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      SocialismGDR HistoryRDA
Le quartier du Nikolaiviertel, situé au centre de Berlin, est considéré comme le lieu de naissance de la ville remontant au 13e siècle. Malgré son charme médiéval, le quartier fut construit dans les années 1980. Ce dernier a été conçu... more
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      Urban PlanningUrbanismBerlinGermany
Epiphytic bryophytes and lichens are an important component of the endangered forest biota in temperate forests, their diversity and composition patterns being regulated by tree, stand and landscape scale factors. The aim of this study is... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesRDA
En RUHM 9/18 (2020), pp. 434-438.
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      DDRRDAAlemaniaMuro de Berlín
Main goal of the paper is to show that RDA introduces a radical transformation in the way we conceive cataloging. This transformation is embodied in two major divisions within RDA. On one hand, it concerns the record (i.e. the... more
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      FRBRSemantic WebRDABibliographic control
Have you wondered why the records in your catalog look a little different? Why are there extra fields in the MARC record? This presentation is intended for librarians and library staff who would like to better understand the changes they... more
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التغييرات التى طرأت على معيار مارك 21 فى اطار معيار RDA
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El trabajo tiene una primera parte que habla de la organización e historia de la República Democrática Alemana, que nos es bastante desconocida por sus características y, sin la cual, no se puede entender la carrera política de algunos de... more
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      Linked Open DataRDARDA& library systems
Implementation of a new cataloging standard called Resource Description and Access or RDA continues to be an important topic for catalogers. However, it affects all parts of the library, especially reference and public services. Changes... more
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      Resource Description and AccessLibrary and Information StudiesRDAReference Services
This article aims to explain the capabilities and benefits AustLit portals that have implemented FRBR (Functional Requirements Bibliographic Records), FRBR is one of basic concepts in the RDA (Resource Description and Access). AustLit... more
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Este trabajo es la primera parte de la primera colección de una recopilación, traducción y elaboración de testimonios de brigadistas alemanes residentes en la República Democrática Alemana, recogidos en los años 60 a petición de su... more
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      Memoria HistóricaGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLARDABrigadas Internacionales
L La a p pr re es se en nt te e o ob br ra a e es st tá á b ba aj jo o u un na a l li ic ce en nc ci ia a d de e: :
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Esta segunda parte de la segunda colección de los recuerdos de brigadistas alemanes sobre la Guerra de España (1936-1939), contiene recuerdos de voluntarios alemanes que combatieron en nuestro país. A diferencia de la primera colección,... more
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      Memoria HistóricaGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLARDABrigadas Internacionales
Esta primera parte de la segunda colección de los recuerdos de brigadistas alemanes sobre la Guerra de España (1936-1939), contiene recuerdos de voluntarios alemanes que combatieron en nuestro país. A diferencia de la primera colección,... more
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      Memoria HistóricaGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLARDABrigadas Internacionales
Este trabajo es la segunda parte de la primera colección de una recopilación, traducción y elaboración de testimonios de brigadistas alemanes residentes en la República Democrática Alemana, recogidos en los años 60 a petición de su... more
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      Memoria HistóricaGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLARDABrigadas Internacionales
Nutrition exerts a life-long impact on human health, and the interaction between nutrition and health has been known for centuries. The recent literature has suggested that nutrition could differently influence the health of male and... more
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Epiphytic bryophytes and lichens are an important component of the endangered forest biota in temperate forests, their diversity and composition patterns being regulated by tree, stand and landscape scale factors. The aim of this study is... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesRDA
This article discusses the changes that are occurring in the world of cataloging. It argues that these changes need to be coordinated. It also discusses the feature of current OPACs, FRBR, the Paris Principles and its proposed replacement... more
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      FRBRRDAICPISBD Consolidated edition
The paper discusses the reasons of users' dissatisfaction in the use of present online catalogues, that arise from the failure of catalogues in offering a systematic view of presentation of the bibliographic universe and even less in... more
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DE: Die Informationsräume Bibliothek und World Wide Web (WWW) stehen vor der gleichen Herausforderung: Eine korrekte, umfassende und nutzergerechte Erschließung ihrer Dokumente zu leisten. Eine Lösung aus beiden Perspektiven wäre eine... more
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      MetadataFRBRSemantic WebRDA
The aim of this study was to determine the heavy metal concentrations of seven mushroom species obtained in Akure, a town in Southwest of Nigeria. The samples were preprocessed, ashed, dissolved in distilled water with drops of HCl,... more
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      NigeriaHeavy metalsRDAConsumers
Breve homenaje al Dr. Alfredo Bauer, Convergengia n° 62, Buenos Aires, 2016 pp. 24-25
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      LiteraturaComunismoGynecology and ObstetricsRDA
Being, from the first sight, a complementary part of process management within an organization, process management automation draws a very broad and promising perspective to the whole business field since it is a step closer to the... more
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Il contributo mette in evidenza il profondo cambiamento che RDA (Resource Description and Access) sta promuovendo. Le linee guida sono rivolte a chiunque desideri descrivere e rendere accessibile una collezione di beni culturali:... more
