Recent papers in Referendums
When should groups within a state be owed a process, such as a referendum, that can enable their secession or greater internal autonomy? Much of the prior normative literature has overlooked the constitutional theory context of this... more
We approach critically the assertion that a referendum ultimately defends the “traditional family,” by examining the articulation of anti-gender politics in Romanian parliamentary debates. We contribute theoretically by employing the... more
faßte die Ursachen der Krise so zusammen: "Die Zollunion konnte in der EG trotz der ungleichen nationalen Entwicklungsniveaus durchgesetzt werden, weil sie prinzipiell bei einer Verschiebung der Konkurrenzposition der Mitgliedsländer... more
È un bel libro, che approfondisce sotto ogni aspetto un tema controverso, scottante, divisivo come quello dell'aborto soprattutto, ma che esamina anche la fecondazione assistita. È un'opera accurata e ben scritta da una giornalista e... more
for their comments. We also thank two anonymous referees for their extensive and insightful comments on an earlier draft of this article. responsibility for any remaining errors and omissions rests entirely with the authors.
Why do governments put some of their proposals to the popular vote despite the uncertainties about the referendum results? Furthermore, under which conditions do they have a better chance of winning in referendums. This study argues that... more
Tanulmányom célja, hogy bemutassam a rémhírterjesztés különleges jogrend idején alkalmazható tényállását, az ezzel összefüggésben született 15/2020. (VII. 8.) AB határozatot, valamint a határozatot ért kritikákat. Véleményt formáltam a... more
S acamos a la luz el nuevo número de la Revista dedicado a la delicada e inquietante cuestión ambiental. Sumidos en una gravísima crisis económica global, nacional y local la atención a la insostenibilidad del modelo de desarrollo vigente... more
If you were unlucky enough to come accross this paper, please keep in mind that this is a very preliminary version. At this point, we decline any responsability on the consequences of using the implications of our analysis in the real... more
El coloquio que se resume a continuacion tuvo como finalidad dialogar sobre aspectos que hacen a la calidad de las instituciones politicas uruguayas. Cual es el lugar para las discrepancias en nuestra sociedad y como las dirimimos; en... more
Do politicians with a military background decide differently with respect to societal issues? We investigate the voting behavior of politicians in the informative institutional setting of Switzerland with a conscription army and a... more
INTRODUCTION Some public choice economists and political scientists would argue that the distinction between classical elections, thought as free and competitive, and their unfree and noncompetitive variants is of little importance, as... more
Qataris went to the polls on Tuesday in a referendum on ending a brief and limited experiment with legislative elections in the wealthy monarchy.
The presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova along with the referendum on the European integration revealed the fractures of the society across the Prut, the dissonances between historical regions as well as the ability of the... more
Alegerile prezidențiale din Republica Moldova împreună cu referendumul privind integrarea europeană a țării au scos la iveală fracturile societății de peste Prut, disonanțele dintre regiunile istorice precum și capacitatea celor două... more
Die attische Demokratie beruhte in ihrer großen Zeit des 5. und 4.Jh.s v.Chr. nicht nur auf Institutionen, auf Verfahrensweisen und Werten. Sie besaß ihr Fundament
This article revisits the scholarly debates on the AKP's constitutional amendment package that was put to vote in the 2010 Turkish Constitutional Referendum. It takes the democratic theorist Andrew Arato and law professor Aslı Bali as... more
Los populismos y las derivas iliberales de algunos gobiernos ponen en riesgo el funcionamiento constitucionalmente adecuado de las instituciones y organismos encargados de controlar a la mayoría. Ello acaba por debilitar la democracia,... more
Uno de los rasgos que ha distinguido a los gobiernos progresistas en la región es el uso de herramientas de democracia directa, empleadas para promulgar nuevas constituciones, para consultar en la toma decisiones públicas importantes y... more
Uno de los rasgos que ha distinguido a los gobiernos progresistas en la región es el uso de herramientas de democracia directa, empleadas para promulgar nuevas constituciones, para consultar en la toma decisiones públicas importantes y... more
