Terminologia Prawa Handlowego
Recent papers in Terminologia Prawa Handlowego
The article discusses the basic terminology connected with formation and incorporation of companies limited by shares in the United Kingdom. The main focus is placed on the Memorandum of Association and changes in its prescribed content... more
The article discusses fundamental terminology and phraseology connected with company representation in Polish law and has two objectives. The first objective is to conduct a detailed analysis of the most salient terms, prokurent,... more
The article analyses the names of business entities formed under Polish, English and US law. Polish organizations are formed under commercial or civil law and are grouped in one semantic field spółka. English and US law makes a sharp... more
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki szczegółowej cząstkowej analizy terminograficznej słowników specjalistycznych z terminologią angielską i polską wydanych w Polsce w latach 1945-2013. Analiza została przeprowadzona pod kątem wybranych... more
The paper discusses major terminology connected with governing bodies in Polish, UK and US companies. The analysis is based on the Polish Code of Commercial Partnerships and Companies, the UK’s Companies Act 2006, and the US Revised Model... more
... prawa spolek przedstawiona. na lamach Lin-gua Legis nr 15 i 16 (Biel 2007, 2008), gdzie omowilam nazwy spolek oraz proces ich rejestracji, w niniejszym arlykule zajmc sic tcrminologia. zwiazana. z organami pol-skich, angielskich i... more
The article analyses the names of business entities formed under Polish, English and US law. Polish organizations are formed under commercial or civil law and are grouped in one semantic field spółka. English and US law makes a sharp...... more