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      CataloguingRDAISBD Consolidated editionDescriptive Cataloguing
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      UmweltAllemagneRDAPolitical Oppositions
Why a new standard? Opportunity to simplify our rules Encourage use as a content standard for metadata schema Encourage international applicability Need for more consistency and less redundancy, for easier use and interpretation Chance to... more
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      Computer ScienceDesignCultural HeritageSemantic Web
The paper aims to discuss cataloguing workflow as a part of catalogue improvement. As a librarian involved in day-by-day cataloguing, every research on a library catalogue is an occasion to discover, in bibliographic and in authority... more
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Las directrices RA (Descripcion y Acceso a Recursos) van a promover un gran cambio en la catalogación. De hecho, pueden ser utilizadas por cualquier persona que desee describir y hacer accesible una colección de patrimonio cultural,... more
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      MetadataFRBRSemantic WebRDA
Öz: Bilgi kaynaklarının düzenlenmesi ve erişime sunulmasına yönelik olarak geliştirilen ve Anglo-Amerikan Kataloglama Kuralları 2 (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules 2-AACR2)'nin yerini alan yeni kataloglama standardı RDA, kataloglama... more
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      CataloguingInformation organisationResource Description and AccessRDA
La información que ofrece un libro antiguo o un conjunto coherente de libros y documentos antiguos puede ser muy heterogénea y afectar múltiples aspectos. El documentalista, ante el libro antiguo, está obligado a ofrecer la mejor y más... more
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Alterations of genetic and epigenetic features can provide important insights into the natural history of breast cancer. Although DNA methylation analysis is a rapidly developing field, a reproducible epigenetic blood-based assay for... more
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      GeneticsTreatment OutcomeRisk assessmentEpigenetics
Questo manuale espone in modo chiaro ed esaustivo lo standard Resource Description and Access (RDA) nella sua struttura complessiva e approfondisce nel dettaglio le singole istruzioni, corredate da molti esempi. Il libro spiega il... more
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      CataloguingCatalogingResource Description and AccessRDA
Online public catalogs have provided users with the option to conduct faceted searches for more than a decade. Although faceting is undoubtedly useful to the discovery process, the authors found that their system's default facet mapping... more
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      CataloguingCatalogingRDARDA& library systems
The effect of technological processing on the contents of eight minerals -i.e., calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, and zinc -was investigated in pasta making. Milling of durum wheat as well as pasta making... more
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      EngineeringBiological SciencesMagnesiumCopper
This article briefly introduced the connotation and the history of the China National Bibliography. A detailed description on the digital practice of the China National Bibliography was given, to share the experi-ences. Then the portal... more
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Logging can significantly change the structure of rainforest communities. To better understand how logging drives this change, butterflies and environmental variables were assessed within both unlogged and logged forest in Indonesian... more
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      EndemismForest EcologyEnvironmental ChangeLepidoptera
Spätestens mit dem Erscheinen des RDA Toolkit gewinnt die Frage nach dem Einsatz der RDA jenseits von Bibliotheken an Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit werden Einsatzmöglichkeiten der RDA für nachlassverwaltende Institutionen des Archivwesens... more
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      CataloguingMetadataKnowledge organizationCataloging
Diospyros kaki Thunb. (Ebenaceae) is a widely cultivated tree species in some countries of Asia, while in other continents persimmons are mostly considered "exotic" fruits. Peculiar characteristics of this species are a complex sex... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFoodFree RadicalHPLC
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Il testo richiama in apertura alcune nozioni di base sulla catalogazione e sulla descrizione archivistica, attività che ormai sono strettamente correlate al diffuso uso delle tecnologie dell’informazione. Il mondo dei beni culturali... more
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      Archival StudiesArchivesRDACatalogazione
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      Cultural HeritageCataloguingMetadataCultural Heritage Conservation
Rekabet gücünün artan önemi Türkiye’de bölgesel politikalarda büyük değişimlere neden olmuştur. Kurumsal alanda kalkınma ajanslarının kurulmasıyla somutlaşan bu süreçte bölgeler kendi içsel kaynaklarının yanı sıra ulusal ve uluslararası... more
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      Regional Planning/DevelopmentRDA
Resumo: ​ A divisão de Berlim pelo Muro a partir de 1961 deixou profundas marcas na conformação urbana da cidade. Os dois sistemas, capitalista em Berlim Leste e socialista em Berlim Oeste, juntamente com a situação econômica pós-guerra,... more
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Logging can significantly change the structure of rainforest communities. To better understand how logging drives this change, butterflies and environmental variables were assessed within both unlogged and logged forest in Indonesian... more
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      EndemismForest EcologyEnvironmental ChangeLepidoptera
The user's interest at the center of RDA's objectives RDA, Resource Description and Access, is the international standard for the description of, and access to, resources designed for the digital word. The first version of the standard... more
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Columbia University, the University of Chicago, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign participated in the 2010 U.S. National Libraries Test of Resource Description & Access (RDA). As devised, the new cataloging code is format... more
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    • RDA
Authors debate on the deep changes happpening in the world of cataloguing, and maintain that these changes need to be organized. They debate on new OPAC, on FRBR, on the Principles of Paris and on the new International Cataloguing... more
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