Recent papers in Resultative
Chap. 7 of the thesis, in French. Grammatical sketch of the language (graphical system, corpus, noun and verb systems). Analysis wrt diathesis, possession and resultative.
Chapter 5 of the thesis, in French. Tense and aspect. Basic aspect oppositions. Different kinds of resultative aspect forms. Aoristic shift. The IE perfect. Resultative periphrases and their grammaticalization. Expression of the agent.... more
Chap. 8 of the thesis, in French. Description of the language (graphical system, corpus, noun and verb systems). Analysis wrt diathesis, possession and resultative.
A case study of Basque, Old Persian and Elamite across the key features of actancy/diatheses, possession and resultative aspect. Finding how those features are theoretically related and comparing the behaviour of the study languages with... more
Chap. 6 of the thesis, in French. Grammatical sketch of the language. Analysis wrt diathesis, possession and resultative.
The purpose of this thesis is to augment our empirical knowledge of the English resultative and to provide a theoretical treatment of the syntax and semantics of the resultative using current linguistic tools. This involves using both... more
В настоящей работе исследуется возможность у страдательных причастий на -н, -т выражать результативное значение. Результативность является состоянием, возникшим в результате предшествующего действия. Результативное значение способны... more
The acceptability judgment task is a crucial method in experimental syntax. This study compares two forms of the task –Likert-scale and magnitude estimations – in the investigation of the learnability of the English resultative... more
La thèse que j’ai soutenue à l’Université d’Amsterdam, le 9 avril 2014, ne pouvait pas contenir tout ce que j’aurais souhaité y mettre. De plus, à la relecture, il me semble utile d’apporter des éclaircissements sur certains points et des... more
Basque has an impressive number of resultative constructions for transitive verbs, not to mention dialectal variants. The purpose of this paper is to classify them according to Nedjalkov’s typology and compare Basque resultatives with... more
The paper deals with verbal aspect in standard Lithuanian with reference to dialectal and areal data. The traditional view that Lithuanian possesses a binary category of aspect is rejected, since no strictly grammatical (morphosyntactic)... more
This Ph.D. dissertation addresses possible bilingualism effects on speakers’ linguistic processing and representation through a psycholinguistic methodology. Our primary focus is the analysis of how bilingualism can influence bilinguals’... more
(Cet article, soumis initialement en 2010, est à la base de la recherche ayant abouti à notre thèse doctorale "Résultatif, diathèse et possession en basque, vieux perse et élamite". Certaines des vues exprimées ici sont donc dans un état... more
"The purpose of our research is to analyze the processual and the resultative reading of verbal nouns (gerundia) in Polish and to compare them with the corresponding standard derivational forms. Our research is based primarily on the... more
En este trabajo se indaga sobre la estructura argumental de los verbos pronominales en español y en neerlandés, y se explica la variación interlingüística y la pseudo-opcionalidad de la partícula pronominal recurriendo a fenómenos de... more
Resultative constructions are defined according to the St. Petersburg school of typology. In Slavic, there are three main types of resultatives, the subject resultative, the object resultative and the possessive resultative. Subject... more
This paper sets out to address the Spanish so-called aspectual se that appears with consumption verbs like “leer-leerse” (read) as in “Juan se leyó un libro” vs. “Juan leyó un libro”. These verbs have agentive subjects, and select... more
Presented paper focuses on regularity of narrowing semantic shift, that goes for resultative nouns as is to find in evolution of some Indo-European languages. Lexical base for this observation consists of words denoting 'shield' and as... more
Resultative forms are verb forms expressing the state resulting from a previous action. Depending on the specificities of a language’s verbal system one may construe resultative as a verbal aspect in opposition to a processive aspect.... more
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit einer seit längerem bekannten, bisher aber nur partiell beschriebenen Verbalkategorie des Tschechischen, den Resultativkonstruktionen. Im Zentrum stehen die Verbindungen aus mít (‚haben‘) und... more
The uses of the Akkadian ‘Stative’ and of the Egyptian ‘Pseudoparticiple’ are compared in order to assess the relevance of their historical relationship to a better understanding of the Egyptian form. The a priori assumption that they... more
This work revolves around a very peculiar set of Spanish verbs (‘caer[se]’, ‘morir[se]’, ‘tropezar[se]’ and ‘encallar[se]’), which optionally allow the clitic ‘se’ without any significant change of meaning. These verbs do not enter the... more
Basic constructions (non resultative)
The English resultative construction is a secondary predication relationship in which the main verbal predicate is affected by the existence of a resultant state.
Наша статья посвящена конструкциям типа Он только пришел / Он только-только пришел / Он только что пришел и их взаимодействию с результативной семантикой. Основной вопрос, который ставится в статье, состоит в том, обязательно ли из... more
Excerpt from the dissertation, summary in French
Excerpt from the dissertation, in English
This paper studies some of the less-studied constructions in Persian in which a dependent describes a participant in a clause. The participants which are described or attributed a feature are normally subject and object, but sometimes... more
Slovesný rod a rezultatíva sú dve úzko spojené gramatické kategórie, v ktorých západoslovanské jazyky vykazujú už stáročia výsledky jazykového kontaktu, najmä s nemčinou. V článku sa tieto javy súhrnne prezentujú, usporadúvajú sa podľa... more
Resumo: O presente artigo relata os resultados de uma tarefa de julgamento de aceitabilidade realizada através do paradigma da estimativa de magnitude. Mais especificamente, investiga-se o comportamento de bilíngues do par linguístico... more
In this study, we propose a syntactic structure for Chinese Causative Resultative V-Vs (CR V-Vs), which are also known as “resultative verb compounds”, in the attempt to account for the semantic ambiguity phenomenon observed in some... more
Postupně nakvétají hlavní druhy ovoce, jen nejranější jsou již odkvetlé. Upozornění: v případě, kdy je oheň zažehlý, dvířka topeniště dosahují zvýšené teploty (internet). Kůži měla zčernalou a popraskanou, oči a nos strávily plameny. Byli... more
A note on the possible origin of the various uses of the past participle in Classical Armenian
RESUMO: Estudos recentes vêm demonstrando que as representações linguísticas de falantes bilíngues são sucetíveis a influências translinguísticas. Neste artigo, abordamos tal questão analisando como bilíngues do par linguístico português... more
This paper investigates the English way-construction and the English fake reflexive resultative construction to determine what aspects of each construction should be included in a grammatical model. It details a model which reflects... more
In this textbook on lexical-functional grammar (LFG), Falk addresses students already familiar with elementary generative syntactic theory (including transformational theory) and wishes 'to motivate the concepts and formalisms of LFG... more
The Chinese Causative Resultative V-V, also referred to as "resultative verb compound", is a construction that expresses caused-result meanings. A prominent feature of this construction exists in its word order: the cause-denoting V and... more
Há tempos a construção resultativa é objeto de investigação em diferentes línguas. Uma pergunta natural, a partir da perspectiva gerativista, é se essas estruturas estão ligadas ao Parâmetro de Composição (PC). No presente trabalho,... more