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A discussion of space-time and causality is presented within a relativistic framework but with a consideration of quantum physics, from both a philosophical and physical perspective, in response to " On the Feasibility of Time Travel and... more
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      Quantum PhysicsPhilosophyRelativitySpirituality
Have we finally found a way to bring together gravity and quantum mechanics in a unified theory? This article looks at the latest research against the backdrop of historical physics experiments, some re-visited with our latest technology.
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum GravityFoundations of Quantum MechanicsGeneral Relativity
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceGeneral RelativityRelativistic cosmology
The basic characteristics of space-time as a requisite dualistic condition of creation has been explicated. It is emphasized that space and time represent a set of conjugate phenomena that are symbiotic in nature in a sense that one... more
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      Space and Time (Philosophy)Space-timeCosmosSpace and time
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      Medieval LiteratureGeneral RelativityMedieval Latin LiteratureScience and Religion
The golden ring to which most physicists aspire is a unified field theory that incorporates all of modern and classical physics. Some scientists and others call this a TOE or ‘theory of everything’, but it is no more than false hubris to... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsGeometry And TopologyAlgebraic GeometryNon Euclidean Geometry
In questa sede si vuole trattare i temi di incertezza e irrazionalità nel contesto economico attraverso un approccio comparativo della teoria economica ortodossa - basata sulle assunzioni neoclassiche di razionalità e conoscenza perfetta... more
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      Reasoning about UncertaintySystems TheoryEntropySpace-time
“The general theory of relativity is regarded as the greatest intellectual achievement of any one person,” (Glendenning 2007), and 2015 will be the centenary of its publication. In part 1 of this report we explored the origins of the... more
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      General RelativityAlbert EinsteinGeneral Theory of RelativitySpace-time
An overview of the mechanics of MerKaBa with direct reference to the author’s space-time theory/model of nested spherical dimensions of cosmos is presented. It is emphasized that the spherical dimensional edifice of cosmos may be... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsSpace SciencesQuantum TeleportationConsciousness (Psychology)
In this paper I challenge the obsession of many Anglophone human geographers with time-space and space-time. While acknowledging that spacing and timing are important dimensions of the unfolding of many events, I question the logic of... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographySpace and PlaceAnthropology of space
Psychedelics, time and space-time. Chaired symposium. Breaking Convention: Multidisciplinary Conference of Psychedelic Consciousness, University of Greenwich, London, 12th-14th July, 2013. Videos: more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceParapsychology
The following short essay is the result of a response to a question on Facebook and many others before that who simply inquired as to  “What is Black Goo?”
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      GeneticsPsychologyCognitive PsychologyEvolutionary Psychology
An Overview of what has been referred to as "Seven Higher Heaven" in Metaphysics, and what The Book of Urantia refers to as "Superuniverses" has been explicated. It is elucidated that the first (outer) 84 dimensions of Cosmos provide the... more
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      Constitutive ModelingUniverseSpace-timeCosmos
Nearly three decades ago, a physical anomaly that should have shaken physics to its very foundations was observed: The galaxy rotation problem. The new concept of Cold Dark Matter was invoked to explain this anomaly. Alternative... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsCosmology (Physics)General Relativity
Contemporary geographical thought is constrained by a political economic imagination rooted in binarism, which is exemplified in debates surrounding neoliberalism. Neoliberal proponents call for decentralization and increased capital... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsHistory
Contemporary geographical thought is constrained by a political economic imagination rooted in binarism, which is exemplified in debates surrounding neoliberalism. Neoliberal proponents call for decentralization and increased capital... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsHistory
This paper explores the paranormal phenomena of ghosts, time slips, and other paranormal events. It will explain the end of reality point theory which explains such phenomena. A time slip is an event where a person or persons witnesses an... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsPhilosophyMetaphysics of TimeGhosts
Regarding the foundations of matter as energy fields in a fractal gearing structure can redefine the foundations of quantum physics in a unique new way, while remaining consistent with modern probabilisitic theories. Further, working... more
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      Fractal GeometryQuantum PhysicsQuantum GravityFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
The discussion of the Creation of Nebadon Universe and its universal structure is continued. It is explicated, herein, that clearly, with dissemination of the quanta of energy in the two conjugate-mirrored spaces or Worlds, that depending... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsSpace SciencesDark MatterMetaphysics of Time
The focus of this research study is on black South African women’s experiences of being science students, becoming graduates and professionals, and the ways in which they navigate institutional and disciplinary spaces that have... more
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      IntersectionalitySpace-timeImagined CommunitiesLife narratives
It is felt by many that faster-than-light particles (tachyons) exist though none has been detected so far. Is it really possible to detect these particles? Some methods are brought up.
