Roman Onomastics
Recent papers in Roman Onomastics
The close link between an academic subject and the milestone of Christianity turns out to be the starting point of a long research through the meanders of names, a deep reflection upon the meaning of each singular name into both the Old... more
Edition de trois inscriptions inédites de la cité de Volsinii (Etrurie méridionale) : un hommage à Faustine ; une épitaphe mentionnant la gens Aufidena ; un hommage à C. Rufius Marcellinus, enfant clarissime
Son frecuentes los apellidos que contienen nombres geográficos. Por lo general, han de entenderse como localizadores de algún antepasado, identificado por el nombre de una población o paraje al que estaba vinculado por origen o... more
Resumen: El objetivo del artículo es conocer la población de la colonia de Norba, provincia de Lusitania, a través del análisis de su onomástica. La constitución del corpus de nomenclaturas y de antropónimos permitirá estudiar la... more
Berni Millet, P. (2019). "Calendar graffiti on Dressel 20 amphorae. Asiaticus: another paradigmatic case with a new find from Brijuni". Amphora Research in Castrum Villa on Brijuni Island. Bezeczky Tamás (ed.). Archäologische Forschungen,... more
Ancora oggi è forte la tentazione di collegare il nome di Genzano di Roma al toponimo Cynthianum che deriverebbe da Cynthia, epiteto della grande dea del bosco aricino, contiguo alla cittadina laziale. Tale suggestione risale assai... more
The "Dictionnaire des thèmes nominaux du gaulois - A Dictionary of Gaulish Nominal Stems. Vol. I Ab-/Iχs(o)-", Editions Les Cent Chemins, Paris 2019, 398 pp., 39€, is available at Amazon :... more
Two Greek inscriptions found at Mc'xet'a in Georgia shed light on a woman named Beurazouria, married to a chief painter, Aurēlios Acholis or Acholios, contemporary of his colleague Achilles. These characters from the Ancient Iberian... more
Il volume raccoglie 281 iscrizioni funerarie inedite, di età pagana, provenienti dalle necropoli di Ammaedara e del suo territorio. Il capitolo fornisce una rassegna dell'onomastica Ammaedarensis e la confronta con quella dell'impero e... more
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A book about Greeks and Italians at Ephesus. Read the abstract on PDF. From 18th August 2016 on.
The purpose of this paper is to present several avenues of reflection linked first to the onomastics of the African episcopate of the Byzantine period, then to its development. A quick overview of the most typical characteristics of... more
The paper publishes five official inscriptions from Herakleia on the Strymon / Heraclea Sintica found during recent excavations of the city: 1) dedication of an agoranomion, measuring instruments and a statue of Hermes to Emperor Tiberius... more
Una amplia bibliografía une el topónimo Treviño a la existencia de un ‘punto trifinio’ de época prerromana, atribuyéndole consecuencias etnolingüísticas de hondo calado. Creemos poder rebatir este supuesto con pruebas de que el término... more
In 106 CE Decebalus, the last Dacian ruler, lost his life in the final war against Rome. A vile trophy, Decebalus’ severed head, was displayed in Rome, and the land of the Dacians became a Roman province for the next 170 years. One of... more
Mbledhjen e materialit toponimik e kam bërë gjatë kohës së shërbimit në Entin e Përparimit të Arsimit dhe Edukimit Parashkollor dhe Fillor të Qytetit të Shkupit. Si këshilltar pëdagogjik e kisha mundësinë të vizitoj çdo pikë të këtij... more
Prvenstveni cilj ovog istraživanja je ustanoviti mogućnosti koje pružaju imenski obrasci za upoznavanje osobnih statusa, prije svega onoga građanskoga, a zatim i ispitati postoji li ikakva korelacija između društvenog i građansko-pravnog... more
One of the major duties performed by the censors of the Roman Republic was that of the lectio senatus, the enrolment of the Senate. As part of this process they were able to expel from that body anyone whom they deemed unequal to the... more
It is known many educational, intellectual and cultural societies were found in Anatolia and in Thrace during the reign of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. Ther were nearly thirty societies just in Istanbul in 1870s Ὁ Ἑν... more
