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This paper wants to demonstrate the not casual similarity between Plautus'Asinar-ia 205 and Terence's Andria 545 arguing for the possibility that Plautus'Asinaria 205 was interpolated. Diàbolo desidererebbe trascorrere un'altra notte... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman ComedyClassical philologyTerentius
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      Roman ComedyRoman theatreTerentius
Peer-review. Articoli e note inviati per la pubblicazione alla rivista sono sottoposti -nella forma del doppio anonimato -a peer-review di due esperti, di cui uno almeno esterno al Comitato Scientifico o alla Direzione. Nel secondo... more
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      Archaic Latin PoetryLatin ComedyRoman TheaterTerentius
Is literature inherent to our human condition?
What is the contemporary role of literature?
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El teatro es un proceso de comunicación que tiene como objeto al ser humano en todos los sentidos; pero el individuo no sólo sirve para dar sentido al teatro, sino que es su condición de posibilidad: nace en el creador de la obra... more
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Αντικείμενο του συγκεκριμένου άρθρου αποτελεί ένας από τους τυπικά επαναλαμβανόμενους χαρακτήρες της Νέας Κωμωδίας και της Ρωμαϊκής fabula palliata, ο adulescens amans, του οποίου η δράση κινητροδοτείται από τον έρωτά του για μια mulier,... more
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      Roman DramaRoman ComedyAncient Greek and Roman TheatreTerentius
In intere epoche della storia culturale d'Occidente è stato più famoso e letto di Plauto; ha avuto molto presto la ventura di diventare un testo scolastico; le sue commedie hanno continuato a circolare anche nel Medioevo e la sua pièce... more
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      Roman ComedyRoman theatreTerentiusPublius Terentius Afer
Terentiu, Eunucul. Phormio.
Seneca, Medeea. Octavia
În românește de Nicolae Teică și Ion Acsan.
Prefață și note de Eugen Cizek
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      Latin LiteratureSenecaLatin Literature (in Classics) - SenecaTerence
Hecyra est huic nomen fabulae. haec quom datast / nova, novom intervenit vitium et calamitas / ut neque spectari neque cognosci potuerit: / ita populu' studio stupidus in funambulo / animum occuparat. nunc haec planest pro nova, / et is... more
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      PragmaticsPerformance StudiesTextual CriticismRoman Comedy
Free Novel Daun Yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin - Tere Liye
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    • Terentius
1. La scena d'apertura della commedia terenziana è ben nota: si tratta di un dialogo fra due senes, Menedemo e Cremete; quest'ultimo osserva con un misto di curiosità e pena il suo vicino mentre senza risparmio e senza apparente motivo si... more
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      Roman DramaRoman ComedyTerenceTerentius
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich im weitesten Sinne mit dem Verhältnis zwischen einem Text, seinen Lesern und deren Kritikern. Ihr Gegenstand sind Anspielungen auf zeitgeschichtliche Ereignisse in antiken literarischen Texten und die... more
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      Latin LiteratureAristophanesLucanHorace
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      Roman DramaRoman ComedyTerenceTerentius
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      Renaissance StudiesHumanismLeon Battista AlbertiTerence
Prove tecniche di recitazione in Terenzio.
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      TerenceTerentiusTerence and roman comedy
This article proposes a new interpretation of the Ep. IX 12 of Pliny the Younger. In the middle of the text we find a reference to ll. 101-110 of Terence's Adelphoe, while the concluding sentence (et hominem esse te et hominis patrem)... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTeacher EducationIntertextuality
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      Roman ComedyCiceroPlautusTerentius
Come per altri autori classici, Petrarca occupa una posizione privilegiata nella storia del testo di Terenzio: partendo da esemplari notevolmente più corretti di quelli circolanti all’epoca, portò a compimento una vera e propria edizione... more
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      Manuscript StudiesPetrarchTerentiusPetrarca
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTheatre StudiesLiterary Criticism
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureSenecaRoman Comedy
This paper aims to investigate the use of time-related features of talk in evoking (im)politeness in Roman Comedy. To this end, I use evidence from the scansion of the text to identify syllable shortenings and accumulations of heavy... more
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      Speech ProsodyLinguistic ImpolitenessProsody-Semantics/PragmaticsPoliteness theory
Αντικείμενο του συγκεκριμένου άρθρου αποτελεί ένας από τους τυπικά επαναλαμβανόμενους χαρακτήρες της Νέας Κωμωδίας και της Ρωμαϊκής fabula palliata, ο adulescens amans, του οποίου η δράση κινητροδοτείται από τον έρωτά του για μια mulier,... more
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      Roman DramaRoman ComedyAncient Greek and Roman TheatreTerentius
Recent years have seen an increase in sociolinguistic studies of the Latin language devoted to aspects and forms of politeness as part of general linguistic behaviour, and considerable progress has been made overall. One area, albeit... more
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      Linguistic PolitenessSociolinguisticsLatin linguisticsTerentius
The purpose of my paper is to illustrate the different female typologies which feature in the theatre of the mime of the Late Roman Republic, and especially in the plays of the famous mimographer Decimus Laberius, as these are exemplified... more
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      Gender StudiesRoman HistoryVergilGender and Sexuality Studies
TERENZIO, Le Commedie, edizione critica a cura di Franco Ranzato, traduzione italiana di Raffaele Cantarella, vol. 1: Andria e Heautontimorumenos (<< Classici greci e 1atini », 20), Milano, Istituto Editoria1e Italiano, s.d. (ma 1971),... more
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      Latin LiteratureLetteratura LatinaTerentiusTerenzio