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      MathematicsMathematical PhysicsComputer SciencePhysics
This article examines the process of constructing, repairing, and improvising “human–signal assemblages” by drawing on in-depth interviews and virtual ethnography regarding the engineering of Wi-Fi connectivity in Taipei, Taiwan. It is... more
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      Taiwan StudiesSTS (Anthropology)Sociology of Everyday LifeOpen Innovation
Contemporary society seems obsessed with time, yet current debates on temporality have rarely taken its history into account. Given that the twentieth century was characterized by frequent ruptures and numerous supersessions of competing... more
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      Contemporary HistoryRhythmTime UsePhilosophy of Time
Modern physics is based on two paradigms that emerged from the Second Scientific Revolution - relativity and the quantum. Since their inception these two theoretical giants have advanced science and society far beyond anything that their... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsCosmology (Physics)
Consciousness is that omnipotent source of energy behind the Prime Creator, the progenitor of our consciousness and the chief architect of our programs of reality that affords our life experiences. And, the way that consciousness... more
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      Metaphysics of TimeTime-ConsciousnessConsciousnessPhilosophy of Time
Over its 4.6 billion year history, the time-dependent behavior of planet Earth, from the origin and emergence of life to the explosive globalization of human culture going on today, shows the progressive and accelerating production of... more
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      Self-OrganizationEvolutionSpace-timeNon-equilibrium thermodynamics
The intermediate stage of the development of general relativity is inseparable of Marcel Grossmann's mathematical assistance. Einstein acknowledges Grossmann's help during 1912-1914 to the development of general relativity. In fact, as... more
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      General RelativityAlbert EinsteinGeneral Theory of RelativitySpace-time
We consider the Universe deep inside the cell of uniformity. At these scales, the Universe is filled with inhomogeneously distributed discrete structures (galaxies, groups and clusters of galaxies), which perturb the background Friedmann... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsGeometry And TopologyPhysicsTheoretical Physics
Conventional accessibility measures based on the notion of locational proximity ignore the role of complex travel behavior and space-time constraints in determining individual accessibility. As these factors are especially significant in... more
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      Spatial AnalysisAccessibilityWomen and Gender StudiesSpace-time
We present a new covariant approach to the quantum mechanics of a charged 1/2-spin particle in given electromagnetic and gravitational fields. The background space is assumed to be a curved Galileian spacetime, that is a curved spacetime... more
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      Newtonian DynamicsGalileo GalileiGeometric QuantizationSpace-time
A brief explanation of the development of the continuous concept of matter, as represented by the general theory of relativity and the unified field theory, is offered, as opposed to the discrete theory of matter represented by quantum... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum Physics
This presentation summarizes and explains in detail the concepts covered by the related paper.

The English version of them both is still to be updated.