As a result of the epigraphic studies carried out since 2007 in the “Karadeniz Ereğli Museum”, numerous Greek and Latin inscriptions from the Roman and Byzantine periods have been recorded and added to the literature. The inscriptions are... more
Subversive or critical views of Roman emperors voiced by contemporaries while the emperor was in power are difficult to find. What did the population really think of their ruler? Some scattered references prove that discontent could... more
This paper is part of a master’s thesis research about the significance and the expressive value of the Šempeter necropolis in this day and age. The monuments belonged to renowned families of the former Noricum leading part of the Celtic... more
The article analyses the nature of the relation of the Late Roman cavalry formation, equites Dalmatae, to the inhabitants of Dalmatia mentioned in its name. The answer is reached through a critical review of the circumstances of the... more
The article gives an onomastical analysis of twenty-four inscritpions found in or in the vicinity of Koper,all of which are already published in the relevant corpora of Latin texts. Origin of the people mentionedin the inscriptions... more
Toponímia e (i)migração no Norte de Mato Grosso: os antropônimos em nomes de fazenda em Sorriso – MT In: DIVERSIDADE E VARIAÇÃO LINGUÍSTICA EM MATO GROSSO /ORGANIZADORES: NEUSA INÊS PHILIPPSEN; JOSÉ LEONILDO LIMA. – CÁCERES: EDITORA... more
Je remercie mes collègues J.-M. Demarolle, pour Metz, et M. Martens, pour Tirlemont, qui m'ont fait connaître des noms inédits et m'ont aimablement permis d'en faire état dans cette recherche.
The paper is devoted to one ostracon from Masada. It offers a new interpretation of the name that was part of the so-called “Lots” and suggests that it derives from Greek. This reading positions the ostracon as part of a large group of... more
Si la bibliographie sur le sujet est très importante, notamment du point de vue philologique, il manque une synthèse générale réalisée à partir d'un recensement exhaustif de toutes les nomenclatures personnelles 1 . Nous avons donc... more
Pour apprécier la romanisation d'une région de l'Empire romain sur deux plans, institutionnel et culturel, autrement dit déterminer le statut civique des personnes et évaluer la latinisation et l'usage des langues indigènes, l'étude de... more
Antički epigrafski spomenici se bez sumnje trebaju sa većom pažnjom tretirati kao dio kulturno - historijskog naslijeđe Bosne i Hercegovine. Oni nemaju nikakvu nacionalnu konotaciju u današnjem smislu riječi, ali potvrđuju kontinuitet... more
The article relies on the case study of the equites Dalmatae to analyse the relationships between Late Roman military unit naming conventions and the recruitment patterns of the era. Of special importance is the question of the extent to... more
This paper investigates the use of maternal names in the Roman world, in particular cases where the maternal nomenclature was deliberately preferred over the paternal one. In the typical scenario Roman children, as a rule, would... more
This article examines children's cognomina in the inscriptions of Roman Hispania that are derived from the name of the mother. Seven naming patterns are identified and documented with epigraphic examples. These include names that are... more
Arctos welcomes submissions dealing with any aspect of classical antiquity, and the reception of ancient cultures in mediaeval times and beyond. Arctos presents research articles and short notes in the fields of Greek and Latin languages,... more
The signum Lactantius of the church father and early Christian apologist Lucius Caecilius Firmianus (ca. 250-ca. 320), advisor to Constantine I, then later tutor of his son Crispus, seems at first glance overtly Latinate. Although the... more
Le pourcentage des Aurelii dans les documents postérieurs à 212 p.C. est plus important dans les régions où la progression de la romanisation était moindre et dans les zones rurales. Parmi les nouveaux citoyens, peu portent le praenomen... more
Resumen: estudio de las ciudades romanas de la actual provincia de Palencia, atendiendo a su identificación, sociedad y religión. Se presta especial atención a los elementos constitutivos del sistema romano o “Romanización” implantados en... more