What can Roman grammarians tell us about their language from a modern linguistic perspective? This book brings together scholars interested in Roman grammarians from a variety of areas, from manuscript research to modern sociolinguistics... more
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      PhonologyManuscript StudiesAncient GrammarPriscian
Un noto aneddoto su Elio Donato narrato da Gerolamo (in eccl. 1.9), in cui il maestro cita un verso del prologo dell’Eunuchus terenziano alla stregua di un proverbio, e un contemporaneo passo dell’Ars di Diomede grammatico (I 400.1 Keil)... more
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      ParemiologyTerentiusPublius Terentius AferHieronymus Stridonensis
This paper aims at showing the importance of early Latin theatre with respect to the Roman view of forms of monocratic power such as monarchy and tyranny. While Plautus provides us with fundamentally neutral or positive examples of... more
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      Roman HistoryEnniusAncient Greek and Roman TheatrePlautus
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      MetricsPlautusMetrics and ProsodyTerentius
The paper detects the events of the collation of the famous codex “Bembinus” of Terence (now Vat. lat. 3226) made by Angelo Poliziano in 1491 on the margins of an incunabulum conserved in Florence (BNC, BR 97) and acquired by Pier Vettori... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRenaissance StudiesTextual Criticism
Non sono numerose probabilmente le letterature nelle quali il genere principale è rappresentato dal dramma, nella letteratura ungherese, per esempio, il genere predominante è quello lirico. Affiancato, alla fine del XX secolo, dalla... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGreek TragedyTheatre StudiesReception Studies
This study strives for a discussion about metatheatrical references and their implication in Terence's first comedy Andria, of which we also aim to furnish the complete translation to Portuguese. About the Terentian treatment of the... more
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      IntertextualityRoman ComedyRereading and IntertextualityMetatheatre
El mito de dánae en el curioso impertinente: terencio, tiziano y cervantes La novela de El curioso impertinente, intercalada en la primera parte del Quijote, ha sido objeto de una gran atención y curiosidad críticas, hecho irónico si se... more
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      Roman DramaClassical MythologyCervantesTitian
Padova. Sono rigorosamente vietati la riproduzione, la traduzione, l'adattamento, anche parziale o per estratti, per qualsiasi uso e con qualsiasi mezzo effettuati, compresi la copia fotostatica, il microfilm, la memorizzazione... more
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      PetrarchTerentiusUmanesimo latino e tradizione dei classici tra sec. XIV e XVIPetrarca
This volume contains specialist essays dealing with key issues associated with the reception of Terence’s plays in the period between 400 and 1500 AD. Terence’s plays were cited very extensively by Late-Antique grammarians, and... more
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      Classical Reception StudiesAncient Greek and Roman TheatreTerentiusPublius Terentius Afer
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      ReflexivityRoman DramaTerenceTerentius
Based on a new and complete collation of manuscripts and ancient editions, this paper will discuss some stemmatic and textual problems concerning the "Excerpta de comoe-dia" attributed to Aelius Donatus.
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      Latin LiteratureRoman ComedyClassical philologyAncient Comedy
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      Latin LiteratureRoman ComedyLatin Literature (in Classics) - SenecaFragmentary dramas
Among the editions of Terence’s works published in the first decades of the printing press, those of Vindelinus de Spira are the ones which show a greater philological disposition, and, no doubt, the ones which offer the best text. These... more
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      PetrarchHistory of editingPrint Culture, Book History and the History of ReadingTerentius
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      ParemiologyTerentiusHrotsvitha of GandersheimHroswitha von Gandersheim (*935 – †ca. 973-1002 [?])
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      RethoricTerentiusLatin literature; Roman comedy; Terence
Various scholars have suggested that a version of what we now know as commentarii recentiores to Terence is the work of Remigius of Auxerre. The present study examines the two witnesses that have given rise to such attribution and, on the... more
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      Medieval LatinCommentary TraditionsTerenceTerentius
The entire corpus of medieval scholarship on Terence’s biography is marred by the mistake, already in Orosius’ work, which consists in taking the comedy playwright for the senator Terentius Culleo. Petrarch notices and corrects this... more
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      PetrarchVincent of BeauvaisTerentiusPetrarca
This article examines Hrotsvit of Gandersheim’s perceptions of her own authorship and especially how she responded to the literary conventions of her time. An analysis of her prologues reveals that the Saxon canoness was anxious not to... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval Latin LiteratureClassical Reception StudiesTerentius
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      Renaissance dramaPlautusLudovico AriostoItalian Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Spectacle
Medievalists and Renaissance specialists contribute to this compelling volume examining how and why the classics of Greek and Latin culture were taught in various Western European curricula (including in England, Scotland, France,Germany,... more
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      ErasmusRoman DramaRhetorics in the RenaissanceTerence
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      Latin LiteratureRoman DramaLate AntiquityRoman Comedy
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      ArtComedyRoman ComedyPlautus
Los estudios dedicados a la búsqueda de las huellas de la oralidad en lo escrito se han afanado en rastrear y describir fenómenos característicos de la inmediatez comunicativa en diferentes épocas y tradiciones discursivas. El trabajo que... more
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      Análisis del DiscursoPlautusGramática Histórica Del Español; Sintaxis HistóricaTerentius