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This study, conducted in the United Arab Emirates, piloted a curriculum to increase early grade reading fluency. A curriculum with enhanced perceptual features, such as font size and spacing was used with grade one students in four... more
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      Perceptual LearningReading DevelopmentReading InstructionArabic Education
AWEJ Volume.5 Number.2, 2014 Pp.167... more
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      Abridging Arabic literature for non-native speakersForeign AccentednessAccentsForeign Accent
Bio: Josephine O"Brien has worked in several Arabic speaking countries over the last twenty five years and currently teaches English and Arabic in Dublin, Ireland. She also works as a teacher trainer. Her main areas of linguistic interest... more
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      Literacy Teaching In Early ChildhoodBi/plurilingualism/literacyReading in English and Arabic for young learners
An old Arabic saying claims there are three things that are mythical and impossible to find: the Ghoul, the Phoenix, and the Loyal Friend. A fourth, it could be argued in this age, is reading.
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabic EducationReading in English and Arabic for young learners
This article reports a study of mobile phone and Internet use by young Arabs in the GCC region. It examines how GCC university students obtain local news and information about their communities using mobile devices. With the expansion of... more
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      Social MediaMobile DevicesNews ConsumptionGCC