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      Information ScienceEntropySpace-timeReducing market failures arising from information asymmetries and risk
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      Transportation StudiesUrban PlanningUrban StudiesSpace and Time (Philosophy)
Generalized Space Time Autoregressive (GSTAR) models are generalization of the Space Time Autoregressive (STAR) models which has the data characteristics of time series and location linkages (space-time). GSTAR is more flexible when faced... more
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      ForecastingTime series analysisSpace-timeTime Series Analysis and Forecasting
It is explicated that by virtue of the essential characteristic of creation that is based upon a dualistic or conjugate principle, a fundamental law, referred to as the 'Essential Law of Spatial Cohabitation,' must exist necessitating the... more
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      Quantum PhysicsSpace SciencesQuantum MechanicsPhilosophy of Quantum Mechanics
A discussion of the mechanics of cosmos with direct reference to the first 12 dimensions of physicality pertinent to our Nebadon Universe, and in particular, to the particle-antiparticle mechanics of matter and antimatter has been... more
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      Quantum PhysicsHuman EvolutionHumanitiesHuman Genetics
William Kingdon Clifford is famous for statements that he made in 1870 to the effect that matter is nothing but ripples, hills and bumps of space curved in a higher dimension and the motion of matter is nothing more than variations in... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyMathematical PhysicsNon Euclidean GeometryPhysics
This article deals with the passage of German Jews to Palestine between 1933 and 1938 and concentrates on the ship passage itself. I focus on the stories, descriptions and reflections of the travelers that can be found in diaries,... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesGerman StudiesJewish Studies
A summary account of creation of the cosmos and the nature of dimensional consciousness has been presented. It is explicated that consciousness is disseminated via light through the advent of space-time. In this respect, time epitomizes... more
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      Space SciencesSpace and Time (Philosophy)Space-timeCosmos
Technology is usually understood as a means to substitute the body or even to outperform it. Contrary to that, I propose that technology is not only an ersatz-body, but also functions as a substitute of communication. Within this... more
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      CommunicationDigital CultureSpacescience and technology studies (STS)
Space is so vast that reaching any star system from Earth will not be attainable in a reasonable amount of time. Even with unconventional continuous propulsion systems such as the Alcubierre Drive or EmDrive, the duration of deep space... more
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      Big BangSpace-timeVoidFaster Than Light Travel
Dans un contexte caractérisé par la volonté d’accroître la responsabilisation individuelle des salariés dans l’acquisition et le maintien de leurs compétences professionnelles, l’utilisation du numérique apparaît aux yeux de certains... more
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We investigate a point-like massive source in non-linear f(R) theories in the case of arbitrary number of spatial dimensions D\geq 3. If D>3 then extra dimensions undergo toroidal compactification. We consider a weak-field approximation... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsField TheoryGeometry And TopologyPhysics
In L’Art et le temps: Regards sur la quatrième dimension, 195-205. Exhibition catalog, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 22 November 1984-20 January 1985. Also published in German in Zeit: Die vierte Dimension in der Kunst, 195-205.... more
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      Space-timeTheory of RelativityFourth DimensionTheo van Doesburg
Este texto estudia las nuevas ideas de la física representadas en el arte. Einstein revolucionó las ciencias a principios del siglo XX; y hoy sus ideas sobre el espacio-tiempo se han asentado y confirmado en el día a día. Las relaciones... more
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It is emphasized that the concept of space existing as a single independent manifestation is illusory as space, essentially, represents the congealment of time. And, time is the very phenomenon by which consciousness as well as creation... more
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      Quantum PhysicsCosmology (Physics)Quantum CosmologyQuantum Mechanics
In this paper it will be proved conclusively that aside, from issues with meeting energy requirements demanded by Einstein's General Relativity and other issues to create a time machine using rotating ring lasers (topics already covered... more
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      Quantum PhysicsTechnological InnovationSpace and Time (Philosophy)Time Travel
During the complete oxidation of fatty acids, the electrons removed from fatty acids in different forms (FADH2 and NADH2) pass through the respiratory chain, driving the ATP synthesis. Generally, the ATP yield due to the complete... more
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      Space and PlaceMotion AnalysisPhilosophy of TimeSpace and Time (Philosophy)
An account of different laws pertaining to the operation of the cosmos has been explicated. These include the ESSENTIAL LAW OF SPATIAL COHABITATION as well as the COSMOLOGICAL LAW OF ENTANGLEMENT OF THE CONJUGATE OR MIRRORED DIMENSIONAL... more
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      Quantum PhysicsConsciousness (Psychology)Metaphysics of ConsciousnessConsciousness