Resumen En este artículo se hace un breve análisis de los aportes antropológicos, sociológicos y lingüísticos a la lengua y cultura guaraní del chaco boliviano; pero, ante todo, se valora el aporte a la literatura escrita realizada por el... more
Uno de los rasgos que ha distinguido a los gobiernos progresistas en la región es el uso de herramientas de democracia directa, empleadas para promulgar nuevas constituciones, para consultar en la toma decisiones públicas importantes y... more
Political parties have always played an important role in the organization of national referenda in Hungary since the first referendum act came into effect following the political system change in 1989. The role of parties in referenda... more
The 2014 Scottish independence referendum campaign saw a surge of campaigning activity from groups on both sides of the debate. The mainstream elements of the campaign were criticised for not bringing enough attention to women's... more
On Monday the House of Lords voted against changes to tax credits. In doing so, Osborne and Cameron have argued they have broken a constitutional convention, raising “issues that need to be dealt with”. But Sean Swan questions these... more
Since 1989, there have been organized seven national referenda related to thirteen questions in Hungary. Based on the content of the questions raised, one can draw a line of evolution in the history of the institution: the symbolic... more
The Spanish nation-state is gradually being rescaled by Catalonia's "secession crisis." Recently and dramatically, in the aftermath of the "illegal" and "constitutive referendum" that took place on 1 October 2017, 2,286,217 Catalan... more
Tema: La Cumbre de Bruselas ha aprobado el 18 de Junio un borrador de Constitución que ahora afronta su fase decisiva. El texto tendrá que ser ratificado, unánimemente, por todos los Estados miembros, a través de una variedad de... more
Im vorliegenden Kapitel tritt eine vergleichende Betrachtungsweise an die Seite der bisher auf Unionsrecht ausgerichteten Untersuchung. Unterschiedliche Modelle lassen sich entdecken, mittels derer die potenzielle Spannung zwischen... more
This document is the author's post-print version, incorporating any revisions agreed during the peer-review process. Some differences between the published version and this version may remain and you are advised to consult the published... more
Είναι γνωστό ότι το Σύνταγμα οργανώνει και καθορίζει τον τρόπο άσκησης της κρατικής εξουσίας, οριοθετώντας , μεταξύ άλλων, τη σχέση μεταξύ των κυβερνώντων και των κυβερνώμενων. Η τελευταία αυτή διαπίστωση αποτελεί μέρος των Συνταγμάτων... more
The widespread political resistance to the government took several different ways. Such resistances may include legitimate or non-legitimate approaches, within or outside the Constitution, involving or not the representative political... more
It comes as a surprise that in the majority of cases the majority might be in the minority. The paradox raises questions about democracy. They, in turn, introduce further questions about authority and justice which Elizabeth Anscombe... more
El artículo analiza el proyecto de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) sobre la propuesta de consulta popular de Andrés Manuel López Obrador para enjuiciar a los últimos cinco expresidentes de México. Se destaca la conclusión... more
En este artículo se analiza la agenda mediática en el caso de la consulta popular en México sobre el juicio a expresidentes
from the Irish constitution. In this chapter, we draw upon a survey of June 2018 conducted by and of 125 activists from DBN Repeal to describe how this vote was won and the particular place of the canvass in the campaign. 2 After... more
T he Netherlands boasts a wide array of populist Radical Right parties, from the Freedom Party (PVV) and Forum for Democracy (FvD) to Correct Alternative 2021 (JA21). To complicate matters further, the left-wing Socialist Party (SP) is... more
This theoretical review analyses digital nationalism in Catalonia. It describes the context of the confrontation between the proindependence movement and the Spanish government. This confrontation is characterised by a paradigm dominated... more
The Belfast / Good Friday Agreement provides that it is for the people of the island of Ireland alone, by agreement between the two parts respectively and without external impediment, to exercise their right of self-determination on the... more
A közigazgatási jog rezilienciájakoronavírus idején 3 Resilience of the administrative lawin the time of coronavirus Absztrakt Bár a veszélyhelyzet 2020. június 18-án megszűnt, azonban a COVID-19 járványveszély a magyar jogrendszeren... more
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