Spelling Mistakes
Recent papers in Spelling Mistakes
A spelling error detection and correction application is typically based on three main components: a dictionary (or reference word list), an error model and a language model. While most of the attention in the literature has been directed... more
This paper focuses on three language systems: the Greek, the English and the German languages, which we will examine as to their transparency. This contrastive analysis was undertaken in the context of my doctoral research with the... more
This article examines the alternative English spelling practices of a student who is considered to be a long-term English learner. It draws on a theoretical framework that integrates a social perspective on spelling with a rejection of... more
В данной работе рассматривается развитие систем автоматического обнаружения и исправления опечаток и требования к таким системам на разных исторических этапах развития. Несмотря на то, что с 1960-х гг. качество исправления неуклонно... more
This study is an analysis of the spelling errors made by EFL students of English language in one of the Jordanian universities, Tafila Technical University (TTU). It aims at identifying the types of errors students at TTU make in spelling... more
If solving a riddle involves returning the obscured referent to a state of clarity, then what are we to do when we encounter in the margin of Aldhelm of Malmesbury’s Aenigma 100 a scribe’s solution that looks like this: ut hkskdkxt? Such... more
I intend to try to say something about category mistakes by considering a theory of metaphor. In this I follow precedent (Magidor 2013, 2017). The focus will be on John Searle’s (1979a) paper on metaphor. However, there will be an... more
Spelling error corpora can be collected from students’ written essays, homework, dictations, translations, tests and lecture notes. Spelling errors can be classified into whole word errors, faulty graphemes and faulty phonemes in which... more
A spelling error detection and correction application is typically based on three main components: a dictionary (or reference word list), an error model and a language model. While most of the attention in the literature has been directed... more
Arabic language is strongly structured and considered as one of the most highly inflected and derivational languages. Learning Arabic morphology is a basic step for language learners to develop language skills such as listening, speaking,... more
A multiple choice spelling game
A multiple choice spelling game
Arabic is a language of rich and complex morphology. The nature and peculiarity of Arabic make its morphological and phonological rules confusing for second language learners (SLLs). The conjugation of Arabic verbs is central to the... more
The aim of the current study was investigating EFL learners' perceptions of using automatic spelling correction software for learning English spelling among male and female EFL learners. 91 university students (female=42, male=49) of... more
Resumo: Este artigo trata de hipersegmentações de palavras que se caracterizam por emprego não convencional de uma fronteira gráfica (por meio de branco ou hífen) dentro dos limites de palavra, como " em bora " , " chama-da ". Em estudo... more
We’re all familiar with abbreviations in written English and other European languages—taking for granted such common conventions as Dr. (for Doctor) and POTUS (for President of the United States). These conventions are inherited from the... more
Flor M. (2012). Four types of context for automatic spelling correction. Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL), 53:3, 61-99. This paper presents an investigation on using four types of contextual information for improving the accuracy... more
Spelling is a complex cognitive activity in which several mental processes are involved. Learning to spell English as a second language involves the correct association of spoken sounds (phonemes) and written symbols (graphemes). The... more
The definition of orthography The orthographic system The phonological system L2 English phonology acquisation and the bias of orthography Conclusion The English word « orthography » dates from the 15th century. It comes from... more
This paper describes the development of an intelligent computer-assisted language learning (ICALL) system for learning Arabic. This system could be used for learning Arabic by students at primary schools or by learners of Arabic as a... more
Whole-word frequency effects are shown to exist in what appears to be a completely regular system, the spelling of prefix-final /z/ in Russian. Russian prefixes that underlyingly end in /z/ (roz-, bez-, iz-) end in [s] on the surface when... more
Abstract: The article examines Polish translations of the Derridian term différance. Polish philosophical discourse uses the following renditions of différance: róż (ni (c) oś) ć by Bogdan Banasiak, różNICa by Tadeusz Sławek,... more
This study aimed at investigating the impact of using spelling strategies on writing performance among intermediate EFL learners in Iran. To this end, 40 intermediate female students aged between 15 to 25 were selected in Khorram Abad,... more
This brief article looks at Tolkien's usage of the plural 'dwarves' in place of older 'dwarfs', and compares the dwarves of Tolkien's fantasy with the dwarfs of Scandinavian mythology.
Ambiguity is a major issue in any NLP application that occurs when multiple interpretations of the same language phenomenon are produced. Given the complexity of the Arabic morphological system, it is difficult to determine what the... more
This paper addresses the development of an automated lexical error diagnosis system, which helps Arabic second language learners to learn well-formed weak verbs. The learners are encouraged to produce input freely in various situations... more
У статті зібрано і проаналізовано польськомовні інскрипції з помилками різного характеру (мовні, технічні, змістові), що присутні у культурному середовищі сучасного Львова. Зроблено припущення з приводу їх виникнення та запропоновано... more
Spelling is a basic skill as well as means of acquiring knowledge over the school years. Furthermore, it is a complex cognitive process, which can be challenging for learners with specific learning difficulties (dyslexia) in their mother... more
Dada la importancia que tienen los medios de comunicación en la sociedad actual, el correcto uso del lenguaje debería ser parte de su compromiso cultural con los ciudadanos a los que se dirigen. En este sentido, este artículo pretende... more
A spelling error detection and correction application is based on three main components: a dictionary (or reference word list), an error model and a language model. While most of the attention in the literature has been directed to the... more
Spelling correction has attracted a lot of attention in the NLP community. However, models have been usually evaluated on artificially-created or proprietary corpora. A publicly-available corpus of authentic misspellings, annotated in... more
Thirty six EFL freshman students at the College of Languages and Translation, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia were given a dictation, a listening comprehension test and a decoding test. The purpose of the study was to find out... more
The paper provides a new analysis of the apostrophe in various languages which is less redundant and complies better with linguistic intuition than traditional definitions.The apostrophe does not mark theomissionof letters, as... more
How can anyone use NLP to correct poor spelling, difficult reading, and slow math?
Weekly spelling tests have been the staple of elementary education for the last 100 years. Here students memorize a list of words each week and then take a test on Friday. This is not very effective. Studying a list of words out of any... more