly transcriptional regulators and kinases that 23 generally relate to the control of primary metabolism, whereby its member glucose kinase 24 acts as the central control protein in carbon... more
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      BacteriologyProteomicsBiological SciencesPhylogeny
To date, prodigiosin and its analogues which have been shown to have anticancer, cytotoxic and immunosuppressive activities have been isolated from Serratia, Pseudomonas and Streptomyces species, and chemically synthesized. In a previous... more
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Prodigiosin,  a  pigment  produced  by Serratia  marcescensinhibits  the  growth  of  different  microorganisms  and  the  proliferation  of some human cancer cell lines. Prodigiosin is usually produced by fermentations of substrates such... more
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      ChemistryFood ScienceProteinProdigiosin
Serratia peptidase is active proteolytic enzyme which has the potential of cleaving peptide bond.  Present investigation deals about the Microbial production of serratia peptidase using Serratia marcescens in small scale fermentor. Batch... more
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      BiologyProdigiosinSerratia marcescensSerratia
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      ChemistrySupramolecular ChemistryMagnetic Resonance SpectroscopyCytotoxicity
Prodigiosin is a red pigment produced by Serratia marcescens with apoptotic activity. We examined the mechanism of action of this tripyrrole alkaloid, focusing on its interaction with DNA and its ability to inhibit both topoisomerase I... more
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      BiologyDialysisImmunohistochemistryEnzyme Inhibitors
Pigments such as melanin, scytonemin and carotenoids protect microbial cells against the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The role in UV protection has never been assigned to the prodigiosin pigment. In this work, we... more
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      MicrobiologyMicrobial EcologyEcologyProdigiosin
The occurrence of poly-3-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) in 12 different strains of the genus Streptomyces was investigated. Gas chromatographic estimation indicated that all the strains produced PHB and the range of maximum PHB accumulation... more
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      MicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyStreptomycesGas Chromatography